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Expanding Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Substance use disorder, particularly opioid use disorder (OUD), remains a pressing health crisis in the United States. Despite the availability of effective treatments like methadone and buprenorphine, access to these therapies is severely limited due to regulatory and systemic barriers in the US. ...
Addiction, CRAFT, Family, Support
Substance use disorder, particularly opioid use disorder (OUD), remains a pressing health crisis in the United States. Despite the availability of effective treatments like methadone and buprenorphine, access to these therapies is severely limited due to regulatory and systemic barriers in the US. Drawing insights from an existing article by Dr. Safina Adatia, this piece aims to explore ways to enhance OUD treatment accessibility, especially by learning from Canada's more inclusive approach. From Dr. Safina Adatia The current landscape of opioid use disorder treatment in the U.S. is restrictive and riddled with challenges that prevent adequate patient access to life-saving medications. Methadone, a gold-standard treatment, is subject to rigid prescribing regulations, limiting it to opioid treatment programs (OTPs) and specific healthcare providers. While buprenorphine is more accessible, the prevalence of fentanyl in the drug supply makes methadone a more viable option for many patients due to fewer severe side effects.In contrast, Canada has implemented a more flexible model that allows patients to obtain methadone from various healthcare providers, including primary care physicians and nurse practitioners. Additionally, refills via telehealth services and community pharmacies facilitate easier access. The result? Up to 85% of people with OUD in Vancouver have access to therapy, whereas only about 20% in the U.S. benefit from such treatments. Legislative efforts in the U.S., like the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act, aim to improve this situation but fall short of making significant changes. What We Can Conclude The data and observations provided by Dr. Adatia suggest that the U.S. urgently needs to modernize its approach to OUD treatment. The barriers in place not only prevent effective treatment but also perpetuate the stigma surrounding substance use disorders. By restricting methadone prescriptions to OTPs and limiting the range of healthcare providers who can prescribe it, the system effectively discourages those who are most in need of help. Policies that continue to separate OUD treatment from general healthcare contribute to a fragmented system that fails to address the chronic nature of substance addiction. Insights While legislative changes are crucial, a shift in the cultural and systemic approach to handling OUD is equally important. Clinicians and advocates must push for a healthcare model where addiction treatment is seen as part of general health care and not segregated. This holistic approach can lead to more resilient and inclusive healthcare systems capable of addressing the complexities of substance use disorders.In conclusion, exploring and adopting successful strategies from international models can significantly enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatments in the United States. By advocating for policy reform, supporting integrated care, leveraging telehealth, and working toward stigma reduction, healthcare providers can play a vital role in transforming OUD treatment paradigms and ultimately saving lives. Original ArticleFrom STAT News: "To get basic standard addiction treatment, Americans should move to Canada"By Safina Adatia on June 27, 2024 Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
What Is the CRAFT Approach to Substance Abuse Intervention?
The CRAFT approach to substance abuse intervention empowers families to support loved ones with substance use issues through positive reinforcement, without confrontation or shame. Developed by Robert J. Meyers and William R. Miller in the late 1970s, CRAFT helps families identify triggers, improve ...
Addiction, CRAFT, Family, Support
The CRAFT approach to substance abuse intervention empowers families to support loved ones with substance use issues through positive reinforcement, without confrontation or shame. Developed by Robert J. Meyers and William R. Miller in the late 1970s, CRAFT helps families identify triggers, improve communication, and use consistent positive reinforcement to encourage sobriety. Through trials and reviews, CRAFT has proven effective in motivating individuals to seek treatment, offering a tailored, evidence-based approach for families navigating substance use disorders. Here are 5 Things to Know 1. Positive Reinforcement Approach Embrace positive reinforcement over confrontation or shame when supporting a loved one with substance use issues. The CRAFT approach focuses on rewarding positive behaviors to guide behavior change with empathy and care. 2. Behavior Change through Reward Encourage behavior change by rewarding sobriety and control. CRAFT teaches significant others to reinforce positive behaviors, steering loved ones away from substance abuse without relying on traditional interventions. 3. Family Centered Support Prioritize family support without relying solely on confrontational interventions. CRAFT empowers family members to play an active role in guiding their loved ones toward sobriety through positive reinforcement and effective communication. 4. Training for Families Equip family members with effective strategies to address substance use problems. CRAFT provides training and resources to help families identify triggers, improve communication, and support treatment engagement for their loved ones. 5. Evidence Based Intervention Implement an evidence-based intervention to motivate treatment engagement. CRAFT has demonstrated effectiveness in encouraging individuals with substance use disorders to seek treatment, offering a supportive and structured approach for families navigating challenging circumstances. About Very Well MindOur mission is to help you prioritize your mental health and find balance. Here at Verywell Mind, we know that there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to mental health and wellness because we're living it every day with you. That's why we're the only dedicated mental health and wellness platform that's there for you in all aspects of your life-whether you're living with a mental health condition, managing day-to-day stressors, looking to level up your relationships, or tapping into fascinating psychology theories, we hope you'll leave feeling empowered to take the next steps toward showing up as your best self. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Addiction Treatment Programs Continue to Bypass the Family
The pivotal role of family support often remains overlooked or minimized in addiction treatment, despite its profound impact on an individual's recovery journey. Addiction programs frequently sideline family involvement, focusing primarily on the individual struggling with substance use. This ...
Addiction, CRAFT, Family, Support
The pivotal role of family support often remains overlooked or minimized in addiction treatment, despite its profound impact on an individual's recovery journey. Addiction programs frequently sideline family involvement, focusing primarily on the individual struggling with substance use. This article explores the reasons behind this neglect and the implications it holds for both individuals seeking treatment and their families. Programs often prioritize the individual struggling with addiction, which can lead to less focus on family members or caregivers. Limited resources, including funding and staffing constraints, may result in narrower services and deprioritization of family support programs. Some individuals in treatment prefer to keep their addiction private from family members due to stigma or privacy concerns, leading to limited family involvement by treatment programs. Additionally, professionals may lack training in family therapy, creating gaps in services tailored to family dynamics. Historical treatment models traditionally overlooked the impact on families but are gradually evolving. The Implications of Bypassing the Family 1. Increased Burden on the Family Families may experience heightened stress, anxiety, and uncertainty when they lack access to supportive resources. They may struggle to cope with the challenges of addiction on their own, leading to emotional and psychological strain. 2. Limited Understanding of Addiction Dynamics Without adequate education and support, families may have a limited understanding of addiction and its impact. This can perpetuate misunderstandings, stigma, and ineffective coping strategies within the family unit. 3. Risk of Relapse and Continued Dysfunction Family dynamics and unresolved issues can contribute to a higher risk of relapse for individuals in recovery. Without family-focused interventions, underlying dysfunction or triggers within the family may persist, hindering long-term recovery. 4.  Missed Opportunities for Healing & Growth Family support services offer opportunities for healing, communication, and growth within the family system. The underutilization of these services may prevent families from addressing underlying issues and rebuilding relationships. 5. Limited Holistic Approach to Recovery Recovery from addiction is often most effective when it involves a holistic approach that includes family support. Neglecting family involvement can result in a less comprehensive treatment plan that overlooks important factors contributing to addiction and recovery. 6. Impact on Children & Adolescents Families with children or adolescents affected by parental addiction may face unique challenges. The underutilization of family support services can negatively impact children's well-being and development, perpetuating intergenerational cycles of addiction. 7.  Reduced Long-Term Treatment Success Family involvement is associated with better treatment outcomes and long-term success in recovery. Without adequate family support, treatment programs may see lower rates of sustained sobriety and wellness among individuals seeking help. Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Pathroot Launches Six Learning Centers for Families Struggling with Addiction
Pathroot offers comprehensive resources in its six learning centers, curated from respected sources on addiction and recovery, substances, mental health challenges, family dynamics, wellness strategies, and treatment options. These centers provide invaluable, organized content designed to empower ...
Pathroot offers comprehensive resources in its six learning centers, curated from respected sources on addiction and recovery, substances, mental health challenges, family dynamics, wellness strategies, and treatment options. These centers provide invaluable, organized content designed to empower families navigating the complexities of addiction. By centralizing expert knowledge and practical insights, Pathroot's learning centers help families find clarity, strength, and effective strategies for recovery and well-being.  Pathroot Learning Centers Addiction & Recovery Learn the difference in substance misuse and addiction, how addiction affects the brain and leads to habitual substance use or behaviors despite negative outcomes. Explore the process of recovery, a long-term approach to regain physical, mental, and emotional health and stability.  Substances Spotlight Being informed about substances that can be abused is crucial for health and safety. Knowledge of risks, misuse signs, and long-term effects helps you make safer choices and seek help when needed. It also aids families in early identification and intervention, reducing the likelihood of addiction.  Family Dynamics Addressing family dynamics is crucial because addiction affects the entire family, not just the individual struggling with substance misuse. Healthy family dynamics foster a supportive environment, improve communication, and build trust, all of which are essential for sustained recovery. Wellness Strategies A comprehensive wellness plan often includes regular exercise, nutritious diet, mindfulness practices, and strong support systems, all of which contribute to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.   Learn how wellness strategies combat addiction, improve mental health and maintain a healthy body and mind. Treatment Options Explore treatment options for addiction, with detailed insights into different therapies, programs, and support systems. Discover the best paths to recovery, tailored to individual needs to help you make informed decisions about care. Learn about the types of treatment, medication assisted therapy and the recovery process. Mental Health Challenges Mental health challenges often go hand in hand with addiction because the underlying psychological issues can drive substance use as a coping mechanism, while addiction can exacerbate these mental health conditions, creating a vicious cycle.  Learn about the connection between mental health and addiction, common challenges people face and how to address them. PathrootPathroot is an online service  for families facing addiction.  It provides expert insights, personal guidance and community support needed to prevent or manage substance misuse in your family. Professionals, parents, couples, family members or anyone else that is struggling with an addicted loved one can join for free. Go to Pathroot Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
US Drug Overdose Deaths Declined in 2023 for First Time in 5 Years
At a Glance The CDC reported a 3.1% decrease in US drug overdose deaths in 2023, marking the first decline in five years. Despite this, over 100,000 fatalities occurred nationwide, with increases observed in 15 states and Washington, DC. Deaths from synthetic opioids and heroin declined, while ...
Mental Health
At a GlanceThe CDC reported a 3.1% decrease in US drug overdose deaths in 2023, marking the first decline in five years. Despite this, over 100,000 fatalities occurred nationwide, with increases observed in 15 states and Washington, DC. Deaths from synthetic opioids and heroin declined, while those related to methamphetamine and cocaine rose. Significant reductions were seen in Nebraska (25%) and Indiana (18%), but Alaska experienced a 44% increase. Synthetic opioids, particularly fentanyl, accounted for the majority of opioid-related deaths. The DEA emphasized a shift towards synthetic drugs trafficked by cartels, reflecting the severity of the ongoing drug crisis in the US. The Statistics 3.1%Decline in drug overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2023100K+Overdose deaths each year nationwide44%Increase in deaths in Alaska, the highest in the nation. 5 Key Takeaways Decrease in Overdose Deaths The CDC reported a 3.1% decline in drug overdose deaths in the US for 2023, marking the first decrease in five years. An estimated 107,543 people died from overdoses, down from 111,029 in 2022, indicating some progress in combating the epidemic. High National Death Toll Despite the overall decline, the death toll remains alarmingly high with over 100,000 fatalities nationwide. This underscores that the drug overdose crisis is still a major public health issue, with the CDC emphasizing the need for continued efforts to prevent overdose deaths. Regional Variances Significant regional differences were observed. States like Nebraska and Indiana saw reductions of 25% and 18%, respectively, while Alaska experienced a 44% increase, the highest in the country. This highlights the uneven progress and the need for targeted interventions in different areas. Shift in Drug Trends There was a decline in deaths from synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, and heroin, while fatalities related to methamphetamine and cocaine increased. This shift indicates changing patterns in drug use and the evolving nature of the overdose crisis. Mexican Cartels The DEA noted a significant increase in the trafficking of synthetic drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, largely driven by Mexican cartels. Seizures of fentanyl powder nearly doubled, and fentanyl pill seizures tripled from 2021 to 2023, illustrating the growing threat from synthetic, chemical-based drugs. About MedscapeMedscape is the leading online global destination for physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide, offering the latest medical news and expert perspectives; essential point-of-care drug and disease information; and relevant professional education and CME. Medscape membership is free and gives you unlimited access to the entire network of sites and services.Read the full article
What Does Having A “Real” Family Mean?
At a Glance Recent statistics show that 70%-80% of Americans consider their families dysfunctional, which impacts emotional and psychological well-being. Dysfunction can include violence, abuse, neglect, addiction, and poor boundaries, leading to unhealthy connections and shame. Family ...
Mental Health
At a GlanceRecent statistics show that 70%-80% of Americans consider their families dysfunctional, which impacts emotional and psychological well-being. Dysfunction can include violence, abuse, neglect, addiction, and poor boundaries, leading to unhealthy connections and shame. Family estrangement is common: 10% of mothers are estranged from an adult child, and 40% of people experience estrangement at some point. The rise in non-traditional family environments contributes to this issue. Healing involves understanding family dynamics, redefining family, and forming supportive relationships based on genuine love and respect. Breaking the cycle of dysfunction is essential for personal growth and establishing a healthy family unit, whether or not it's connected by blood. The Statistics >70%Americans that consider their families dysfunctional>10%Of mothers estranged from at least one adult child.40%People experiencing at least one family estrangement 5 Key Takeaways Prevalence of Dysfunction According to recent statistics, 70%-80% of Americans consider their families dysfunctional, which significantly impacts their emotional and psychological well-being. How Dysfunction Manifests Itself Family dysfunction can manifest in various forms, including violence, abuse, neglect, addiction, and poor boundaries, leading to unhealthy emotional connections and residual shame. Estrangement is Common Family estrangement is prevalent, with 10% of mothers estranged from at least one adult child and 40% of people experiencing estrangement at some point. The Impact of Non-Traditional Families The rise in non-traditional family environments contributes to the prevalence of family dysfunction, with many children growing up in households that differ from the traditional family structure. The Path to Healing Healing from a dysfunctional upbringing involves understanding family dynamics, redefining the concept of family, and forming supportive relationships based on genuine love and mutual respect, which is crucial for breaking the cycle of dysfunction and fostering personal growth. About ForbesForbes gives people the knowledge, resources, inspiration, and connections they need to achieve success. Read the full article
The Quality of Parent-Child Relationships in U.S. Families
At a Glance "There are few if any nationally representative surveys that collect information on parent-child relationship quality. Gallup’s work in this area is meant to provide baseline results to inform future research and better understanding about the circumstances and beliefs that drive ...
Mental Health
At a Glance"There are few if any nationally representative surveys that collect information on parent-child relationship quality. Gallup’s work in this area is meant to provide baseline results to inform future research and better understanding about the circumstances and beliefs that drive mental health and wellbeing. The findings on parent-child relationships, from Gallup’s 2023 Familial and Adolescent Health Survey, expand on recently published research that found social media use is high among U.S. teenagers and associated with poor mental health and less parental regulation of screen time. Another study in this series found that warm, disciplined parenting practices and high-quality parent-child relationships predict better mental health among teens." The Results from the Gallup Poll The Key Takeaway High-quality parent-child relationships are crucial for the well-being of both parties, significantly reducing children's risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts while promoting positive social development and long-term mental health. These benefits are consistent across race, ethnicity, income, and education levels. Conservative parents often exhibit stronger relationships with their children, possibly due to disciplined and structured parenting practices, such as limit-setting and consistent rule enforcement, which, when combined with parental warmth, support adolescent health and psychological development. Promoting these practices could benefit families and communities nationwide. About GallupWe are a global analytics and advisory firm. 3,900+organizations use our workplace performance platform. Grounded in our public opinion survey research expertise with 85+years of data collection experience.  Powered by our ability to ask the right questions with 99%of the world's population represented by the Gallup World PollRead the full article
The Modern American Family Key trends in marriage and family life
At a Glance "The American family has undergone significant change in recent decades. There is no longer one predominant family form, and Americans are experiencing family life in increasingly diverse ways." Explore the changes in the family as researched by the Pew Research Center ...
Mental Health
At a Glance"The American family has undergone significant change in recent decades. There is no longer one predominant family form, and Americans are experiencing family life in increasingly diverse ways."  Explore the changes in the family as researched by the Pew Research Center The Results from the Pew Research Center A Change in Family Structure In 1970, 67% of Americans ages 25 to 49 were living with their spouse and one or more children younger than 18.  Over the past decade that has share dropped to 37% Change in Marriage Status of adults An Increase in Interracial or Interethnic Marriages An Increase in Same Sex Marriages About Pew Research InstitutePew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.Read the full article
Mental Health Awareness Month - What do the numbers tell us?
During Mental Health Awareness Month, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of prioritizing mental health. This observance underscores the importance of raising awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting understanding of mental health challenges. By focusing on mental health, we can encourage ...
Addiction, CRAFT, Family, Support
During Mental Health Awareness Month, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of prioritizing mental health. This observance underscores the importance of raising awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting understanding of mental health challenges. By focusing on mental health, we can encourage open conversations, provide support, and advocate for accessible resources and treatment options. It is an opportunity to highlight the impact of mental health on individuals, families, and communities, emphasizing the need for proactive approaches to mental well-being throughout the year. Reasons Focusing on Mental Health is Important 1 in 5 US Adults will experience a mental health illness this year. 47% Only 47% of adults with mental illness seek treatment. 1 in 20 Adults who have their mental illness categorized as severe. 65.4% Adults with a severe mental illness seek and receive treatment. 50% Of lifetime mental illnesses begin at the age of 14. 75% Of lifetime mental illnesses begin at by the age of 24 90% Of Americans believe that there is a mental health crisis in America today. Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Future-Proofing Addiction Treatment Must Include Tech, Leadership, Care Continuum
The substance use disorder (SUD) industry has undergone significant transformations in response to technological advancements, evolving regulations, and emerging medications. Industry insiders emphasize the importance of future-proofing SUD providers by adapting to payer trends, leveraging ...
