Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
Article in The Commonwealth Fund
In the behavioral health workforce, there are three types of crucial health support personnel: clinical supporters, community care workers, and frontline workers. These personnel often do a lot with little due to limited resources and training. Crucial changes that could help reform the behavior health workforce could include fair pay, promoting diversity, better career opportunities, and removing obstacles.
These major reforms could not just grow but also strengthen the workforce that is crucial to tackle behavioral health challenges. Society at large has a responsibility to ensure that our behavioral health workers are supported, trained, and rewarded appropriately.
Here are our key takeaways from the article:
- Less than half of individuals suffering from mental health issues were able to receive timely help.
- The need to address the imbalance between the high demand for behavioral health services and the limited availability of trained providers.
- The significance of community care workers in offering behavioral health support in nonclinical settings.
- The challenges faced by frontline workers, such as law enforcement and teachers, who often provide behavioral health support without sufficient training.
- The necessity for improved guidance and oversight to ensure fair reimbursement for behavioral health services compared to medical and surgical services.
- The potential of public-private partnerships in reducing administrative burdens and aligning incentives for the behavioral health workforce.
- The importance of creating career advancement pathways, particularly for clinical supporters and community care workers.
- The value of incentives, like scholarships and loan forgiveness, to cultivate a diverse and representative workforce.
- The urgency in reviewing pay discrepancies and structural barriers that deter entry and retention in the behavioral health workforce.
- The need for comprehensive policy reform to bolster the support system for individuals managing behavioral health issues across varying environments.

Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
"Nearly half of all Americans will have a behavioral health issue in their lifetime, from a mood disorder to a substance use problem. Behavioral health care encompasses a wide variety of interventions delivered by many different types of providers. In the U.S., nearly all these providers are in short supply.
The scarcity of behavioral health professionals is undermining people's ability to get timely care. This is reinforced by historical underinvestment in behavioral health care by public insurance programs (like Medicaid and Medicare), private insurers, and employers - including lack of coverage and low reimbursement rates."
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