Addiction, Family, Support
The substance use disorder (SUD) industry has undergone significant transformations in response to technological advancements, evolving regulations, and emerging medications. Industry insiders emphasize the importance of future-proofing SUD providers by adapting to payer trends, leveraging technology, and continually updating treatment modalities. Caron Treatment Centers, for example, underscores the shift towards in-network care models, highlighting the need for a comprehensive continuum of care beyond traditional residential programs. In this evolving landscape, technology plays a pivotal role, with AI and machine learning poised to enhance behavioral health diagnoses and treatment experiences. However, the human element remains central, emphasizing the critical role of skilled leaders, clinicians, and peer support in navigating regulatory shifts and optimizing patient care. Continuous education and engagement with patients are vital for providers seeking to address the complex challenges posed by SUD while remaining mindful of potential pitfalls in this dynamic industry. Here are 5 Things to Know 1. Shift to In-Network Care The SUD industry has transitioned towards in-network care models, with most patients preferring to use their healthcare benefits for treatment, leading providers to adjust their business models accordingly. 2. Continuum of Care There is a growing emphasis on offering a full continuum of care beyond traditional 28-day residential programs, including outpatient and intensive outpatient programs (IOP), to better meet patient needs and enhance clinical management. 3. Technology Integration Advancements in AI and machine learning are expected to play a significant role in behavioral health, improving diagnostics and treatment experiences. However, the integration of technology presents challenges related to data security and trust. 4. Human Centered Approach Despite technological advancements, the success of SUD treatment depends heavily on skilled leaders, clinicians, and peer support. Providers must prioritize continuous education and adaptability to navigate regulatory changes effectively. 5. Focus on Patient Engagement Providers must stay connected with patients and adapt their approaches based on patient feedback and evolving trends to optimize treatment outcomes and address ongoing challenges posed by substance use disorders. About Behavioral Health BusinessBehavioral Health Business (BHB) is an independent source for breaking news and up-to-date information on the mental health and addiction recovery industry. We are focused on covering the trends, ideas, and people shaping the future of the industry. BHB is owned and operated by Chicago-based Aging Media Network.Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
The role of peer counselors in addiction recovery is more essential than ever
Minnesota faces a growing challenge in addiction recovery due to potent drugs like fentanyl and rising personal trauma. Traditional clinical interventions may not suffice, necessitating a more personalized approach. Peer recovery specialists, individuals with lived addiction experience, offer ...
Addiction, Family, Support
Minnesota faces a growing challenge in addiction recovery due to potent drugs like fentanyl and rising personal trauma. Traditional clinical interventions may not suffice, necessitating a more personalized approach. Peer recovery specialists, individuals with lived addiction experience, offer crucial support. However, proposed legislative changes threaten their effectiveness by imposing restrictive employment structures. Preserving the vital role of peer specialists is essential for instilling hope and resilience in those battling addiction. Policymakers must recognize and protect their invaluable contributions to safeguard recovery efforts. Here are 5 Things to Know 1. Complex Challenges in Recovery Minnesota is grappling with complex challenges in addiction recovery, including the potency of drugs like fentanyl and increasing levels of personal trauma. 2. Traditional Interventions Fall Short Traditional clinical interventions for substance use disorders (SUDs) may not adequately address the evolving landscape of addiction, necessitating a more holistic and personalized approach. 3. Peer Recovery Specialists are Effective Peer recovery specialists, individuals with firsthand experience in addiction and recovery, play a crucial role in providing unique and impactful support to those struggling with addiction. 4. Proposed Legislation May Be Disruptive Proposed legislative changes in Minnesota threaten to disrupt the vital contributions of peer recovery specialists by imposing restrictive employment structures, potentially undermining the effectiveness of recovery efforts. 5. Peer Specialists Must Be Preserved Preserving the essential role of peer specialists is imperative for instilling hope and fostering resilience among individuals battling addiction, highlighting the need for policymakers to recognize and protect their invaluable contributions. About Minn PostMinnPost is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces thoughtful, in-depth journalism about civic and cultural affairs impacting Minnesota. As a community-focused enterprise, we publish this coverage and make it available for free to readers through our website and offer free re-publication to partner organizations. Through our reporting, we take readers beyond the headlines and deep into the issues that matter through our public-service journalism, empowering them to engage in the politics and policy-making shaping Minnesota's future. MinnPost also includes commentary pieces from the community. MinnPost does not endorse candidates for office or publish unsigned editorials representing an institutional position. We encourage broad-ranging, civil discussion from many points of view.Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today Related articles Drug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024 Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in care Care and Compassion Over Tough Love
Denial as a Defense Mechanism
So, denial-according to Sigmund Freud-is when we ignore the tough stuff to deal with our feelings. You know, like avoiding talking about it, making excuses for our actions, or sticking to harmful habits even when they're messing things up. It's like a shield from all the stress, but sometimes, it ...
defense mechanism, Denial
So, denial-according to Sigmund Freud-is when we ignore the tough stuff to deal with our feelings. You know, like avoiding talking about it, making excuses for our actions, or sticking to harmful habits even when they're messing things up. It's like a shield from all the stress, but sometimes, it stops us from getting the help we need or facing what's really going on. Think denying a drinking problem or pretending a loved one isn't gone after they've passed. It might give us a breather, but it doesn't really help us fix things. Getting past it means digging deep, thinking about what's at stake, leaning on others for support, and maybe even chatting with a therapist or joining a support group. Denial: The Facts Denial is a defense mechanism described by Sigmund Freud. Signs of denial include avoiding discussions, justifying behaviors, and persisting in harmful actions despite consequences. Denial aims to protect oneself from anxiety but can hinder seeking necessary treatment or addressing underlying issues. Examples of denial range from substance abuse denial to refusing to accept the death of a loved one. While denial may offer temporary relief, it can impede effective problem-solving. Overcoming denial involves self-reflection, considering consequences, seeking support, and potentially therapy or support groups. For further reading on the psychological aspects of dealing with substance use disorders, particularly the role of denial as a defense mechanism in addiction, refer to this article which we drew upon for insights and the infographic:"Denial as a Defense Mechanism in Addiction." By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book." Learn ab About InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today Related articles Drug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024 Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in care Care and Compassion Over Tough Love
Supporting Families Through Addiction Act Reintroduced
Congressman Trone, the co-chair of the Bipartisan Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force, has reintroduced the "Supporting Families Through Addiction Act," proposing a $25 million grant program over five years. This initiative aims to provide essential support to families of ...
Addiction, Family, Support
Congressman Trone, the co-chair of the Bipartisan Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force, has reintroduced the "Supporting Families Through Addiction Act," proposing a $25 million grant program over five years. This initiative aims to provide essential support to families of individuals undergoing treatment for substance use disorders. The bill successfully passed the House in the 117th Congress, marking a significant step forward in addressing addiction support at the family level. Addiction continues to be a growing problem More than one million Americans have died from drug overdoses since 1999.A record 109,000 Americans lost their lives to addiction in 2022.Stanford estimates 1.2 million more Americans will die this decade.A personal mission for Congressman TroneCongressman Trone, co-chair of the Bipartisan Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force, has personal experience with substance use disorder, having lost his nephew, Ian, to a fentanyl overdose in 2016 after years of supporting Ian's recovery efforts. This experience has given him deep insight into the challenges faced by those struggling with addiction and the need for enhanced support services for their families."With more than one million Americans lost to drug overdoses in the last 20 years, we must make investments that support both the families and the individuals struggling with substance use disorder," said Congressman Trone.What does the bill do?This bipartisan legislation aims to support families of those with substance use disorders by providing resources, information, and assistance for recovery and those impacted within the family.Allocates $25 million in essential funding to support mental health care and substance use disorder programs facing financial challenges.Awards grants to community organizations, enabling them to provide vital assistance to families navigating the complexities of insurance and treatment options.Offers support to organizations that are often overlooked by government funding, delivering services that extend beyond traditional treatment facilities and are not usually covered by insurance.Ensures resources to help people recover from substance use are available to families in need. "Equipping families with the resources they need to support loved ones battling addiction and substance use disorder is essential for recovery. Unfortunately, getting support can be difficult as people face stigma, a lack of insurance coverage, racial disparities, and an inability to pay for support services," said Senator Gillibrand.Family Involvement WorksResearch indicates that family involvement in a loved one's treatment and recovery leads to better outcomes. Families using evidence-based models to improve communication see higher treatment retention rates.For more detailed information on the "Supporting Families Through Addiction Act" and insights into Congressman Trone's advocacy efforts, visit the official press release. This resource provides a comprehensive overview of the proposed legislation and its significance in the fight against addiction in the United States. About InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Learn MoreRelated articlesDrug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in careCare and Compassion Over Tough Love
How Stigma Impacts Those Struggling with Addiction and Their Families
Stigma can manifest both within the family unit and beyond its boundaries. The shadow of stigma around addiction can create barriers to open dialogue between families and their loved ones, preventing essential conversations from taking place. Additionally, external pressures may result in families ...
Addiction, Family, Support
Stigma can manifest both within the family unit and beyond its boundaries. The shadow of stigma around addiction can create barriers to open dialogue between families and their loved ones, preventing essential conversations from taking place. Additionally, external pressures may result in families experiencing emotional overwhelm or being unjustly blamed for their loved one's substance misuse. Stigma Hurts Families TooFamilies affected by substance use disorders face severe stigma, which can lead to shame, isolation, and reluctance to seek help.Terms like "codependent" and "enabler" often mislabel family members, overlooking their potential to positively impact their loved one's recovery.Families commonly face blame for a loved one's substance misuse, with their support criticized as either excessive or inadequate.The Importance of Discussing AddictionBridging the gap of understanding and empathy within families is crucial in the battle against substance use disorder. Highlighting the importance of dismantling the stigma surrounding addiction creates an environment where open discussions can thrive.Discussing addiction reduces isolation and encourages individuals to seek recovery, while also fostering support and understanding from the family.How to Approach The Topic of AddictionIt's essential to approach the subject of addiction within the family setting, with emphasis on timing, normalization of the conversation, active listening, empathy, and offering resources.There's a pressing need to shift the narrative from blame to understanding, recognizing families as a source of strength and not as part of the problem.It is important to find a private and relaxed setting, normalize the conversation about addiction, listen without judgment, validate feelings, and provide information on resources.Maintaining open communication over the long term involves fostering a continuous, non-judgmental conversation about addiction. This ensures that individuals feel continuously supported throughout their recovery journey.Educating oneself about addiction increases understanding and empowers individuals to offer more effective support for loved ones dealing with addiction, while also playing a key role in dismantling the stigma surrounding it.Outlining steps to support loved ones through their recovery is vital, stressing patience, education, encouragement of professional help, and maintaining open communication.Changing the NarrativeChanging the narrative surrounding addiction and substance misuse starts with the family. Various studies convincingly argue for a shift in perspective that recognizes families as invaluable allies in the fight against addiction, rather than contributing to the problem. This perspective encourages a community-based approach to support, aiming to dismantle the barriers of stigma and lead to more compassionate and effective solutions. By adopting these practices, families can transform the challenge of addiction into a shared journey toward recovery, supported by trust and love.For an in-depth exploration of how stigma impacts individuals grappling with substance misuse and their families, the publications "Breaking the Stigma: Discussing Addiction in the Family" and "Blame, Shame and Stigma are Hurting Families" offer valuable perspectives. These articles explain the importance of shifting the narrative to effectively dismantle the stigma associated with addiction. About InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Learn MoreRelated articlesDrug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in careCare and Compassion Over Tough Love
7 Tips for Families Dealing with Addiction
Addiction not only impacts the individual struggling with substance misuse but deeply affects their families and friends as well. In light of the concerning statistics from 2019 and 2020 showcasing the prevalence of alcohol and drug use disorders in the United States, it's evident that millions are ...
Addiction, Family, Support
Addiction not only impacts the individual struggling with substance misuse but deeply affects their families and friends as well. In light of the concerning statistics from 2019 and 2020 showcasing the prevalence of alcohol and drug use disorders in the United States, it's evident that millions are grappling with addiction. This reality underscores the importance of familial support in the recovery process. Families find themselves facing numerous challenges, including understanding the addiction, supporting their loved ones effectively, and finding appropriate support groups.The overarching message is clear: while addiction can infiltrate even the most loving families, understanding, care, and structured support can play a pivotal role in the healing process. Here are 7 Tips for Families Dealing with Addiction: 1. Practice open, honest communication. Communication is crucial. Speaking freely about emotions and recovery progress can strengthen family bonds and understanding.Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for open discussions can significantly help an individual in recovery feel supported and less isolated. It allows them to share their feelings, fears, and achievements without fear of criticism or misunderstanding. This open dialogue fosters trust and a sense of security, encouraging the individual to continue their path to recovery.2. Establish clear boundaries.Providing support is crucial, yet it's equally vital to set boundaries and limits regarding the behavior of our loved ones.Setting boundaries is essential for developing healthy relationships with mutual respect and less stress. Though it may cause short-term tension, the process leads to more fulfilling connections and long-term benefits of supportive relationships. For example, make it clear that drinking alcohol within your home is unacceptable, and be prepared to enforce the consequences should these boundaries be overstepped.3. Learn about addiction. By demystifying the complexities of addiction, families can dispel myths and foster an environment of empathy and support, crucial for the recovery of their loved ones.Educating oneself about addiction can also help shift perspectives from blame to understanding by recognizing addiction as a brain-based condition, not a choice. Engaging with online resources, books, and ongoing research can provide families with knowledge on addiction's chemistry and treatment innovations, fostering hope and confidence in overcoming addiction.4. Participate in support groups. Utilize support groups together with family members or individually to gain insight and support from those in similar situations.Family therapy sessions are crucial for families affected by addiction, and can help to address the consequences for spouses, siblings, and parents. Support groups provide a platform for open communication, breaking down barriers of distrust and guilt, and teaching healthy conflict resolution. These sessions foster understanding and support within the family, promoting honest communication and healthy boundaries. Despite busy schedules, attending these sessions is vital for the mental well-being of all members involved.5. Start small. Taking small, supportive steps allows families to adapt to changes gradually, making the recovery process less overwhelming.Taking small steps, such as sharing meals or going for regular walks together, can be profoundly impactful in supporting a loved one's recovery. These moments offer invaluable opportunities for reconnection and open, gentle conversation, reinforcing the familial bond. Simple, shared activities like these lay the groundwork for open dialogue and mutual support, fostering an environment where recovery can flourish.6. Don't forget about yourself. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a consistent sleep schedule is essential for both mental and physical health during recovery.Engage in physical activities like running or swimming to mitigate stress and depression, while a nutritious diet supports overall well-being. Ensuring adequate rest by sticking to a sleep/wake schedule helps manage recovery challenges, as irregular sleep patterns can worsen depression, anxiety, and motivation. Additionally, don't neglect personal needs; make time for hobbies, social interactions, and self-care routines that promote a drug-free life and aid in navigating the recovery process for both individuals and families. This holistic approach not only fosters resilience and relationship healing but also supports meaningful progress towards recovery.7. Seek personal therapy. Address and heal from the deep-seated issues caused by addiction, learning valuable coping mechanisms.Scheduling private therapy sessions can significantly aid families in crisis, especially those dealing with addictions. These sessions offer a safe environment to address issues like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, often exacerbated by addiction within the family. Through a skills-based approach, family members learn to manage destructive thoughts and behaviors, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and improve communication and interpersonal skills. Despite the commitment required, the benefits of therapy include gaining the necessary tools to support both themselves and their loved ones and fostering a stronger, more resilient family dynamic.Alcohol misuse severely affects individual and family health and well-being. Treatment is crucial for recovery and improving relationships. Support from loved ones is vital, but self-care for those in the support network is also important. Seeking support groups, educational resources, and professional help can benefit those dealing with a loved one's alcohol use problem.For a deeper dive on how families can cope with and support a loved one facing substance use disorders, "How to Help a Loved One With Addiction: Tips for Coping and Offering Support" offers practical advice. This guide addresses the importance of boundary setting, communication, and the emotional well-being of those indirectly affected by addiction, further supporting the holistic approach to recovery. About InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today Related articlesDrug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in careCare and Compassion Over Tough Love
Family Roles in Addiction and How Everyone Gets Hurt
Exploring the impact of addiction on family dynamics reveals how family members often unconsciously adopt specific roles, each shaping the family's experience and response to the challenges posed by addiction. These roles can include the addict, the hero, the mascot, the lost child, the scapegoat, ...
Exploring the impact of addiction on family dynamics reveals how family members often unconsciously adopt specific roles, each shaping the family's experience and response to the challenges posed by addiction. These roles can include the addict, the hero, the mascot, the lost child, the scapegoat, and the caretaker. It's a revealing peek into the tangled web of addiction as a family issue, highlighting how each member deals with the turmoil in their own way. The article further examines the concepts of enabling and codependency, demonstrating how these behaviors perpetuate the cycle of addiction and affect the family's mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Key Takeaways Family Impact: Addiction does not exist in a vacuum; it significantly impacts the family system, leading to the adoption of specific roles by family members.Roles Defined: The addict, the hero, the mascot, the lost child, the scapegoat, and the caretaker emerge as distinct roles that family members play in the addiction drama.Enabling and Its Consequences: Enabling behaviors, though often well-intentioned, perpetuate the addiction cycle and hinder the recovery process for the addicted individual.Codependency: Families dealing with addiction often experience codependency, leading to a skewed prioritization of needs and a loss of self-orientation among caretakers.Therapeutic Intervention: Identifying and addressing these roles and behaviors through therapeutic intervention is critical for the recovery process.The Necessity of Treatment: Early intervention and treatment are pivotal in breaking the cycle of addiction and initiating the healing process for both the individual and the family.Comprehensive Care: Effective treatment programs should encompass family therapy to address the systemic issues within the family dynamic.Healing as a Journey: Recovery and healing are ongoing processes that require commitment, support, and education for all family members involved.Hope for the Future: Despite the challenges, there is hope for recovery and the restoration of healthy family dynamics with the appropriate support and resources. From the ArticleDrug and alcohol addiction are conditions that affect not only the substance user, but the people close to them as well. The dynamics of addiction and family members can result in a range of family roles and harmful interactions and outcomes that make addiction a family disease.Family members of individuals with addiction often struggle with addiction themselves. However, even if an individual grows up in a family with addiction and doesn't develop an addiction themselves, they'll still be more likely to struggle with trauma, mental health, and developmental disorders. Furthermore, the many family roles in addiction can produce codependent or enabling behaviours that perpetuate the addiction. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Mental health and addiction care falls short because it's not profitable
The profitability challenges in treating complex behavioral health issues hinder efforts to address the profound impact of serious mental illness and addiction. Despite the urgent need for more services, the private market lacks strong incentives due to low profitability and demographic factors. ...
The profitability challenges in treating complex behavioral health issues hinder efforts to address the profound impact of serious mental illness and addiction. Despite the urgent need for more services, the private market lacks strong incentives due to low profitability and demographic factors. The complexity of these conditions and the taxing nature of treating the sickest patients further complicate efforts. Without clear incentives, solving these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both health care and social services while recognizing their interconnected nature with broader social determinants of health. Key Takeaways Profitability Challenges: Treating complex behavioral health issues like serious mental illness and addiction is not very profitable, leading to a lack of incentives for the private market to invest in solutions.Urgent Need: Despite the significant impact of these issues on families and communities, the supply of behavioral health care is lacking, with millions of Americans going without treatment.Demographic and Financial Barriers: People suffering from serious mental illness and addiction often have poorly paying government insurance or cannot pay at all, contributing to the low profitability of behavioral health care.Complexity of Conditions: Behavioral health conditions are scientifically complex and often require labor-intensive, long-term treatment. They also overlap with socioeconomic issues, requiring interventions beyond traditional health care.Challenges for Providers: Mental health professionals may avoid treating the sickest patients due to the taxing nature of the job and low pay, exacerbating workforce shortages.Market Dynamics: Market dynamics are better for individuals with access to employer coverage, but overall, no clear incentives exist to solve behavioral health issues.Comprehensive Approach Needed: Solving these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both health care and social services, recognizing their interconnected nature with broader social determinants of health. From the ArticleSome of America's most challenging behavioral health care problems include a key disadvantage: They're not very profitable to treat. Why it matters: Serious mental illness and addiction have a profound effect on families and communities, but their complexity and their concentration among lower-income people make them issues that the private market has little incentive to solve. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
What's driving the youth mental health crisis? We asked 1,400 clinicians.
In a survey conducted by POLITICO, 1,400 clinicians specializing in youth mental health treatment expressed concerns about the lack of resources available to address the growing mental health crisis among children and adolescents, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While clinicians agree that ...
In a survey conducted by POLITICO, 1,400 clinicians specializing in youth mental health treatment expressed concerns about the lack of resources available to address the growing mental health crisis among children and adolescents, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While clinicians agree that patients are worse off now than before the pandemic, there is disagreement on the underlying reasons. The survey revealed widespread dissatisfaction among mental health professionals regarding the resources available for treating young patients, with many citing challenges such as limited access to services in rural areas, long waitlists for treatment, and shortages of qualified providers. Clinicians identified several contributing factors to the youth mental health crisis, including social media, social isolation, and external events beyond children's control. Anxiety and depression were reported as the top concerns and diagnoses among those under 18, with clinicians citing difficulties in accessing treatment and barriers such as insurance reimbursement and workforce shortages. Despite the complexity of the crisis, clinicians emphasized the need for policymakers to implement multiple investments and reforms to address the root causes and improve access to care for young people nationwide. Note: The results reflect survey responses from 1,400 medical and mental health professionals who participated in POLITICO's survey. Source: POLITICO reporting Claudine Hellmuth/POLITICO Key Takeaways Clinician Concerns: Many clinicians specializing in youth mental health treatment express concerns about the lack of resources available to address the growing mental health crisis among children and adolescents.Worsening Conditions: Clinicians agree that patients are worse off now than before the pandemic, but there is disagreement on the underlying reasons for the decline in mental health.Resource Dissatisfaction: A significant number of mental health professionals report dissatisfaction with the resources available for treating young patients, citing challenges such as limited access to services, long waitlists for treatment, and shortages of qualified providers.Contributing Factors: Clinicians identify several contributing factors to the youth mental health crisis, including social media, social isolation, external events beyond children's control, lack of independence skills, and missing developmental milestones due to the pandemic.Top Concerns and Diagnoses: Anxiety and depression are reported as the top concerns and diagnoses among those under 18, with clinicians noting difficulties in accessing treatment and barriers such as insurance reimbursement and workforce shortages.Barriers to Care: Clinicians highlight barriers to providing better mental health care to children, including shortages of practitioners trained to treat children, difficulties in diagnosing problems due to limited parental involvement, and challenges with insurance coverage and reimbursement.Call for Action: Despite the complexity of the crisis, clinicians emphasize the need for policymakers to implement multiple investments and reforms to address the root causes and improve access to care for young people nationwide.Survey Methodology: The article provides insights into the methodology used for the survey, including the collaboration with professional organizations, distribution methods, and the timeframe of data collection. From the ArticleMany clinicians who work with young patients with mental health issues agree they lack enough resources to treat kids and that patients are worse off now than before the pandemic - but they don't exactly agree on why that is. POLITICO surveyed 1,400 clinicians to better understand the reasons behind the national youth mental health crisis that continues to perplex government, health and community leaders - who are scrambling to find solutions to slow the rise of kids in need of mental health services. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model on January 18, 2024. This model aims to enhance the quality of care and outcomes for Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries with moderate to severe mental health conditions and substance ...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model on January 18, 2024. This model aims to enhance the quality of care and outcomes for Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries with moderate to severe mental health conditions and substance use disorder (SUD). Given the disproportionately high rates of these conditions among these populations, the IBH Model seeks to integrate behavioral and physical health services within community-based behavioral health practices. It emphasizes a person-centered approach, coordinated care, and addressing health-related social needs (HRSNs) like housing and transportation. The model's design involves inter-professional care teams, initial screenings, treatment or referrals, and ongoing monitoring of conditions. Participating states will receive funding to implement the model, which is projected to run for eight years, with a focus on care integration, management, health equity, and health information technology. The eligibility criteria for state participation include selecting licensed behavioral health organizations serving adult Medicaid beneficiaries with moderate to severe conditions. Additionally, the IBH Model emphasizes health equity by requiring participating practices to develop Health Equity Plans (HEPs) addressing disparities among vulnerable populations. Overall, the IBH Model represents a significant step towards improving access to integrated care and addressing the complex needs of individuals with behavioral health conditions. Key Takeaways Introduction of the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on January 18, 2024.Focus on enhancing the quality of care and outcomes for Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries with moderate to severe mental health conditions and substance use disorder (SUD).Emphasis on integrating behavioral and physical health services within community-based behavioral health practices.Person-centered approach, coordinated care, and addressing health-related social needs (HRSNs) like housing and transportation.Involvement of interprofessional care teams, initial screenings, treatment or referrals, and ongoing monitoring of conditions.State participation facilitated through funding to implement the model, which is projected to run for eight years.Four key program pillars: Care Integration, Care Management, Health Equity, and Health Information Technology.Eligibility criteria for state participation include selecting licensed behavioral health organizations serving adult Medicaid beneficiaries with moderate to severe conditions.Emphasis on health equity through the development of Health Equity Plans (HEPs) addressing disparities among vulnerable populations.The IBH Model represents a significant step towards improving access to integrated care and addressing the complex needs of individuals with behavioral health conditions. From the ArticleThe Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model is designed to deliver person-centered, integrated care to Medicaid and Medicare populations with moderate to severe mental health conditions and/or substance use disorder (SUD). The practice participants in the IBH Model will be community-based behavioral health organizations and providers, including Community Mental Health Centers, opioid treatment programs, safety net providers, and public or private practices, where individuals can receive outpatient mental health and/or SUD services. These practice participants may include safety net providers who ensure that vulnerable populations are able to access care. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
6 Innovations That Have Drastically Changed Mental Healthcare
The field of mental healthcare has undergone significant transformation over the last couple of centuries, transitioning from inhumane practices to a more nuanced understanding and acceptance of mental health complexities. In the past half-decade, the sector has witnessed remarkable innovations ...
The field of mental healthcare has undergone significant transformation over the last couple of centuries, transitioning from inhumane practices to a more nuanced understanding and acceptance of mental health complexities. In the past half-decade, the sector has witnessed remarkable innovations that are reshaping mental healthcare delivery. These innovations include telepsychiatry, which enhances accessibility to mental health professionals, artificial intelligence (AI) applications for objective data analysis, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a non-invasive treatment for depression, smartphone apps for continuous mental health monitoring, remote monitoring technology for real-time patient assessment, and speech analysis for diagnostic purposes. These advancements signify a paradigm shift towards personalized, data-driven, and accessible mental healthcare. As technology and research progress, the landscape of mental health treatment is poised for further evolution, promising improved outcomes and enhanced support for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Key Takeaways Evolution of mental healthcare from historical practices to modern innovations.Recent advancements in mental healthcare include telepsychiatry, artificial intelligence (AI) applications, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), smartphone apps, remote monitoring technology, and speech analysis.Telepsychiatry improves accessibility to mental health professionals, overcoming geographical barriers.AI facilitates objective data analysis and predictive modeling for mental health conditions, potentially revolutionizing diagnosis and treatment.TMS offers a non-invasive alternative for treating depression, demonstrating promising outcomes.Smartphone apps provide continuous mental health monitoring and complement professional treatment.Remote monitoring technology offers real-time patient assessment, aiding crisis intervention and reducing the need for expensive inpatient care.Speech analysis holds potential for diagnosing various mental illnesses based on acoustic cues and speech patterns.These innovations signify a shift towards personalized, data-driven, and accessible mental healthcare.Continued advancements in mental healthcare promise further improvements in treatment outcomes and support for individuals with mental health challenges. From the ArticleMental healthcare has undergone a dramatic shift in the last couple of centuries. The sector has moved from one that would sequester the mentally ill, treating them with inhumane options like lobotomies, to one that is beginning to understand and embrace the intricacies of mental health. The last half-decade has shown some of the most exciting innovations in the field of mental healthcare. What new treatments and techniques have drastically changed the mental healthcare field? Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Navigating Tomorrow's Behavioral Health with Compassion and Innovation
The landscape of behavioral healthcare is evolving given the enduring demand for services even as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes. Factors such as reduced stigma, population growth, the opioid crisis, policy changes, and improved access through telemedicine have fueled this demand. Providers are ...
The landscape of behavioral healthcare is evolving given the enduring demand for services even as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes. Factors such as reduced stigma, population growth, the opioid crisis, policy changes, and improved access through telemedicine have fueled this demand. Providers are responding with innovative solutions, leveraging technology and community outreach. Trends emerging for 2024 include increased innovation and payer engagement, enhanced medication adherence through technology, and the rise of specialized pharmacies catering to behavioral health needs. While technology offers scalable solutions and improves medication management, it's crucial to maintain a balance with whole-person care, ensuring individuals receive personalized support. Navigating workforce challenges and evolving reimbursement models will be critical in delivering compassionate and accessible behavioral healthcare. Ultimately, the goal is to extend the "behavioral health moment" until everyone in need can access effective support and treatment. Key Takeaways Persistent Demand: Despite the receding COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for behavioral health services remains strong, driven by factors such as reduced stigma, population growth, and the opioid crisis.Innovative Solutions: Providers are adapting to increased demand through creative initiatives like community outreach and technology-driven solutions, although critical workforce shortages persist.Technology as a Solution: Technological advancements, including telepsychiatry, medication management systems, and specialized pharmacy services, offer scalable solutions to improve access and efficiency in behavioral healthcare delivery.Payer Engagement: Collaborative efforts between providers and payers are crucial in fostering new technology development and incentivizing forward-thinking methods in behavioral healthcare, ultimately benefiting end-users.Medication Adherence: Innovations in medication administration and monitoring, such as long-acting injectables and smartphone apps, enhance medication adherence and improve outcomes for individuals with severe mental health disorders.Role of Specialized Pharmacies: Specialized providers are emerging to address deficiencies in traditional pharmacy services, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of individuals with behavioral health challenges.Importance of Whole-Person Care: While technology enhances care delivery, maintaining a balance with whole-person care is essential to ensure individuals receive personalized support and avoid isolation.Navigating Challenges: Providers must navigate workforce shortages, changes in reimbursement models, and evolving healthcare trends to deliver compassionate and accessible behavioral healthcare.Future Trends: Trends to watch in 2024 include increased innovation, emphasis on medication monitoring, and the rise of specialized pharmacy services focused on behavioral health.Goal of Accessible Care: The overarching goal is to extend the "behavioral health moment" until everyone struggling with a mental health disorder can access effective support and treatment through the right tools and personnel. From the ArticleAs we forge ahead in the behavioral health field, finding the right balance between technological solutions and whole-person care will be essential. Workforce challenges, changes to the way reimbursements work, new medication monitoring options and a laser focus on the personalized solutions that specialty pharmacies can provide are all trends to watch. The right tools and the right people will be the key to moving forward with compassionate, accessible care. With hard work and a bit of luck, the behavioral health moment will stretch on until everyone struggling with a mental health disorder is able to get the help they need. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Behavioral Health in the Spotlight: Disruption, Innovation, and New Challenges Ahead
The behavioral health sector has been disrupted by various factors, including legislative changes, increased demand, provider shortages, and a fragmented market, which were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies show a surge in demand for behavioral health services due to ...
The behavioral health sector has been disrupted by various factors, including legislative changes, increased demand, provider shortages, and a fragmented market, which were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies show a surge in demand for behavioral health services due to pandemic-related stress and trauma. Health systems face tough decisions about service line investments, and payers are refocusing on behavioral health management. Private equity interest in healthcare, especially in autism and substance use disorder sectors, is growing. Looking ahead, the behavioral health space will continue to evolve with investments, disruptions, and innovations. Strategies will focus on optimizing managed care contracting and transitioning to value-based reimbursement models. Behavioral Health Market Disrupters - Shown in the Article Key Takeaways Behavioral health has been significantly disrupted by various factors, including legislative changes, increased demand, provider shortages, and a fragmented market.The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the need for behavioral health services, with studies indicating a surge in demand due to pandemic-related stress and trauma.Health systems are facing tough decisions about service line investments, while payers are refocusing on behavioral health management by bringing services back in-house.Private equity interest in healthcare is growing, particularly in the autism and substance use disorder sectors.The behavioral health sector is expected to continue evolving with investments, disruptions, and innovations in response to ongoing challenges and market dynamics.Future strategies will prioritize optimizing managed care contracting and transitioning to value-based reimbursement models in behavioral health services. From the ArticleConverging market forces and the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic will continue to drive a period of investment, disruption, and innovation in the behavioral health space over the next several years. While it is widely accepted that mental and physical well-being are connected, the evolution of the behavioral healthcare delivery model, along with provider and payer collaboration, will validate whether increasing access to behavioral health and SUD services improves overall health outcomes and reduces total cost of care over time. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Expanding Access to Virtual Behavioral Care: Navigating State and Federal Regulations
In 2024, the future of virtual behavioral health hangs in the balance as the federal government weighs the permanence of telehealth flexibilities established during the COVID-19 pandemic. These flexibilities, particularly crucial for providers offering care to Medicaid beneficiaries or prescribing ...
In 2024, the future of virtual behavioral health hangs in the balance as the federal government weighs the permanence of telehealth flexibilities established during the COVID-19 pandemic. These flexibilities, particularly crucial for providers offering care to Medicaid beneficiaries or prescribing controlled substances for conditions like substance use disorders (SUDs), may face changes or expiration later in the year. Despite this uncertainty, there's a growing acknowledgment of telehealth's efficacy, with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra advocating against allowing these flexibilities to lapse. Telehealth not only offers extensive benefits to patients, including increased access to specialized clinicians and support for conditions like opioid use disorder (OUD), but it also presents challenges tied to federal and state regulations. The lack of a permanent framework for prescribing controlled substances at the federal level and varying state regulations pose obstacles for providers navigating compliance while expanding their reach. Meanwhile, advocacy efforts push for interstate licensure compacts to streamline access to telehealth services across state lines, though challenges persist, particularly for Medicaid beneficiaries seeking SUD treatment. With major regulatory changes looming and the fate of telehealth in the balance, stakeholders emphasize the urgency of federal policymaking and advocate for measures to ensure continued access to virtual behavioral health services. Key Takeaways Federal Considerations: 2024 marks a pivotal moment for virtual behavioral health as the federal government deliberates on the permanence of COVID-era telehealth flexibilities.Regulatory Influence: Federal and state regulations significantly impact the availability and delivery of behavioral telehealth appointments, especially for Medicaid beneficiaries and providers prescribing controlled substances for conditions like substance use disorders (SUDs).Potential Regulatory Changes: Several regulatory flexibilities that facilitated virtual care during the pandemic may change or expire in 2024, prompting advocacy efforts to retain them.Benefits of Telehealth: Telehealth offers extensive benefits, including increased access to specialized clinicians, support for conditions like opioid use disorder (OUD), and the ability to maintain treatment continuity.Regulatory Challenges: Providers must navigate complex federal and state regulations regarding licensure, coverage, reimbursement, and prescribing practices to ensure compliance while expanding their telehealth services.Interstate Licensure Compacts: Multi-state licensure compacts, such as the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT), aim to streamline access to telehealth services across state lines, although challenges remain, particularly for Medicaid beneficiaries.Advocacy and Urgency: Stakeholders emphasize the urgency of federal policymaking to ensure continued access to virtual behavioral health services and address regulatory challenges facing providers and patients alike. From the Article"2024 could prove pivotal for virtual behavioral health as the federal government considers making COVID-era telehealth flexibilities permanent.  Federal and state regulations can heavily influence the availability of behavioral telehealth appointments. For behavioral health providers who provide care to Medicaid beneficiaries, or who prescribe controlled substances for conditions like substance use disorders (SUDs), regulations can be even more restrictive. Several regulations that have created flexibility for behavioral health providers offering virtual care may change or expire later this year. Still, the federal government is signaling that telehealth is likely here to stay." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Drug treatment providers ask N.Y. to declare addiction emergency
Treatment providers and lawmakers are urgently calling upon New York officials to declare an "addiction state of emergency" as the state grapples with a devastating overdose epidemic. With ongoing negotiations for the state's annual spending plan underway, advocates emphasize the critical need for ...
Treatment providers and lawmakers are urgently calling upon New York officials to declare an "addiction state of emergency" as the state grapples with a devastating overdose epidemic. With ongoing negotiations for the state's annual spending plan underway, advocates emphasize the critical need for funding to support substance use disorder prevention and treatment programs. Despite thousands of annual overdose-related deaths, advocates lament a lack of urgency from state authorities and stress the necessity for immediate action. Key requests include legislation to cap co-pays for outpatient addiction treatment, addressing the affordability barrier, and tackling a workforce crisis within the healthcare sector, where stagnant Medicaid reimbursement rates contribute to burnout and high attrition rates among providers. New York resident Ken Provost, whose son died of a heroin overdose in 2014, urged Gov. Kathy Hochul to invest in prevention and treatment for substance use disorder. Lori Van Buren/Times Un Key Takeaways Urgent calls for New York officials to declare an "addiction state of emergency" due to the ongoing overdose epidemic ravaging communities across the state.Advocates stress the need for funding in the state's annual spending plan to support substance use disorder prevention and treatment programs.Despite thousands of annual overdose-related deaths, there's a perceived lack of urgency from state authorities in addressing the crisis.Advocates are pushing for legislation to cap co-pays for outpatient addiction treatment to make it more affordable for New Yorkers.The healthcare sector is facing a workforce crisis, with stagnant Medicaid reimbursement rates contributing to burnout and high attrition rates among providers.There's concern about the increasing severity of cases and the relative lack of experience among healthcare workers treating addiction due to high turnover.Treatment providers and affected families are actively lobbying lawmakers at the state Capitol to prioritize measures addressing the overdose epidemic. From the Article"ALBANY - Treatment providers and lawmakers are urging New York officials to declare an "addiction state of emergency," citing an ongoing overdose epidemic that continues to ravage communities across the state. " Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Drug, substance abuse and addiction statistics 2024
"Drug and substance abuse continues to be a major problem across the United States, with 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 12 admitting that they used illicit drugs in 2022. 1 While alcohol, tobacco and marijuana represent the most popular drugs among Americans, many struggle with more illicit ...
"Drug and substance abuse continues to be a major problem across the United States, with 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 12 admitting that they used illicit drugs in 2022.1 While alcohol, tobacco and marijuana represent the most popular drugs among Americans, many struggle with more illicit drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamines and heroin, according to the most recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) survey." The article in USA today compiles statistics on substance abuse in the United States with insights into the population segments that use drugs, the most popular illicit drugs being used, self reported statistics of drug use by state, and how many people die from drug use. Key Points in the Statistics 25% of Americans (70 million people) admitted they use illicit drugs, according to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use.48.7 million people nationwide struggle with substance abuse according to the same survey.Alcohol is the most commonly used drug, followed by tobacco and marijuana.Health insurance policies sold on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace or provided by Medicaid are required to cover substance abuse.Nationwide, 38,679,000 American adults reported having a substance abuse disorder in the last statistically available year.5Montana has the highest self-reported rate (19.2% of adults) of substance abuse. Oregon, Washington, South Dakota and Kansas round out the top five.Georgia is the state with the lowest rate of self-reported substance abuse (11.31% of adults). From the Article"Substance abuse disorders represent a dangerous health condition - one that deserves the proper care and treatment. Yet 93.5% of Americans with a self-reported substance abuse problem do not seek help. If you or someone you love is suffering from substance abuse, know that there are options available. Many health insurance plans include coverage for mental health and substance abuse. If you purchase health insurance from the ACA Marketplace, the insurer is required to cover substance abuse counseling and treatment.Medicare will also pay for treatment of alcoholism and substance use disorders, though its coverage is not as extensive as it is for other services." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Integrating family therapy to bridge existing gaps in care
The University of Rhode Island is making big changes in how we treat substance use disorders by including family therapy as part of the treatment. They've noticed that family plays a huge role in helping someone recover from addiction, but there aren't enough trained family therapists around. URI ...
The University of Rhode Island is making big changes in how we treat substance use disorders by including family therapy as part of the treatment. They've noticed that family plays a huge role in helping someone recover from addiction, but there aren't enough trained family therapists around. URI is stepping up by training more therapists and showing that treating addiction works better when the family is involved too. Rhode Island has started giving associate licenses to trained therapists. This allows insurance companies to pay for patient treatment sooner. The change makes it easier for people to get treatment and helps increase the number of therapists. "Our students can get an associate license right after they graduate," says Dr. Marianne Cless, who is leading the pioneering initiative at the University of Rhode Island. This means they can start supervised work quicker, helping to meet the high demand for mental health treatment. With only about 20 licensed marriage and family therapist associates in Rhode Island, this program could make a big difference. Therapists focusing on the whole family can spot and deal with issues that affect recovery. "Addiction is a big problem... Family therapy can find problems that stop successful treatment, or things that could help," Cless said, highlighting the need to support both people fighting addiction and their families. This project aims to change how substance use disorder is treated. It's not just about training more therapists; it's about a whole new way of looking at treatment that considers both the person and their family. The URI program is growing too, inviting more therapists and centers to join. It hopes to create a new standard for addiction recovery that could lead to changes all over the country. The University of Rhode Island is leading the way by blending education, policy, and practice with an understanding of human relationships. Other states could follow its example to change how addiction treatment works across the country. As the program expands, it serves as a beacon of innovation, hope, and healing, inspiring others to take similar steps. As the University of Rhode Island's innovative program highlights the paramount importance of integrating family therapy into substance use disorder treatment, Interact LifeLine stands ready to bolster your programs efforts. Learn more about our comprehensive suite of services designed to support treatment programs in expanding their family support services. From the Article Newswise - KINGSTON, R.I. - March 21, 2024 - Substance use disorder, particularly involving opioids, is a continuing crisis in the country, impacting not just the person suffering from addiction, but also those closest to them. While treatment is naturally focused on the person facing the disorder, it is critical to include the patient's family members, who are also impacted by addiction and play a key role in recovery. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
The Whole Person: Why Mental Health Matters in Addiction Recovery
The intertwined challenges of addiction and mental health are highlighted in Nick Padlo's journey from military service to founding Sophros Recovery, a holistic substance abuse treatment center. Padlo's own struggles with mental health and addiction inform his approach to treatment, emphasizing the ...
The intertwined challenges of addiction and mental health are highlighted in Nick Padlo's journey from military service to founding Sophros Recovery, a holistic substance abuse treatment center. Padlo's own struggles with mental health and addiction inform his approach to treatment, emphasizing the importance of addressing both aspects for successful recovery. Sophros Recovery offers personalized programs focusing on mental, physical, and emotional healing, with a strong emphasis on treating comorbid mental health conditions. Padlo's dedication to serving veterans underscores the need for holistic care in combating addiction, with plans for expansion to the Tampa area. This emphasizes the growing recognition of mental health's role in addiction treatment and the importance of comprehensive, whole-person care. Nick Padio, Sophros Recovery (image from USA Today) Key Takeaways Addiction and mental health are interconnected challenges, requiring a holistic approach to treatment.Nick Padlo's personal experiences with mental health and addiction inform his approach to founding Sophros Recovery, a holistic treatment center.Sophros Recovery offers personalized programs that focus on mental, physical, and emotional healing, with an emphasis on treating comorbid mental health conditions.Padlo's dedication to serving veterans highlights the need for holistic care in combating addiction, especially among populations with high rates of trauma.Expansion plans for Sophros Recovery underscore the growing recognition of mental health's role in addiction treatment and the importance of comprehensive, whole-person care. From the Article"As we grapple with the multifaceted challenges of addiction as a country, a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of substance abuse has begun to enter the spotlight: mental health. Increasingly, recovery experts, doctors, and counselors are calling attention to the delicate dance that occurs between substance abuse and mental well-being.  This symbiotic relationship is one that Nick Padlo knows well. Padlo is the founder of Sophros Recovery, a growing recovery center based in Jacksonville, Florida that takes a holistic approach to substance abuse treatment." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Playing with dogs helps people concentrate and relax, brain recordings show
A recent study looked into the neurological effects of interacting with dogs, shedding light on how specific activities with canines impact brainwave patterns and emotional states. Conducted in South Korea, researchers monitored participants' brainwaves while engaging in various activities with a ...
A recent study looked into the neurological effects of interacting with dogs, shedding light on how specific activities with canines impact brainwave patterns and emotional states. Conducted in South Korea, researchers monitored participants' brainwaves while engaging in various activities with a poodle named Aro. Results revealed that playing with Aro and taking her for walks elicited stronger alpha brain waves, indicating increased relaxation, while activities like brushing and massaging her boosted beta brain waves, signifying improved concentration without added stress. Participants reported feeling less stressed, fatigued, and depressed after the interactions, particularly highlighting the positive impact of activities like massaging, feeding, and hugging the dog. The findings contribute to the understanding of how interactions with dogs can promote better relaxation, emotional stability, attention, and creativity, offering insights into the potential therapeutic benefits of human-canine relationships, particularly in alleviating symptoms of stress, depression, and PTSD. Key Takeaways The study explores the neurological effects of interacting with dogs, focusing on how specific activities with canines influence brainwave patterns and emotional states.Researchers conducted the study in South Korea, monitoring participants' brainwaves while engaging in various activities with a poodle named Aro.Results indicated that playing with Aro and taking her for walks resulted in stronger alpha brain waves, suggesting increased relaxation.Activities like brushing and massaging the dog boosted beta brain waves, indicating improved concentration without added stress.Participants reported feeling less stressed, fatigued, and depressed after the interactions, with activities like massaging, feeding, and hugging the dog having particularly positive effects.The findings contribute to understanding how interactions with dogs can promote better relaxation, emotional stability, attention, and creativity.Human-canine relationships offer potential therapeutic benefits, especially in alleviating symptoms of stress, depression, and PTSD. From the ArticlePlenty of research has investigated the bond between humans and dogs, demonstrating that canine companions can improve people's moods, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Just looking dogs in the eye may even boost levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with feelings of love and trust.  But few past studies have pinpointed what happens in people's brains when they interact with a furry friend. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
We have treatments for opioid addiction that work. So why is the problem getting worse?
Highlighting the ongoing opioid crisis in the United States, the piece underscores the surge in overdose deaths fueled by potent synthetics like fentanyl. Despite strides in medication-assisted treatment (MAT), obstacles such as stigma, regulatory constraints, and cultural biases persist, hindering ...
Highlighting the ongoing opioid crisis in the United States, the piece underscores the surge in overdose deaths fueled by potent synthetics like fentanyl. Despite strides in medication-assisted treatment (MAT), obstacles such as stigma, regulatory constraints, and cultural biases persist, hindering access to evidence-based care, especially for marginalized communities. Innovative approaches, including harm reduction strategies, expanding MAT availability in correctional facilities, and integrating addiction care into non-traditional settings like churches, offer promising avenues for addressing these disparities. Nonetheless, overcoming entrenched societal attitudes and systemic barriers remains crucial to effectively combating the opioid epidemic and improving outcomes for those affected. Xiao Hua Yang for Vox Key Takeaways The opioid crisis persists despite a decrease in media coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, with overdose deaths reaching record highs.Synthetic opioids like fentanyl are driving the surge in overdose deaths, particularly impacting Black, American Indian, and Latinx communities.Long-term medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combining counseling and opioid medications like methadone or buprenorphine is effective in treating opioid addiction.Barriers to accessing evidence-based treatment like MAT include stigma, regulatory hurdles, and cultural biases.Treatment paradigms still reflect outdated moralizing attitudes toward addiction rather than viewing it primarily as a medical issue.Stigma, limited access to MAT, and systemic barriers disproportionately affect marginalized communities and contribute to the opioid crisis.Promising interventions include harm reduction strategies, expanding access to MAT in jails and prisons, and bringing addiction care into non-traditional settings like churches.Legislative efforts like the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (MOTA) aim to improve access to MAT, but opinions among addiction specialists vary.Culturally authentic approaches like the Imani Breakthrough Project, which provides addiction care in Black and Latinx churches, show promise in addressing racial disparities in treatment and improving outcomes.Disentangling addiction care from traditional medical settings and integrating spirituality and community support can be effective in engaging and retaining patients in treatment. From the ArticleThe opioid crisis doesn't get as many headlines as it used to before Covid-19, but the news remains stubbornly, shockingly bad. Decades into the deadliest drug overdose epidemic in American history, people are dying at higher rates than ever. Between 2017 and 2021, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids jumped from 47,600 to 80,411 - many more Americans than are killed each year by guns or cars. The surge has been largely driven by powerful synthetics like fentanyl, an opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Remote CBT as Effective as In-Person Therapy for Mental Illness
Remote cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be just as effective as in-person CBT across a variety of mental health and somatic disorders, according to a review of over 50 randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The RCTs, involving more than 5000 patients with conditions ranging from ...
Remote cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be just as effective as in-person CBT across a variety of mental health and somatic disorders, according to a review of over 50 randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The RCTs, involving more than 5000 patients with conditions ranging from mood and anxiety disorders to chronic pain and alcohol use disorder, found no significant difference in effectiveness between remote and in-person CBT. This suggests that therapist-guided remote CBT could help patients overcome barriers to accessing evidence-based mental healthcare, particularly in geographically large and sparsely populated countries like Canada. The study recommends increased funding to support access to therapist-guided remote CBT, potentially offering a more convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional in-person therapy. Key Takeaways Remote cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is as effective as in-person CBT across various mental health and somatic disorders.The review of over 50 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) involving more than 5000 patients demonstrates the comparable effectiveness of remote and in-person CBT.The findings suggest that therapist-guided remote CBT could help patients overcome barriers to accessing evidence-based mental healthcare, particularly in large and sparsely populated countries like Canada.Increased funding to support access to therapist-guided remote CBT is recommended to provide a more convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional in-person therapy.The study highlights the potential policy implications of remote CBT as a means to expand access to evidence-based care, especially in regions with geographical and population-related challenges. From the Article"Remote cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is just as effective as in-person CBT for a range of mental health and somatic disorders, a new review of more than 50 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) showed. The RCTs included more than 5000 patients receiving CBT for conditions such as mood, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorders, as well as chronic pain, insomnia, and alcohol use disorder." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Medical costs for kids' mental health jumped 31% in five years, study finds
A recent report published in JAMA Network Open reveals a significant increase in the financial burden on American families caring for children with mental health conditions from 2017 to 2021. The study, led by Theoren Loo from Brightline, a virtual mental health care company in California, ...
A recent report published in JAMA Network Open reveals a significant increase in the financial burden on American families caring for children with mental health conditions from 2017 to 2021. The study, led by Theoren Loo from Brightline, a virtual mental health care company in California, indicates a nearly 31% rise in annual spending per child, amounting to an average of $4,361. This surge in expenditure has contributed to child mental health services comprising approximately 47% of all child medical spending, totaling an estimated $31 billion in 2021. With over 9 million children diagnosed with mental health issues by 2021, the findings underscore the growing prevalence and demand for pediatric mental health services in the United States. The study emphasizes the necessity for improved and proactive care to address these conditions, as reflected in the associated rise in medical expenses for other family members, amounting to an average increase of $2,337. Overall, the research highlights the urgent need for accessible and evidence-based mental health care for children to mitigate the financial strain on families and the healthcare system alike. Key Takeaways The financial burden on American families caring for children with mental health conditions increased by almost a third from 2017 to 2021.Annual spending per child on mental health care rose to an average of $4,361 by 2021, contributing to child mental health services comprising about 47% of all child medical spending.Over 9 million American children were estimated to have been diagnosed with mental health issues by 2021, emphasizing the growing prevalence and demand for pediatric mental health services.The rise in spending on child mental health care was associated with a concurrent increase in medical expenses for other family members, averaging $2,337.The findings underscore the urgent need for improved and proactive care to address pediatric mental health conditions before crises arise, highlighting the importance of accessible and evidence-based mental health services for children. From the ArticleOverall, American families spent an estimated $31 billion in 2021 on child mental health services, which now make up nearly half (about 47%) of all child medical spending, the report found. The findings "underscore the large financial burden associated with pediatric mental health conditions on the U.S. health care system," said a team led by Theoren Loo. He works for Brightline, a California company focused on virtual mental health care for kids. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
'Not enough therapists': Georgia lawmakers aim to support mental health workforce
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgia's mental health system faced significant challenges as more than 1,200 state psychiatric hospital employees departed, exacerbating existing staffing shortages. Although some legislative measures were passed to address the growing mental health crisis, such as a ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgia's mental health system faced significant challenges as more than 1,200 state psychiatric hospital employees departed, exacerbating existing staffing shortages. Although some legislative measures were passed to address the growing mental health crisis, such as a parity bill and the establishment of the 988 emergency mental health crisis line, workforce support remains a critical issue for both Republicans and Democrats. Low pay and licensure obstacles hinder recruitment and retention efforts, contributing to Georgia's ranking of 49th in access to mental health care. Lawmakers are now focusing on increasing salaries for state employees, raising reimbursement rates, and aligning licensure requirements to attract more mental health professionals to the state. However, the path forward remains uncertain as efforts to address these challenges continue to evolve. Key Takeaways Over 1,200 state psychiatric hospital employees in Georgia left their positions during the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbating existing workforce shortages.Legislative efforts have been made to address the mental health crisis, including a parity bill and the establishment of the 988 emergency mental health crisis line.Workforce support is identified as the primary remaining issue by both Republicans and Democrats in Georgia.Challenges such as low pay and licensure obstacles hinder recruitment and retention of mental health professionals in the state.Georgia ranks 49th in access to mental health care, with long wait times for appointments leading to escalated crises for some individuals.Lawmakers are considering measures to increase salaries for state employees, raise reimbursement rates, and align licensure requirements to attract more mental health professionals.The specific path forward remains uncertain as legislative efforts evolve to address the challenges in Georgia's mental health system. From the ArticleIn the past two years, lawmakers in Georgia passed a slate of legislation targeting the mental and behavioral health crisis in the state, which has grown in size and severity since the COVID pandemic began. Those efforts have included a parity bill that requires insurance companies to provide coverage for mental health care and substance-use disorders at levels comparable to physical health care, reaffirming federal requirements, and the development of the 988 system for emergency mental health crisis calls. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Launch of Nearly $50 Million Initiative to Support Opioid Treatment and Recovery Services in Rural Communities
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced the launch of nearly $50 million for its Rural Opioid Treatment and Recovery Initiative, in alignment with President Biden's Unity Agenda. This funding aims to support the ...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced the launch of nearly $50 million for its Rural Opioid Treatment and Recovery Initiative, in alignment with President Biden's Unity Agenda. This funding aims to support the establishment and expansion of comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and recovery services in rural areas, particularly targeting opioid use disorder. Challenges such as geographic isolation and limited access to providers make accessing treatment difficult in rural communities. The initiative prioritizes expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder, integrating recovery services into primary care settings, and supporting the rural substance use disorder workforce. Funding will also support transportation, employment, and other vital services necessary for recovery. Applicants are encouraged to incorporate supportive services and address social determinants of health in their proposals. Applications for funding are open until May 6, 2024, with an average award expected to be up to $750,000 per year over four years. Interested parties can find more information and apply through the HRSA website. Key Takeaways The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is launching nearly $50 million for its Rural Opioid Treatment and Recovery Initiative.The initiative aims to establish and expand comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and recovery services in rural areas, focusing on opioid use disorder.Challenges such as geographic isolation, transportation barriers, and limited access to providers hinder accessing treatment in rural communities.The initiative prioritizes increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder, integrating recovery services into primary care settings, and supporting the rural substance use disorder workforce.Funding will also support transportation, employment, and other essential services necessary for recovery, and applicants are encouraged to address social determinants of health in their proposals.Applications for funding are open until May 6, 2024, with an average award expected to be up to $750,000 per year over four years.Interested parties can find more information and apply through the HRSA website. From the ArticleToday, in support of President Biden's Unity Agenda, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced the launch of nearly $50 million for HRSA's Rural Opioid Treatment and Recovery Initiative and released the initiative's funding application. Funding will support establishing and expanding comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and recovery services in rural areas, including by increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder, such as buprenorphine. Opioid use disorder is particularly concerning in rural communities and accessing treatment can be challenging due to geographic isolation, transportation barriers, and limited substance use disorder providers. This week, HRSA hosted more than 800 rural community leaders working at the grassroots level to build their communities' capacity to turn the tide of the opioid epidemic. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Oregon bill to clear way for more addiction, mental health treatment centers passed both chambers, then died anyway
The failure of Oregon's House Bill 4023, designed to alleviate restrictions on the establishment of mental health and substance use treatment centers, highlights a critical need for such facilities in the state. While the bill initially gained traction, particularly with a significant provision ...
The failure of Oregon's House Bill 4023, designed to alleviate restrictions on the establishment of mental health and substance use treatment centers, highlights a critical need for such facilities in the state. While the bill initially gained traction, particularly with a significant provision added by the Senate, it ultimately stalled in the House before the end of the legislative session. The amendment sought to broaden the permissible locations for treatment centers, addressing challenges posed by local zoning regulations. Advocates argue that easing such restrictions is essential to expand access to care and combat opposition from communities resistant to hosting these facilities. Despite the setback, there remains optimism for future legislative efforts to address the pressing need for mental health and addiction treatment infrastructure in Oregon. Until then, the development of new facilities will likely continue to be influenced by the willingness of local leaders to navigate community resistance. A bill to ease restrictions on locating mental health and addiction treatment centers failed on the final day of Oregon's 2024 legislative session. Oregon is desperately short of places where Oregonians can get help to kick drugs or with mental health conditions and without a new law, the drive to create many more beds could run into roadblocks. Vickie Connor/The Oregonian Key Takeaways Oregon faces a pressing need for more mental health and substance use treatment centers.House Bill 4023 aimed to ease restrictions on where these facilities could be built, but it failed to pass in the 2024 legislative session.The bill initially gained support, passing the House with only one opposing vote and receiving a notable amendment in the Senate.However, the bill stalled in the House due to concerns over the significant changes made by the Senate, leading to insufficient time for discussion before the session's end.Advocates argue that easing zoning restrictions is crucial to overcoming community opposition and expanding access to care.Despite the setback, there is optimism for future legislative efforts to address the need for mental health and addiction treatment infrastructure.Until further action is taken, the development of new treatment facilities will likely continue to be influenced by local leaders' willingness to confront community resistance. From the ArticleOregon desperately needs more mental health and substance use treatment centers. But a bill aimed at easing restrictions on where those facilities can be built died in the 11th hour of this year's legislative session. House Bill 4023 aimed to prevent local governments from using zoning or land use restrictions to limit where mental health or substance use facilities can be built. It passed the House in February with just one no vote. Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Addiction & Behavioral Health Programs
Medicaid expansion has had a transformative impact on addiction and behavioral health treatment by increasing access to care, improving coverage and benefits, reducing unmet treatment needs, increasing treatment utilization, enhancing financial sustainability for providers, and promoting ...
Medicaid expansion has had a transformative impact on addiction and behavioral health treatment by increasing access to care, improving coverage and benefits, reducing unmet treatment needs, increasing treatment utilization, enhancing financial sustainability for providers, and promoting integration of care. These changes have helped to address longstanding disparities in access to treatment services and have improved outcomes for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders across the United States. How Medicaid Expansion has Influenced Treatment Programs Increased Access to Treatment Services: Medicaid expansion has significantly increased access to addiction and behavioral health treatment services for low-income individuals. Prior to expansion, many low-income adults did not qualify for Medicaid based on income requirements, leaving them without coverage for mental health and substance abuse treatment. With the expansion, millions of previously uninsured individuals gained access to Medicaid coverage, which includes comprehensive behavioral health services.Parity Requirements: The ACA includes provisions to ensure parity between mental health/substance use disorder benefits and medical/surgical benefits in Medicaid expansion plans. This means that Medicaid expansion plans must provide coverage for mental health and substance use disorder treatment that is comparable to coverage for other medical conditions. This requirement has led to improved coverage and access to a wide range of addiction and behavioral health services.Reduction in Unmet Treatment Needs: Studies have shown that Medicaid expansion has led to a significant reduction in unmet treatment needs for mental health and substance use disorders. By expanding coverage to low-income individuals who previously lacked access to treatment services, Medicaid expansion has helped to address gaps in care and reduce barriers to treatment for those in need.Increased Treatment Utilization: With expanded coverage, more individuals have been able to access addiction and behavioral health treatment services. This has resulted in increased utilization of services such as outpatient counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), residential treatment, and intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). Increased utilization of treatment services has contributed to improved outcomes and reduced substance use among Medicaid expansion enrollees.Financial Sustainability for Providers: Medicaid expansion has also had positive financial implications for addiction and behavioral health treatment providers. With more individuals covered by Medicaid, providers have seen increases in reimbursement rates and reductions in uncompensated care costs. This has helped to improve the financial sustainability of treatment facilities and increase their capacity to deliver high-quality care to patients.Integration of Care: Medicaid expansion has encouraged greater integration of behavioral health and primary care services, leading to more comprehensive and coordinated care for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. Integrated care models aim to address the complex needs of individuals with co-occurring conditions more effectively, resulting in improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs over time. State by State Results from KFF ResearchTo date, 41 states (including DC) have adopted the Medicaid expansion and 10 states have not adopted the expansion. Current status for each state is based on KFF tracking and analysis of state expansion activity. View the State Status Report Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Some addiction treatment centers turn big profits by scaling back care
The landscape of addiction treatment is complex, with roughly 14,000 treatment centers across the United States. The proliferation of these centers coincides with rising addiction rates and improved insurance coverage mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). However, the quality of care provided ...
The landscape of addiction treatment is complex, with roughly 14,000 treatment centers across the United States. The proliferation of these centers coincides with rising addiction rates and improved insurance coverage mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). However, the quality of care provided by these facilities varies widely, with some not adhering to recommended treatment practices outlined by federal agencies. While efforts to standardize treatment protocols continue, private equity investment in addiction treatment facilities introduces additional challenges. Critics argue that private equity firms prioritize profit over the quality of care, leading to cuts in essential services and the implementation of unproven practices. Such actions can have detrimental effects on patients, as evidenced by instances of reduced access to FDA-approved medications for substance use disorder treatment and diminished overall treatment quality. While regulatory oversight exists, it primarily focuses on health and safety standards rather than clinical guidelines, leaving gaps in ensuring the delivery of evidence-based care. As a result, patients and their families often bear the burden of navigating a complex and sometimes predatory treatment landscape, highlighting the urgent need for greater transparency, accountability, and access to high-quality addiction treatment services. BRC Recovery, a private equity-backed addiction treatment company, bought Nashville Recovery Center in 2021. Private equity investment has driven much of the recent activity in substance abuse treatment, an industry that is highly fragmented and has historically had few guardrails to ensure patients are getting appropriate care. BLAKE FARMER FOR KHN The Key Takeaways  Impact of Medicaid Expansion: The Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion has significantly increased access to addiction and behavioral health treatment services for low-income individuals, leading to improvements in coverage and benefits.Role of Private Equity: Private equity investment in addiction treatment facilities has raised concerns about prioritizing profit over the quality of care, resulting in cuts to essential services and the implementation of unproven practices.Challenges in Treatment Quality: Despite efforts to standardize treatment protocols, many addiction treatment centers do not adhere to recommended practices, including the use of FDA-approved medications for substance use disorder treatment.Regulatory Oversight Gaps: Regulatory oversight primarily focuses on health and safety standards rather than clinical guidelines, leaving gaps in ensuring the delivery of evidence-based care and protecting patients from predatory practices.Burden on Patients and Families: Patients and their families often bear the burden of navigating a complex treatment landscape, leading to financial strain, inadequate care, and frustration with the lack of transparency and accountability in the industry.Call for Reform: There is an urgent need for greater transparency, accountability, and access to high-quality addiction treatment services to ensure that patients receive the care they need and deserve. This includes strengthening regulatory oversight, promoting evidence-based practices, and holding treatment facilities accountable for providing quality care. From the Article"In 2021, 127 mergers and acquisitions took place in the behavioral health sector, which includes treatment for substance use disorders, a rebound after several years of decline, according to investment banking firm Capstone Partners. Private equity investment drove much of the activity in an industry that is highly fragmented and rapidly growing, and has historically had few guardrails to ensure patients are getting appropriate care." Read the Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
The Average Cost of Drug Rehab
Although the study was taken in 2016, this is an interesting look at the average cost of addiction treatment looking at inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and detoxification. The study looks at factors affecting cost including health insurance plans and intensiveness of the treatment plan. Study ...
Although the study was taken in 2016, this is an interesting look at the average cost of addiction treatment looking at inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and detoxification.  The study looks at factors affecting cost including health insurance plans and intensiveness of the treatment plan. Study Results Adjusted for 2022 Inflation The Study Results on Inpatient Rehab Costs For treatment in a hospital, inpatient services usually last for a 28 to 30 day period. Inpatient services typically involve more extensive treatment. The benefit of inpatient rehabilitation and living at the facility is immediate access to counseling, group therapy, and detox services. Patients are under daily supervision to ensure the effectiveness of their rehabilitation. A 30 day program may range anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 depending on the clinic.The 30 day program averages out to $12,500.Inpatient care in a private facility costs $500 to $650 per day.The daily cost averages out to $575 a day.60 to 90 day programs range anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000.60 to 90 day programs average out to $36,000.There may be an admission fee with some rehab centers close to $3,000 or $4,000.Factors Affecting the Cost of Rehab Several variables influence the cost of rehabilitation treatment including health insurance plans and intensiveness of the treatment plan. The cheapest rehab centers are state run facilities but the trade off is longer wait times and limited treatment programs compared to privately owned facilities. The cost of rehab is greatly affected by the patient's health insurance plan or lack of one.State run facilities may even provide treatment for free.The type of rehab center chosen also determines cost.The intensity of care the individual needs; whether it's an outpatient, inpatient, or residential treatment plan helps determine cost.How long the individual will stay in the treatment plan may double the overall fee, if the individual needs 30, 60, or more than 90 days of treatment. From the Report"Out of all 50 states, New York treats the most patients for substance abuse disorder. Wyoming treats the least amount of patients. The total number of patients and facilities listed below include statistics from U.S. territories (such as Puerto Rico) and the District of Columbia." Read the Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Medicaid Expansion: A State by State Report Card
Medicaid expansion has had a transformative impact on addiction and behavioral health treatment by increasing access to care, improving coverage and benefits, reducing unmet treatment needs, increasing treatment utilization, enhancing financial sustainability for providers, and promoting ...
Medicaid expansion has had a transformative impact on addiction and behavioral health treatment by increasing access to care, improving coverage and benefits, reducing unmet treatment needs, increasing treatment utilization, enhancing financial sustainability for providers, and promoting integration of care. These changes have helped to address longstanding disparities in access to treatment services and have improved outcomes for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders across the United States.KFF has detailed 41 states that have adopted Medicaid expansion, along with 10 that have not and each state's current status. Sample Status Reports from KFF Kentucky:  On December 16, 2019, newly elected Democratic Governor Andy Beshear signed an executive order rescinding the Kentucky HEALTH waiver that had been set aside by the court in March 2019. The waiver had included a number of provisions including a work requirement, monthly premiums up to 4% of income, and coverage lockouts for failure to timely renew eligibility or timely report a change in circumstances. Kentucky's expansion program was originally implemented and continues to operate under state plan amendment (SPA) authority.Oklahoma: Enrollment in Medicaid coverage under expansion in Oklahoma began on June 1, 2021, with coverage for these enrollees beginning on July 1, 2021. Oklahoma voters approved a ballot measure on June 30, 2020 which added Medicaid expansion to the state's Constitution. Language in the approved measure prohibits the imposition of any additional burdens or restrictions on eligibility or enrollment for the expansion population.Virginia: The Virginia General Assembly approved Medicaid expansion as part of its FY 2019-2020 budget on May 30, 2018; Governor Northam signed the budget into law on June 7, 2018. Expansion coverage became effective under state plan amendment (SPA) authority on January 1, 2019 after enrollment began on November 1, 2018.Florida: An initiative to put Medicaid expansion on the 2020 ballot was delayed by its organizing committee.Georgia: On July 1, 2023, Georgia began implementation of the state's Section 1115 Pathways to Coverage waiver. The waiver, which is not a full Medicaid expansion under the ACA and does not qualify for enhanced matching funds, was initially approved in October 2020 and gives Georgia authority to extend Medicaid coverage to 100% FPL for parents and childless adults. Initial and continued enrollment is conditioned on compliance with the work and premium requirements. In December 2021, CMS under the Biden Administration withdrew Georgia's Section 1115 approval for work and premium requirements in the state's Pathways to Coverage waiver. However, in August 2022, a Federal District Court judge issued a decision vacating CMS's rescission of Georgia's waiver provisions, thus reinstating these provisions. View the State Status Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Information technology and addiction science: promises and challenges
About BMC BMC has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine. In 1999 we made high quality research open to everyone who needed to access it - and in making the open access model ...
About BMC BMC has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine. In 1999 we made high quality research open to everyone who needed to access it - and in making the open access model sustainable, we changed the world of academic publishing.
Telehealth Has Played an Outsized Role Meeting Mental Health Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
While telehealth services were underutilized before the pandemic, they represented a significant portion of outpatient visits during the peak of COVID-19, with a subsequent decline as in-person care resumed. Despite this decline, telehealth remains an important tool for delivering mental health ...
While telehealth services were underutilized before the pandemic, they represented a significant portion of outpatient visits during the peak of COVID-19, with a subsequent decline as in-person care resumed. Despite this decline, telehealth remains an important tool for delivering mental health services, particularly for individuals facing barriers to in-person care. Some private payers and Medicaid programs have expanded coverage for telehealth services, recognizing its value in maintaining access to care. The analysis, based on data from over 126 million patients, underscores the ongoing significance of telehealth, especially for mental health and substance use services, as the pandemic continues.KFF: "Mental health and substance use services by telehealth has remained elevated whereas other outpatient care use by telehealth has declined" The Key Findings from the KKF Study: Telehealth utilization for mental health and substance use visits has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a marked rise in telehealth's share of outpatient visits for these conditions compared to pre-pandemic levels.Rural residents are more likely to use telehealth for mental health and substance use visits, possibly due to shortages of mental health providers in rural areas.Non-elderly adults consistently used telehealth for mental health and substance use services, with a higher rate compared to children and seniors.Telehealth is significant across major mental health and substance use disorder conditions, with a large share of outpatient visits being delivered via telehealth for conditions like depression, anxiety, opioid-related disorders, and alcohol-related disorders.The mass adoption of telehealth raises questions about access, cost, and quality of mental health and substance use disorder services, especially regarding differences in technology comfort and internet access.Policies governing telehealth services are evolving, with Medicare and Medicaid expanding coverage and flexibility for telehealth visits, including audio-only visits and removal of geographic restrictions.Concerns about the availability of mental health providers have led to increased interest in telehealth services from employers and payers, potentially bolstering access to care through telehealth.Future regulations and policies regarding telehealth, including prescribing patterns and patient choice, will influence its long-term use for mental health and substance use disorders post-pandemic. From the Article"Data during the pandemic suggest there is a concerning increase in the number of individuals reporting symptoms of depression or anxiety and showing signs of substance use disorder. Many employers have expressed concern about the availability of mental health providers in their plan network. Given the increased need for services and concerns about the availability of mental health and substance use care providers, some payers may look to bolster access to these services through telehealth." Read the Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Technology for addiction recovery: apps, tools and resources
Verizon's article delves into the intersection of technology and addiction recovery, showcasing the diverse array of innovations aiding individuals struggling with substance use disorders. From telehealth to virtual reality to mobile apps, these advancements offer new avenues for support and ...
Verizon's article delves into the intersection of technology and addiction recovery, showcasing the diverse array of innovations aiding individuals struggling with substance use disorders. From telehealth to virtual reality to mobile apps, these advancements offer new avenues for support and intervention. Telehealth services, including therapy sessions and virtual doctor visits, have become especially vital during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring accessibility to care, particularly in rural areas. Digital therapeutics, such as the FDA-approved reSET program, supplement traditional treatments with cognitive behavioral therapy. Artificial intelligence facilitates crisis intervention and prediction of relapse, while neurofeedback technology helps patients self-regulate brain functions to counteract cravings. Virtual reality exposes individuals to triggers in a safe environment, aiding in the development of coping skills. Mobile apps provide a range of self-help tools and support networks accessible anytime, anywhere. Despite these benefits, challenges such as the need for stable internet connectivity and access to internet-connected devices persist, underscoring disparities in access to technology-driven recovery resources. From the Verizon Article Key Takeaways from the Verizon Article Technological Advancements in Addiction Recovery: Various technologies, including telehealth, virtual reality, mobile apps, and artificial intelligence, are transforming addiction recovery by providing innovative solutions for support and intervention.Telehealth Services: Telehealth offers convenient and safe avenues for individuals to receive support, including virtual therapy sessions, doctor visits, and group therapy, particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.Digital Therapeutics: FDA-approved digital therapeutic programs like reSET supplement traditional treatments with cognitive behavioral therapy, offering additional support for managing substance use disorders.Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI plays a vital role in crisis intervention and predicting relapse by analyzing patterns in behavior and search queries, enhancing proactive care and support.Neurofeedback Technology: Neurofeedback aids in self-regulating brain functions to counteract cravings, offering a valuable tool for addiction treatment.Virtual Reality (VR): VR exposure therapy provides a safe environment to confront triggers, helping individuals develop coping skills crucial for recovery.Mobile Apps: A variety of self-help mobile apps offer sobriety tracking, motivational messages, and support networks, providing accessible resources for individuals seeking help.Benefits of Technology for Addiction Recovery: Technology increases accessibility to addiction recovery services, mitigates time barriers, and provides a sense of privacy, addressing challenges like geographic location and stigma associated with addiction.Challenges and Drawbacks: Despite its benefits, technology-dependent recovery services require stable internet connectivity, access to internet-connected devices, and may incur costs, exacerbating disparities in access to care based on income, location, and connectivity.Call for Equitable Access: Efforts are needed to address disparities in access to technology-driven recovery resources, ensuring equitable access for all individuals seeking addiction treatment. From the Article:"From telehealth to wellness mobile apps, researchers are implementing technological innovations in a variety of ways for addiction recovery. These technologies serve a myriad of purposes. Some assist in managing and counteracting cravings, while others help recognize and intervene in crises. Together, these innovations mean new hope for people struggling with a substance use disorder. " Read the Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Rise in Use of Mental Health Apps Raises New Policy Issues
The Pandemic created a PHE or Public Health Emergency where the state and federal government agencies waived regulations allowing mental health apps to proliferate so that individuals could attain access to digital health service when in-person visits were not possible. According to a June 2023 ...
The Pandemic created a PHE or Public Health Emergency where the state and federal government agencies waived regulations allowing mental health apps to proliferate so that individuals could attain access to digital health service when in-person visits were not possible.  According to a June 2023 KKR study, "Approximately 40% of Americans reported symptoms of depression and anxiety at the beginning of the pandemic, and there was an increased need for mental health support for consumers to address these symptoms. Additionally, industry reports found that funding of behavioral health startup companies exploded during the pandemic with $588 million invested in the first half of 2020, many funded by private equity firms." Defining Mental Health Apps Mental health apps encompass a range of mobile technology applications offering support for mental well-being. These apps can be broadly categorized into three types: Medical Devices: These apps, like ReSET, are FDA-approved computerized behavioral therapy devices requiring a prescription. They provide virtual therapy sessions outside of live sessions with a clinician.Telehealth Apps: Examples include TalkSpace and Lyra, offering therapy sessions with licensed providers via live video or audio communication. They may also provide consultations and prescription drugs from licensed psychiatric providers, alongside general wellness features.Mental Health "Wellness" Products: Apps like Happify and PTSD Coach App focus on general wellness and symptom management through journaling, motivational quotes, chatbot therapy, and meditation. While some may offer clinician-endorsed treatments, distinguishing between medical and non-medical care can be challenging for users. Consumers may encounter mental health apps through various channels, such as health insurance coverage providers or employers. These apps may be provided directly or marketed at low or no cost to younger audiences through social media. Key Takeaways from the Brief Federal COVID Waivers: During the pandemic, federal agencies suspended certain policies to increase access to digital behavioral health services, including mental health apps. These waivers facilitated the use of telehealth and mental health apps by easing restrictions on telehealth coverage, privacy standards, and prescription protocols.Types of Mental Health Apps: Mental health apps offer a variety of services, including clinical therapy, telehealth features, and general wellness tools. The range of available apps varies from FDA-approved medical devices to non-medical wellness products.Policy Implications: The end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) has shifted the focus to the permanency of COVID waivers and new concerns such as privacy and access to prescription drugs via telehealth. Efforts are underway to extend some waivers to ensure continued access to digital behavioral health tools.Employer Plan Telehealth Flexibilities: There are proposals to make pre-deductible coverage of telehealth services permanent, aiming to expand access to virtual behavioral health beyond those with Health Savings Accounts. Stakeholders are considering design alternatives for employer coverage incorporating telehealth.Access to Controlled Medications: The PHE changes facilitated easier access to psychiatric medications via telehealth, but also contributed to shortages. The DEA has issued temporary rules allowing virtual prescribing of controlled substances to continue, while evaluating long-term policy options.Privacy Risks: Despite HIPAA protections, concerns persist regarding the privacy practices of mental health apps, including the sale of patient data to third parties. Regulatory agencies like the FTC are scrutinizing app vendors' privacy policies and data handling practices, with potential legal repercussions for non-compliance.Congressional Action: Congress is considering legislation to increase protections for personal health data stored in apps, reflecting growing concerns about data privacy and security in the mental health app industry. From the Brief:"Mental health apps, as well as other digital health solutions, have the potential to expand access to care, and for this reason certain rules and standards were waived or modified during the pandemic, which was also a time of heightened mental health needs. Coming out of the urgency of the pandemic, there is now an opportunity to evaluate the benefits and risks of these tools and consider what oversight might be appropriate. We can expect much more attention focused on the quality and clinical effectiveness of these tools, as well as who will pay for them. " Read the Brief Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Navigating Insurance Challenges for Drug & Alcohol Treatment
While insurance coverage for drug and alcohol treatment can provide crucial financial assistance, there are several drawbacks associated that often lead to denied or significantly reduced coverage. Here are some key challenges and advice to individuals seeking treatment on how to overcome those ...
While insurance coverage for drug and alcohol treatment can provide crucial financial assistance, there are several drawbacks associated that often lead to denied or significantly reduced coverage.  Here are some key challenges and advice to individuals seeking treatment on how to overcome those challenges. The Key Challenges with Insurance Coverage: Limited Coverage: Insurance policies often have limitations on coverage for addiction treatment services. This may include restrictions on the number of therapy sessions covered, limits on the duration of inpatient treatment, or exclusions for certain types of treatment modalities.High Deductibles and Co-pays: Even with insurance coverage, individuals may still face high deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance for addiction treatment services. These out-of-pocket expenses can add up quickly and may be unaffordable for some individuals.Prior Authorization Requirements: Insurance companies may require prior authorization before covering certain addiction treatment services. This can result in delays in accessing care and may require individuals to navigate complex bureaucracy to obtain approval for treatment.Out-of-Network Providers: Insurance plans may have limited networks of providers, and out-of-network services may have higher costs or may not be covered at all. This can restrict individuals' options for treatment and may require them to choose from a limited selection of providers.Denials and Appeals: Insurance companies may deny coverage for addiction treatment services for various reasons, such as lack of medical necessity or failure to meet specific criteria. This can be frustrating and stressful for individuals seeking treatment and may require them to go through the appeals process to obtain coverage.Lack of Coverage for Certain Services: Some insurance plans may not cover certain types of addiction treatment services, such as alternative or holistic therapies, residential treatment, or medication-assisted treatment. This can limit individuals' access to comprehensive care options.Privacy Concerns: Insurance coverage for addiction treatment may require individuals to disclose personal and sensitive information about their substance use history and treatment needs. This can raise privacy concerns for some individuals, particularly if they are concerned about stigma or discrimination.Risk of Coverage Changes: Insurance coverage for addiction treatment can be subject to changes in policy, premiums, or coverage levels. Individuals may face uncertainty about the availability and affordability of treatment services if their insurance coverage changes unexpectedly.Overcoming the Insurance ChallengesReview Policy Details Thoroughly: Take the time to thoroughly review your insurance policy to understand what addiction treatment services are covered, any limitations or exclusions, and the specific terms of coverage.Contact Your Insurance Representative: Reach out to your insurance representative or customer service hotline to discuss your coverage in detail. Ask specific questions about co-pays, deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, prior authorization requirements, and network providers.Appeal Denials: If your insurance company denies coverage for addiction treatment services, don't hesitate to appeal the decision. Provide any additional information or documentation requested by the insurance company and advocate for the medical necessity of the treatment.Explore In-Network Providers: Whenever possible, seek treatment from providers that are in-network with your insurance plan. In-network providers typically have negotiated rates with the insurance company, resulting in lower out-of-pocket costs for you.Educate Yourself About Coverage Changes: Stay informed about any changes to your insurance coverage, including changes in policy terms, premiums, or coverage levels. Be proactive in seeking information from your insurance provider to anticipate any potential impacts on your access to treatment.Consider Alternative Treatment Options: If certain addiction treatment services are not covered by your insurance plan, explore alternative options that may be more affordable or accessible. This could include outpatient treatment, support groups, community resources, or sliding-scale fee services. The Affordable Care ActThe Partnership to End Addiction provides valuable insight on ACA coverage.  Learn how their research uncovered gaps in treatment and noncompliance with 2017 legislation.Learn More Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Free Today
Uncovering the Major Gaps in Insurance Coverage
The Partnership to End Addiction conducted a research study to answer this question: "Are all American families with insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) getting the benefits required by law for substance use treatment?" They found that the answer was a "resounding no". Plans sold ...
The Partnership to End Addiction conducted a research study to answer this question: "Are all American families with insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) getting the benefits required by law for substance use treatment?"  They found that the answer was a "resounding no".  Plans sold under Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act in 2017 were often out of compliance with two major laws:Essential Health Benefits (EBH)According to the Partnership to End Addiction, "The ACA requires most individual and small group insurance plans, meaning the plans that individuals purchase on the state or federal marketplace (commonly known as "Obamacare Plans"), to cover 10 categories of benefits known as the Essential Health Benefits (EHB). One of the EHB categories is mental health (MH) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment, which must be covered at the same level as other medical or surgical benefits."The Parity Act"The federal Parity Act is a 10-year-old law that says insurance plans are not allowed to place more restrictions on mental health and substance use disorder benefits than they place on similar medical or surgical benefits. (It's important to note, though, that the Parity Act does not actually require plans to cover substance use disorder treatment.) By requiring plans to cover mental health and substance use disorders benefits as an EHB, in addition to complying with the Parity Act, the ACA provides the strongest protections for consumers seeking care covered by insurance. The more than 10 million people who purchase these plans pay for and are entitled to coverage for SUD treatment." Findings from the ResearchThe Partnership to End Addiction examined the substance use disorder (SUD) benefits offered by at least one ACA plan in each state in 2017.   The results were startling.>50%Over half of the states offered a plan in 2017 did not comply with the ACA's requirements to cover SUD benefits.20%Twenty percent of the states offered a plan in 2017 that violated the Parity Act.1Only one state provided comprehensive coverage for SUD treatment in both plans reviewed while three other states offered at least one plan in 2017 that provided comprehensive coverage for SUD treatment.>90%Over 90 percent of the plans reviewed did not contain sufficient, transparent information to complete an analysis. The research from the Partnership notes a slight improvement in ACA compliance compared to previous reports, but over two-thirds of plans are still non-compliant. Many states still violate the Parity Act. Despite an overall small improvement in SUD benefit coverage, none of the plans provided comprehensive coverage without harmful treatment limitations. Moreover, discriminatory coverage worsened for methadone, a key medication for opioid use disorder treatment. Transparency in plan documents remained poor, lacking critical information for informed decision-making by families. What Can Families Do?The Partnership to End Addiction provides this advice to families and encourages them to know t heir rights and have a strategy to "fight back" if coverage is denied.  Here is their advice: Families who have insurance that covers addiction treatment should not have to drain retirement and college savings accounts or face financial ruin to pay for care.Learn what to ask about substance use on your first call with your insurance providerLearn how to properly document your contact with your insurance companyLearn how to file an insurance appeal for substance use disorder when you're denied coverageLearn how to file an insurance parity complaint if insurance denies your claimRead this valuable advice by accessing the full article and research at the Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services designed to help individuals and their families to have access to more affordable treatment solutions. 30-Day Free Trial
Understanding the Financial Barriers to Receiving Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Financial barriers to drug and alcohol treatment can prevent individuals from accessing the care they need to address substance use disorders. These barriers can be significant and varied, impacting individuals across different socioeconomic backgrounds. ...
 Financial barriers to drug and alcohol treatment can prevent individuals from accessing the care they need to address substance use disorders. These barriers can be significant and varied, impacting individuals across different socioeconomic backgrounds.  Understanding the Financial BarriersLack of Insurance Coverage: Many individuals lack health insurance coverage, including coverage for addiction treatment services. Without insurance, the cost of treatment can be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for individuals to afford necessary care.Limited Coverage for Addiction Treatment: Even for individuals with health insurance, coverage for addiction treatment may be limited. Some insurance plans offer only minimal coverage for behavioral health services, leaving individuals responsible for significant out-of-pocket costs.High Deductibles and Copayments: Even with insurance coverage, individuals may face high deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance for addiction treatment services. These out-of-pocket expenses can create financial barriers to accessing care, particularly for individuals with limited financial resources.Lack of Affordable Treatment Options: Quality addiction treatment can be expensive, particularly residential or inpatient programs. Many individuals cannot afford the cost of treatment, especially if they do not have insurance coverage or if their insurance plan does not adequately cover the services they need.Transportation Costs: Transportation costs can present a significant barrier to accessing addiction treatment, especially for individuals who live in rural areas or do not have access to reliable transportation. The cost of gas, public transportation, or rideshare services can add up and make it difficult for individuals to attend treatment sessions regularly.Lost Income: Seeking addiction treatment may require taking time off from work, which can result in lost income. For individuals who are the primary earners for their families or who do not have paid time off, the financial impact of lost income can be a barrier to seeking treatment.Childcare Expenses: Individuals with children may face additional financial barriers to seeking addiction treatment, particularly if they need to pay for childcare while attending treatment sessions. Childcare expenses can add to the overall cost of treatment and may make it unaffordable for some individuals.Legal Costs: Individuals with substance use disorders may face legal problems related to their addiction, such as DUI charges or legal fees associated with criminal activity. These legal costs can create financial strain and make it more difficult for individuals to afford addiction treatment. Virtual Treatment as a Strategy to Overcome the BarriersReduced Transportation Costs: Virtual treatment eliminates the need for individuals to travel to a treatment facility, thereby reducing transportation costs associated with attending in-person sessions. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who live in rural areas or do not have access to reliable transportation.Lower Overhead Costs: Virtual treatment programs often have lower overhead costs compared to traditional in-person treatment facilities. This can result in reduced overall costs for the treatment provider, which may translate to lower costs for patients.Increased Accessibility: Virtual treatment options can improve access to addiction treatment for individuals who may face barriers to attending in-person sessions, such as those with disabilities, individuals who live in remote areas, or those with transportation limitations. By providing treatment remotely, individuals can access care from the comfort of their own homes.Flexible Scheduling: Virtual treatment options often offer greater flexibility in scheduling appointments, which can accommodate individuals' work schedules and other commitments. This flexibility can reduce the need for individuals to take time off from work, thereby minimizing lost income associated with seeking treatment.Cost-Effective Treatment Models: Some virtual treatment programs offer cost-effective treatment models, such as subscription-based services or sliding-scale fees based on income. These pricing structures can make treatment more affordable for individuals who may not have insurance coverage or who may face financial constraints.Reduced Childcare Expenses: Virtual treatment allows individuals to attend therapy sessions or support group meetings from home, eliminating the need for childcare arrangements. This can reduce childcare expenses associated with attending in-person treatment sessions, making treatment more financially feasible for parents or caregivers.Minimized Legal Costs: For individuals facing legal issues related to their addiction, virtual treatment options can help minimize legal costs by providing accessible and affordable treatment alternatives. By addressing the underlying substance use disorder, virtual treatment may also help individuals avoid future legal problems associated with their addiction. TakeawayOverall, virtual treatment options can help address financial concerns by reducing transportation costs, lowering overhead expenses, increasing accessibility, offering flexible scheduling, providing cost-effective treatment models, minimizing childcare expenses, and potentially reducing legal costs associated with addiction. These benefits make virtual treatment an attractive and accessible option for individuals seeking help for drug and alcohol addiction. Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services designed to help individuals and their families to have access to more affordable treatment solutions. 30-Day Free Trial
2023 Statistics on the Cost of Drug & Alcohol Treatment
There is no question that the need for drug and alcohol and behavioral health treatment has skyrocketed. However, only a fraction of individuals that need this vital treatment seek it out with the biggest barrier being financial concerns. The National Drug Helpline, a self-funded non-profit is ...
There is no question that the need for drug and alcohol and behavioral health treatment  has skyrocketed.   However, only a fraction of individuals that need this vital treatment seek it out with the biggest barrier being financial concerns.  The National Drug Helpline, a self-funded non-profit is dedicated to providing high quality resources for individuals seeking help from drug and alcohol treatment.  This infographic was based on statistics from their research.  Learn More about the Helpline Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Your Free Trial
Projecting Behavioral Health Workforce Supply & Demand
Given the increasing strain on the behavioral health workforce and the projected shortages in various key occupations, it is imperative to fortify and expand educational and training programs to meet future demands effectively. A comprehensive approach that includes heightened federal support, ...
Given the increasing strain on the behavioral health workforce and the projected shortages in various key occupations, it is imperative to fortify and expand educational and training programs to meet future demands effectively. A comprehensive approach that includes heightened federal support, enhanced loan repayment incentives, and a broadened scope for teletherapy services could be instrumental in mitigating the impending workforce deficit. For a more digestible overview, the following infographic illustrates the projected shortages and the additional workforce required by 2036 to address both current usage of behavioral health services and unmet needs. Projected workforce shortages in behavioral health fields by 2036 based on current service usage and unmet needs. Data source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).Information for the infographic sourced from the HRSA (Health Resources & Services Administration) Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Start Your Free Trial
Bridging the Gap: A Turning Point in Addiction Treatment
Infographic Overview: Pioneering Changes in Addiction Treatment This powerful infographic encapsulates the harsh reality of treatment accessibility for millions grappling with substance use disorders globally. It highlights the alarming statistics indicating the dire need for more accessible ...
Infographic Overview: Pioneering Changes in Addiction Treatment This powerful infographic encapsulates the harsh reality of treatment accessibility for millions grappling with substance use disorders globally. It highlights the alarming statistics indicating the dire need for more accessible treatment options. Despite many people suffering from these disorders, only a fraction receive necessary treatment. Those in addiction treatment can also struggle with relapse, with high rates for those suffering from substance use disorders and opioid addiction. However, web-based treatments have been shown to be as effective as in-person therapy. These virtual care solutions offer higher abstinence rates, significant reductions in relapse, increased treatment adherence, and high patient satisfaction. InterAct LifeLine's virtual care program is a game-changer in the landscape of addiction treatment and for those on the path to recovery, making it an essential tool for understanding the current challenges and prospective solutions in substance abuse treatment. References Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Learn More
Busting 4 Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Addiction Recovery
Caregivers and social support play a critical role in managing chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer, contrasting it with the often stigmatized and misunderstood role of families in supporting individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). However, families and loved ones of people with ...
Caregivers and social support play a critical role in managing chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer, contrasting it with the often stigmatized and misunderstood role of families in supporting individuals with substance use disorder (SUD).  However, families and loved ones of people with substance use disorder (SUD) often receive mixed messages from society about their role as caregivers from people using outdated language, such as "codependency" and "tough love," that can actually harm family members and loved ones in treatment. This article debunks 4 common myths surrounding family involvement in SUD treatment and suggests diverse ways clinicians can engage families to improve patient outcomes, stressing the importance of compassion and understanding in supporting individuals with SUD. The Grayken Center for Addiction TTA Program created a video to educate clinicians on how longstanding stigma and misinformation impacts caregivers of people with substance use disorder and their loved ones. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Critical Role of Social Support: Similar to chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer, social support from family, friends, and partners plays a vital role in managing substance use disorder (SUD) and improving treatment outcomes.Stigma Surrounding Family Involvement: Families of individuals with SUD often face stigma and outdated beliefs, such as the notion of "codependency" and "tough love," which can hinder effective support and perpetuate misunderstanding within both society and the medical community.Reframing Perspectives: Healthcare professionals need to reassess their views on family involvement in addiction treatment, moving away from stigmatizing myths and toward a more compassionate and inclusive approach that recognizes the importance of family support in patient care.Empowering Families: Education and support groups, such as those provided by the Grayken Center, are essential for empowering families with evidence-based knowledge and practical skills to support their loved ones with SUD effectively.Diverse Engagement Strategies: Clinicians should adopt diverse engagement strategies with families, emphasizing flexibility rather than adherence to specific models. This includes providing education, encouraging involvement in treatment, and offering practical support tailored to individual family dynamics and needs. Excerpt Busting 4 Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Addiction Recovery From Health City"Reframing the role of social support in addiction treatment among clinicians is a critical step toward improving health outcomes for patients with SUD. In less than a year, Grayken's TTA program has trained over 1,000 healthcare professionals nationwide about the importance of including family and social support in current models of care. They've encouraged clinicians to engage and educate patient families when possible, while working to dispel these common myths that perpetuate stigma around addiction." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Care and Compassion Over Tough Love
Using "tough love" often has implications in caregiving, particularly when it comes to supporting individuals struggling with addiction. While tough love is often viewed as setting boundaries to prompt behavioral change, it can lead to counterproductive and even abusive outcomes. Tough love ...
Using "tough love" often has implications in caregiving, particularly when it comes to supporting individuals struggling with addiction. While tough love is often viewed as setting boundaries to prompt behavioral change, it can lead to counterproductive and even abusive outcomes. Tough love approaches frequently fail to yield long-term positive results and can strain relationships. Instead, compassionate, respectful, and consistent support, clear communication and evidence-based interventions like Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) assist loved ones in seeking treatment. Families need to prioritize understanding and empathy over harsh tactics, urging them to seek professional guidance when necessary. Ultimately, caregivers are encouraged to reject tough love in favor of approaches that foster trust, support, and collaboration in addressing addiction and other challenges. Key Takeaways from the ArticleComplexity of "Tough Love": The article delves into the multifaceted nature of "tough love," noting the concept of allowing loved ones to face consequences for their actions as a learning experience. However, it highlights the practical implications where tough love often extends to harsh and counterproductive behaviors, potentially leading to abusive dynamics.Origins and Evolution: Tracing back to its emergence in Bill Milliken's 1968 book, the term "tough love" has evolved across various domains, particularly in parenting and addiction treatment contexts. Despite its historical roots in concern and firmness, tough love has increasingly been associated with rigid and punitive approaches.Shortcomings in Addiction Treatment: While tough love is frequently recommended for individuals struggling with addiction, the article challenges its efficacy, noting that forced or coerced treatment often fails to yield long-term positive outcomes. Additionally, it highlights the potential for such approaches to exacerbate feelings of unworthiness and fuel self-destructive behaviors.Emphasis on Compassion and Respect: Advocating for compassionate and respectful caregiving, the article underscores the importance of establishing clear boundaries and communication channels. It promotes supportive listening and encourages families to seek evidence-based interventions like Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) to facilitate treatment-seeking behaviors in loved ones.Seeking Professional Guidance: Recognizing the complexity of supporting individuals with addiction, the article emphasizes the need for families to seek professional guidance when navigating challenging situations. It reassures caregivers that they are not alone and encourages them to prioritize empathy and collaboration over harsh tactics in addressing addiction and fostering positive change. Excerpt Care and Compassion Over Tough Love From Shatterproof"To some, tough love is simply the opposite of coddling-it refers to letting a loved one face the consequences of their actions as part of a learning experience. In theory, this definition sounds reasonable. But in practice, tough love often goes much farther than that, and the concept can be used to excuse or encourage caregiver behavior that's harsh, counterproductive, and even abusive." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Rethink the Family: The Laura Project
The Laura Project takes you on a family's personal journey through 15 years of struggle with substance misuse and addiction that ultimately claimed Laura Bradfield's life in 2017. The Rethink the Family portal features "Lessons from Laura" written by her mother in the years following Laura's ...
The Laura Project takes you on a family's personal journey through 15 years of struggle with substance misuse and addiction that ultimately claimed Laura Bradfield's life in 2017.   The Rethink the Family portal features "Lessons from Laura" written by her mother in the years following Laura's death, along with additional curated content, education and strategies to help families understand the risks that children face if they misuse substances and develop the disease of addiction. Carolyn Bradfield: My Key Takeaways My daughter Laura battled addiction for 15 of her 29 years and we tried multiple treatment programs, tough love, and even starting our own licensed adolescent treatment program.  Here are some key takeaways from our journey together.It can happen to you:  No matter who you are, no matter how wonderful your children are, no matter what you financial status us, anyone can be affected by the disease of addiction.  1 in 10 adolescents develop the disease before they even leave high school.Families are critical to recovery: Becoming educated about the disease, making the commitment to fully engage in the recovery process, and involving the entire family is one of the most critical factors in ensuring that your loved one has a path to recovery.Compassion wins the day: We are often taught that "tough love" is the way to get the behavioral change you are looking for; however, understanding, love and compassion are much more powerful and effective tools.  Set boundaries, but don't give in to anger and blame.Understand the risk: Although a family history of addiction puts you at greater risk, today the biggest risk is the hidden danger of fentanyl.  Counterfeit pills are easy to buy on social media or the street and according to the DEA, 6 of 10 they confiscate  have a lethal dose of fentanyl in them.Talk about it: There is absolutely no shame in having a loved one who is struggling with addiction or mental health issues.  Talk about it with friends and family to get their support and understanding.  My grief process was made much easier as I wrote the Lessons from Laura knowing how they might help others. Visit Rethink the Family Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
'I landed on love': Families try a different approach to addiction
WBUR is Boston's NPR that "produces high-quality journalism and enriching experiences that foster understanding, connection and community for an expanding circle of people. Our vision is to become a daily habit for every person in Boston and beyond who seeks to engage with the most consequential ...
WBUR is Boston's NPR that "produces high-quality journalism and enriching experiences that foster understanding, connection and community for an expanding circle of people. Our vision is to become a daily habit for every person in Boston and beyond who seeks to engage with the most consequential issues of our times."In November of 2023, WBUR aired a story about Ken Feldstein and his son Brendon as they struggled to find a way to help Brendon overcome his addiction to heroin.  Addicted to drugs as a teenager and now an addiction counselor, Ken tried a different approach to help Brendon find his way back to recovery. Brendan during his opioid use disorder and his mom Barbara around 2009. (Courtesy of Ken Feldstein) Excerpt 'I landed on love': Families try a different approach to addiction From WBUR in Boston"I want to move us away from a historical and incorrect assumption that family members are the root cause of addiction or that they are responsible for perpetuating the disorder," Ventura told trainees in a recent session. "Instead, recognize the important role that family members and social support play in the lives of people with substance use disorder."." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Challenging Drug and Alcohol Stigma
In a society where substance use disorders create barriers to treatment and acceptance, challenging the stigma surrounding drug and alcohol problems is crucial. Substance use stigma discourages individuals from seeking help, burdens families with undue guilt, and alienates entire communities. The ...
In a society where substance use disorders create barriers to treatment and acceptance, challenging the stigma surrounding drug and alcohol problems is crucial. Substance use stigma discourages individuals from seeking help, burdens families with undue guilt, and alienates entire communities. The negative perceptions and language associated with addiction only perpetuate the cycle of exclusion and crisis. By advocating for a language of understanding and support, we can fight the bias and exclusion that stigma creates. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Recognizing substance use disorders as health conditions, not moral failings.Understanding that stigma can prevent people from accessing the help they need and deserve.The profound impact of stigma on self-worth and mental well-being of individuals with substance use disorders.The ripple effect of stigma on families and communities, including feelings of isolation and shame.Identifying how self-stigma can manifest as a barrier to seeking and utilizing support services.Challenging stigma by being mindful of language and attitudes towards people with substance use issues.Addressing stigma to facilitate early intervention and holistic care, including mental and physical health support.Encouraging family involvement in the care process free from the burdens of stigma.Supporting people in recovery to re-integrate into society, including opportunities for work, education, and volunteerism.Advocating for compassionate terminology when discussing substance use to promote understanding and acceptance. Excerpt Challenging Drug and Alcohol Stigma From NHS Inform"You can help challenge stigma by speaking up when you hear people around you make negative or wrong comments about people with a drug or alcohol problem. Remember that a drug or alcohol problem should be treated as a health condition. This means that those affected should get the same support as those dealing with a health issue." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
In the behavioral health workforce, there are three types of crucial health support personnel: clinical supporters, community care workers, and frontline workers. These personnel often do a lot with little due to limited resources and training. Crucial changes that could help reform the behavior ...
In the behavioral health workforce, there are three types of crucial health support personnel: clinical supporters, community care workers, and frontline workers. These personnel often do a lot with little due to limited resources and training. Crucial changes that could help reform the behavior health workforce could include fair pay, promoting diversity, better career opportunities, and removing obstacles. These major reforms could not just grow but also strengthen the workforce that is crucial to tackle behavioral health challenges. Society at large has a responsibility to ensure that our behavioral health workers are supported, trained, and rewarded appropriately. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Less than half of individuals suffering from mental health issues were able to receive timely help.The need to address the imbalance between the high demand for behavioral health services and the limited availability of trained providers.The significance of community care workers in offering behavioral health support in nonclinical settings.The challenges faced by frontline workers, such as law enforcement and teachers, who often provide behavioral health support without sufficient training.The necessity for improved guidance and oversight to ensure fair reimbursement for behavioral health services compared to medical and surgical services.The potential of public-private partnerships in reducing administrative burdens and aligning incentives for the behavioral health workforce.The importance of creating career advancement pathways, particularly for clinical supporters and community care workers.The value of incentives, like scholarships and loan forgiveness, to cultivate a diverse and representative workforce.The urgency in reviewing pay discrepancies and structural barriers that deter entry and retention in the behavioral health workforce.The need for comprehensive policy reform to bolster the support system for individuals managing behavioral health issues across varying environments. Excerpt Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage From The Commonwealth Fund"Nearly half of all Americans will have a behavioral health issue in their lifetime, from a mood disorder to a substance use problem. Behavioral health care encompasses a wide variety of interventions delivered by many different types of providers. In the U.S., nearly all these providers are in short supply. The scarcity of behavioral health professionals is undermining people's ability to get timely care. This is reinforced by historical underinvestment in behavioral health care by public insurance programs (like Medicaid and Medicare), private insurers, and employers - including lack of coverage and low reimbursement rates." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Guiding Principles for Addressing the Stigma on Opioid Addiction
De-stigmatizing opioid use disorder is a pivotal step toward more effective treatment and societal outcomes. The power of language and narrative is crucial in shaping public perceptions, urging a shift towards person-centered language and an acknowledgement of external, societal factors ...
De-stigmatizing opioid use disorder is a pivotal step toward more effective treatment and societal outcomes. The power of language and narrative is crucial in shaping public perceptions, urging a shift towards person-centered language and an acknowledgement of external, societal factors contributing to addiction. This article offers evidence-based tactics for crafting messages that foster empathy, generate hope, and advocate for accessible, effective treatments for those battling addiction.  The words we choose and the stories we tell have significant impact on public attitude and policy support. Humanizing the condition and focusing on recovery helps shifts the narrative from one of shame to one of understanding and support. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Avoid stigmatizing language: Swap terms like "addict" for "person with a substance use disorder" to reduce stigma.Highlight societal factors: Accentuate the role of external elements, such as prescribed medications leading to addiction, to encourage empathy.Promote solution-oriented messages: Emphasize the availability of effective treatments to inspire hope and drive change.Share sympathetic narratives: Use stories that humanize individuals with addiction, include external causality, and focus on recovery.Recognize influential narrative details: Be mindful of the demographics and perspective to resonate with target audiences.Validate the existence of effective treatment: Discuss real-life examples of successful recovery to change perceptions.Avoid ineffective messaging: Steer clear of messages that solely attribute addiction to disease or biological factors, which can perpetuate stigma.Combine disease context with effective treatment: Pairing medical framing with solution-focused messages can enhance public support for treatment access. Excerpt Guiding Principles for Addressing the Stigma on Opioid Addiction From John Hopkins Bloomberg American Health Initiative"Public stigma-defined as negative attitudes toward a specific group of people among the general public-is very high toward individuals with opioid use disorder. Public stigma is a barrier to implementation of evidence-based policies and program to address the opioid crisis. Research shows that:   Many Americans view poor individual choices/lack of discipline as the cause of opioid addiction:  78% of Americans believe people who are addicted to prescription opioids are, themselves, to blame for the problem.72% believe that people addicted to prescription opioids lack self-discipline." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Stigma Reduction to Combat the Addiction Crisis - Developing an Evidence Base
The article explains how to reduce negative attitudes in communication, especially about substance use disorders. It promotes using language that puts the person before their condition, focusing on treatment options, sharing stories of empathy, and shedding light on societal causes of addiction as ...
The article explains how to reduce negative attitudes in communication, especially about substance use disorders. It promotes using language that puts the person before their condition, focusing on treatment options, sharing stories of empathy, and shedding light on societal causes of addiction as ways to lessen stigma. Research suggests that comprehensive and unbiased communication can greatly change how people see addiction and create a more supportive environment for those dealing with it. It is crucial to use careful communication strategies when talking about public perceptions of addiction. By challenging deep-rooted prejudices and understanding the societal foundations of addiction, we can make healthcare responses more inclusive and effective.  Here are our key takeaways from the article: Person-first language is crucial for reducing stigma around substance use.Public perception of addiction benefits from emphasizing treatment efficacy and overdose prevention solutions.Sympathetic narratives can decrease stigma if carefully crafted to avoid reinforcing other social stigmas.Societal causes of addiction should be prioritized over individual blame to avoid cognitive bias.Developing a strong, research-based evidence system is key for understanding what messages work best in reducing stigma.Stigma-reduction initiatives must be evaluated with pretests and longitudinal studies to adjust strategies and ensure effectiveness.Integration of stigma-reduction strategies within broader health care policies will deepen the impact on the addiction crisis.Effective communication campaigns should be tailored to target specific audiences, including the general public, medical professionals, and those in the criminal justice and child welfare sectors.Enhanced provider enthusiasm for treating patients with addiction can occur through stigma reduction, potentially improving patient care experiences and outcomes. Excerpt Stigma Reduction to Combat the Addiction Crisis - Developing an Evidence Base From The New England Journal of Medicine by Emma E. McGinty, Ph.D., and Colleen L. Barry, Ph.D."Between 1999 and 2017, more than 700,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, and escalating rates of drug addiction have contributed to recent decreases in life expectancy. To address this crisis, we must combat the stigma attached to addiction. A large body of research indicates that this stigma is persistent, pervasive, and rooted in the belief that addiction is a personal choice reflecting a lack of willpower and a moral failing." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Reducing the Stigma of Addiction
The opioid crisis in America has taken a staggering toll on individuals and communities, made worse by the pervasive stigma associated with addiction. Johns Hopkins Medicine underscores the urgent need for destigmatization, pointing out that addiction is not a moral failure but a treatable medical ...
The opioid crisis in America has taken a staggering toll on individuals and communities, made worse by the pervasive stigma associated with addiction. Johns Hopkins Medicine underscores the urgent need for destigmatization, pointing out that addiction is not a moral failure but a treatable medical condition. They emphasize the importance of person-first language and evidence-based treatments, including FDA-approved medications that have been proven to save lives.  Initiatives like those of Johns Hopkins are critical to turning the tide against the opioid crisis. Introducing vocabulary that respects the dignity of individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) is more than compassionate-it's a vital step towards integrating effective treatments into mainstream healthcare.  Here are our key takeaways from the article: Drug overdose deaths have significantly impacted U.S. life expectancy.Stigmatization of addiction creates significant barriers to treatment access.Addiction stigma within the healthcare field can compromise patient care quality.Opioid use disorder is a chronic brain disease, not a character flaw.Person-first language can significantly reduce addiction stigma.Methadone, buprenorphine, and extended-release naltrexone cut overdose death risks by half.Medication-based therapy for opioid use disorder is underutilized.Comprehensive treatment can enable individuals to lead fulfilling lives.There is a critical need to make life-saving medications for OUD more accessible.Stigma reduction is a communal responsibility and integral to addressing the opioid crisis effectively. Excerpt Reducing the Stigma of Addiction From John Hopkins Medicine"There is an urgent need to combat stigma surrounding addiction. Recognizing the enormous challenge that stigma poses to our communities, including patients with substance use disorder, Johns Hopkins Medicine is committed to dismantling stigma within our health system as a key part of our strategy for tackling the addiction and overdose crisis." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
New Study: Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage Will Negatively Impact Society
The mental health field is facing a serious lack of staff, and this issue is expected to worsen by 2025. The shortage is causing a lot of stress, with almost all mental health workers feeling burnt out. The industry suggests solutions like more online health services, training programs, and ...
The mental health field is facing a serious lack of staff, and this issue is expected to worsen by 2025. The shortage is causing a lot of stress, with almost all mental health workers feeling burnt out. The industry suggests solutions like more online health services, training programs, and forgiving student loans to ease the burden. This shortage is a serious issue that needs immediate and creative solutions to ensure people can access mental health and addiction services. Here at InterAct LifeLine, we understand how important it is to address this staff shortage to maintain societal well-being. The strong dedication of mental health workers is praiseworthy but won't last unless we fix the system-wide problems. It's crucial that everyone involved in the industry, from those making policies to those providing care, work together to put these solutions into action. Here are our key takeaways from the article: There is a projected shortfall of about 31,000 mental health practitioners by 2025.The prevalence of burnout, with 93% of workers affected and 62% suffering from moderate to severe levels.The negative impact of administrative tasks on client care and worker well-being.Growing concerns about societal impacts due to impaired access to care.Potential solutions such as more telehealth services, apprenticeship programs, and student loan forgiveness.The critical need for improved recruitment and retention strategies in the field.The importance of promoting self-care among current behavioral health workers.The value of bipartisan policymaker engagement to tackle workforce challenges.The essential role of the behavioral health workforce in navigating health crises. Excerpt New Study: Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage Will Negatively Impact Society From The National Council for Mental Wellbeing"New survey data from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, conducted by The Harris Poll, finds that the vast majority (83%) of the nation's behavioral health workforce believes that without public policy changes, provider organizations won't be able to meet the demand for mental health or substance use treatment and care. The survey, conducted among 750 behavioral health workers and more than 2,000 U.S. adults, also warns of a potential exodus of behavioral health workers due to burnout." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages
Medicaid's role in mental health care is changing significantly, with states leading efforts to simplify paperwork processes and centralize provider qualifications. Even though each state's ability to make changes varies, the overall move towards reducing administrative work shows a positive trend ...
Medicaid's role in mental health care is changing significantly, with states leading efforts to simplify paperwork processes and centralize provider qualifications. Even though each state's ability to make changes varies, the overall move towards reducing administrative work shows a positive trend across the country. Quick payment policies and financial rewards are being used to encourage more providers to accept Medicaid. Also, by offering student loan repayments and training opportunities, there's a focus on growing and strengthening the mental health workforce as part of a long-term plan for the industry. The flexibility and changes within Medicaid show a healthcare system that is becoming more responsive to the needs of both providers and patients, especially in mental health care. The focus on prompt payments and reducing bureaucratic hurdles shows a forward-thinking approach, while investing in workforce development ensures long-lasting, quality care. These steps are not only beneficial now but also set a good example for future healthcare models across the nation. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Several states plan to centralize or standardize provider credentialing.State Medicaid programs vary in their authority to independently reduce administrative burdens, often requiring inter-agency collaboration.Prompt payment policies are widely adopted and are crucial in maintaining provider participation in Medicaid.Less commonly reported are financial incentives offered by states for integrated behavioral and physical health care.Massachusetts and Washington are among the states investing in the workforce growth through initiatives like student loan repayment and specialized training programs.The Consolidated Appropriations Act passed by Congress supports a burgeoning workforce with funding for new psychiatry residency positions.Elimination of administrative hurdles to prescribe buprenorphine represents a significant advancement in addiction treatment.Comprehensive training for all controlled substance prescribers will enhance the overall standard of care for patients with OUD or SUD.Enhancements in Medicaid provider directories and nationally-backed legislations indicate a bipartisan push towards mental health reform. Excerpt A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages From KFF by Heather Saunders, Madeline Guth, and Gina Eckart"The pandemic has exacerbated mental health and substance use issues and 90% of Americans believe the nation is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Despite increases in need, data show that treatment rates across all payers are low. Documented workforce challenges contribute to barriers in access to care and nearly half of the US population - 47% or 158 million people - living in a mental health workforce shortage area. " Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Workforce Development for Behavioral Health
This detailed study looks into the peer support workforce, highlighting the unique issues and complexities this vital part of the mental health field faces. Peer support workers balance personal experience with professional development, all while dealing with low pay and the pursuit of career ...
This detailed study looks into the peer support workforce, highlighting the unique issues and complexities this vital part of the mental health field faces. Peer support workers balance personal experience with professional development, all while dealing with low pay and the pursuit of career growth. Despite being financially underrated, peer specialists play a key role in many people's recovery process, offering not just support, but also hope and guidance. Yet, there is an immediate need for standard certification, broader career opportunities, and increased diversity in this workforce according to the research. Improving the career prospects of peer support workers could improve the quality of care they provide. This would then lead to better patient results, showing the inherent worth of these workers. Additionally, the emphasis on equality aims to not only enhance care but also ensure it is culturally sensitive and inclusive. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Peer support workers provide essential mentorship within the recovery process, but face challenges such as low wages and unclear career paths.There is a significant demand for peer support workers, but the supply does not meet this need, influenced by recruitment practices and lack of formal career ladders.Certification does not currently correlate with higher wages, indicating a disconnect between credentialing and compensation.Career advancement opportunities exist in three primary categories: management, lateral movement, and clinical roles, each with unique requirements and trajectories.Upskilling and continuing education can lead to personal and professional growth for peer support workers and aid organizations in employee retention.Peer workforce demographics and representation need to be researched further to ensure the community being served is adequately reflected.Future research and developments should focus on creating formal credentials for peer support workers, continuing education requirements, and strategies to enhance diversity and equity in the field. Excerpt Workforce Development for Behavioral Health From The Project on Workforce by Antoinette 'Toni' Gingerelli, Kelsey Pukelis, and Priscilla Liu"Across the United States there is a shortage of behavioral health workers. These workers play an integral role in supporting those struggling with mental health conditions or substance use disorders, a role with even more importance in the wake of COVID-19. Against this backdrop, the Massachusetts Healthcare Collaborative sought to identify and address challenges in the state's healthcare workforce pipeline, starting with peer support workers." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Behavioral Health Tech Products Can Function Well Without Professional Controls
There is debate around clinician oversight in the evolving landscape of behavioral health tech products, using Pear Therapeutics and Akili, Inc. as examples of shifting business models from prescription to non-prescription. It explores clinicians' push for CMS billing codes for client guidance and ...
There is debate around clinician oversight in the evolving landscape of behavioral health tech products, using Pear Therapeutics and Akili, Inc. as examples of shifting business models from prescription to non-prescription. It explores clinicians' push for CMS billing codes for client guidance and remote monitoring, expressing concerns about potential complications and the impact on measurement-based care (MBC). Emphasizing the need for executive leadership, the article calls for efficient systems prioritizing outcomes over billing minutiae, highlighting the clash between fee-for-service (FFS) and value-based care (VBC) approaches. The overarching message stresses the importance of trusting clinically based tech products to function efficiently without unnecessary professional controls. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Prescription Model Pitfalls: The article highlights the challenges faced by companies like Pear Therapeutics, emphasizing the drawbacks of a prescription-only model for digital therapeutic tools. Pear's bankruptcy after restricting access raises questions about the effectiveness and consumer-friendliness of such approaches.Clinician Compensation Debate: The piece delves into the ongoing debate among clinicians seeking Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) billing codes for guiding clients and remote monitoring. The demand for compensation for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) expertise is a focal point, with potential implications for the advancement of measurement-based care (MBC).Executive Leadership in Integration: The article advocates for executive leadership in integrating MBC into outpatient care, citing the system-focused perspective that executives bring. It underscores the need for consumer products to be easily accessible, with outcomes assessed at the level of clinical programs and populations, emphasizing efficiency and accessibility.Efficiency in Value-Based Care (VBC): The clash between fee-for-service (FFS) and value-based care (VBC) approaches is explored, with executives advocating for efficient systems and outcomes-driven care. The shift towards VBC arrangements, focused on efficiency and improved outcomes, challenges the traditional billing mindset of maximizing opportunities.Challenges of Billing Processes: The article raises concerns about billing processes complicating measurement-based care (MBC) clinical monitoring. It argues for the integration of MBC into all outpatient care as a standard process, cautioning against the growth of separate charges and the potential tying of monitoring to specific therapies, such as CBT.Digital Therapeutics in Evolving Healthcare Models: The piece concludes by stressing the mission-critical role of clinically based tech products alongside therapeutic services. It advocates for trusting these products to function efficiently without onerous professional controls, recognizing their potential to address unmet behavioral needs and embed clinical outcomes into everyday care. Excerpt Behavioral Health Tech Products Can Function Well Without Professional Controls From Behavioral Health Executive"Many behavioral health tech products are effective without clinician oversight. Yet some argue for inserting professional controls, and consensus is lacking. An excellent place to begin this debate is with Pear Therapeutics. Their digital therapeutic tools were available by prescription only-a less consumer-friendly approach than open access based on eligibility-until they went bankrupt in 2023.." Read the Full Article Get a Free Trial InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  30-Day Free Trial
Addiction Treatment Marketing: How to Market a Rehab Center
Effective marketing is crucial for treatment centers to stand out among the over 13,000 facilities in the U.S. From managing reviews and utilizing social media to employing email marketing and creating quality content, treatment centers must generate awareness, establish trust, and boost client ...
Effective marketing is crucial for treatment centers to stand out among the over 13,000 facilities in the U.S. From managing reviews and utilizing social media to employing email marketing and creating quality content, treatment centers must generate awareness, establish trust, and boost client retention. Local outreach, paid advertising, industry events, and personalized testimonials are all important marketing strategies for behavioral health programs..  It is important to have a user-friendly website and leverage tools like call tracking for a deeper understanding of audience behavior. Whether through community engagement, scholarship programs, or digital advertising, programs must navigate the complexities of marketing in the addiction treatment sector. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Multi-pronged Approach: Successful drug rehab marketing requires a comprehensive strategy that includes managing reviews, utilizing social media, employing email marketing, creating quality content, local outreach, paid advertising, industry events, and personalized testimonials.Local Engagement: Local face-to-face and ad-based outreach, such as speaking at community centers, sponsoring events, and joining local organizations, plays a vital role in establishing a treatment center's presence and attracting clients.Digital Presence: Leveraging digital platforms like social media, email marketing, and paid advertising is crucial for engaging with individuals seeking addiction treatment. Maintaining a strong online presence helps build awareness, trust, and visibility for the treatment center.Content Creation: High-quality, valuable content is a key component of effective marketing. Educational resources, inspirational stories, and information on various treatment approaches contribute to establishing the treatment center's expertise and attracting potential clients.Client Testimonials: Sharing authentic client testimonials, both written and through video, serves as a powerful marketing tool. Real stories from individuals who have successfully undergone treatment help build trust and inspire others to seek help.User-Friendly Website: Ensuring a smooth user experience on the treatment center's website is essential. Clear calls-to-action, program details, staff bios, payment options, and mobile optimization contribute to a positive online experience for potential clients. Excerpt Addiction Treatment Marketing: How to Market a Rehab Center From American Addiction Centers"Drug rehab marketing refers to promotional activities and campaigns designed to increase awareness of your treatment center and drive prospective clients to your services. Like marketing in any industry, this involves understanding your target audience, crafting persuasive messaging, selecting the right channels and platforms, and measuring results..." Read the Full Article Free Trial of InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Use InterAct for alumni programs to create community and generate referrals. 30-Day Free Trial
SAMHSA Takes Action to Address Our Workforce Crisis
The ongoing behavioral health workforce crisis, intensified by the impact of COVID-19, has prompted a crucial response from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). In a recent technical expert panel, stakeholders discussed innovative solutions to address the surge in ...
The ongoing behavioral health workforce crisis, intensified by the impact of COVID-19, has prompted a crucial response from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). In a recent technical expert panel, stakeholders discussed innovative solutions to address the surge in suicide rates (32%) and opioid overdose deaths (376%) from 2001 to 2021. Led by Dr. Larke N. Huang, SAMHSA's Director of the Office of Behavioral Health Equity, the panel focused on reimagining workforce strategies, especially in underserved communities. Recommendations included expanding roles for peer and community health workers, improving licensure compacts, and creating enhanced training pathways. The urgent need for federal funding, dedicated staff, and advocacy emerged as critical components for implementing these transformative changes, signaling a proactive approach to tackle the pressing challenges in behavioral health. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis: The article highlights the ongoing crisis in the behavioral health workforce, exacerbated by the increased demand for mental health and substance use care, particularly due to the effects of COVID-19.SAMHSA's Response: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has taken a proactive step by convening a technical expert panel titled "Building the Behavioral Health Workforce with a Focus on Underserved Communities."Impact of COVID-19: Suicide rates have surged by 32%, and opioid overdose deaths have risen by 376% from 2001 to 2021, underscoring the urgency of addressing workforce challenges in the behavioral health field.Panel Objectives: Led by Dr. Larke N. Huang, the panel aims to reimagine workforce strategies, particularly in areas with limited services, seeking practical actions to mitigate the current crisis and plan short- and long-term solutions.Recommendations: Stakeholders discussed various recommendations, including expanding roles for peer and community health workers, improving licensure compacts, and creating enhanced training pathways, with an emphasis on addressing disparities in underserved communities.Critical Components for Change: Urgent needs include securing federal funding, dedicated staff, and advocacy efforts to turn these recommendations into actionable solutions, highlighting the essential role of commitment and collaboration in overcoming workforce challenges in behavioral health. Excerpt SAMHSA Takes Action to Address Our Workforce Crisis From Behavioral Health Executive"Our current behavioral health workforce crisis remains the primary issue the field will confront in 2024. Specifically, we do not have sufficient workforce capacity to meet the needs of those seeking care for their mental health or substance use conditions. COVID-19 has contributed greatly to this problem by increasing the prevalence of these conditions among both adults and children. The effects of this problem can be seen in dramatically increased rates of suicide (up 32%) and opioid overdose deaths (up 376%) from 2001 to 2021." Read the Full Article Free Trial of InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions and referral solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.  Use InterAct for alumni programs to create community and generate referrals. 30-Day Free Trial
13 Essentials of Behavioral Health Marketing to Grow Your Treatment Center
This article offers effective strategies for mental health care marketing. It emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience, optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI, and creating high-quality, customer-centric content. A key suggestion is to start small and gradually expand your marketing ...
This article offers effective strategies for mental health care marketing. It emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience, optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI, and creating high-quality, customer-centric content. A key suggestion is to start small and gradually expand your marketing tactics. It also highlights the role of networking and reputation management in fostering mutually beneficial relationships and trust. Mental health care and marketing intersect in an intriguing way, bringing unique challenges and opportunities. A significant shift is taking place from traditional networking to the creation of valuable relationships, providing a new angle on professional interactions.  Here are our key takeaways from the article: Creating an active social media presence helps keep your brand in the minds of potential clients and fosters engagementDeveloping educational SEO blogs for your audience solidifies your position as an expert in your field.Optimize your website with high-volume, low-difficulty keywords.Fully utilize Google My Business for local traffic and to increase visibility.Nurture client relationships and maintain connections through personalized email marketing.Prioritize user-centric design for your website with clear calls to action and easy navigation.Use pay-per-click advertising to drive significant traffic and potential admissions to your treatment center.Manage online reviews to build trust among potential clients and influence their decision to choose your treatment center.Active participation on networking sites like LinkedIn can lead to partnerships that benefit your center.When crafting your marketing messages, keep the focus on your clients' needs and how your services solve their problems. Excerpt 13 Essentials of Behavioral Health Marketing to Grow Your Treatment Center From C4 Consulting"There is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health and addiction, so many people are afraid to educate themselves on the topic or admit when they have a problem. On the other hand, there are many who do not know they have a problem. Through marketing, you can help them, or even their family, identify warning signs. Marketing allows you to inform others about mental health issues and let them know that you have the solution." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Mental Health Marketing: 10 Proven Strategies
This guide outlines effective marketing strategies for mental health professionals seeking to grow their practices. The strategies discussed range from optimizing your website for better visibility to the importance of offline events and local community engagement. While these strategies require ...
This guide outlines effective marketing strategies for mental health professionals seeking to grow their practices. The strategies discussed range from optimizing your website for better visibility to the importance of offline events and local community engagement. While these strategies require dedication, consistency, and a willingness to experiment, they are effective in attracting ideal clients and establishing a thriving practice.  The digital marketing landscape, while complex, provides a wealth of opportunities to connect with potential clients. Striking a balance between digital and traditional marketing methods promotes a comprehensive strategy that is vital in today's predominantly digital era. Here are our key takeaways from the article:  The critical role that an optimized website plays in enhancing the visibility and credibility of your practice.The need for a unique value proposition that clearly communicates what sets your practice apart.The importance of leveraging social proof and reviews to strengthen your practice's online reputation.The value of a well-planned social media strategy in connecting with potential clients and building your practice's authority.Participating in relevant discussion groups on platforms such as Quora and Reddit to directly address questions and concerns from your target audience.The value of offline events in fostering personal connections and increasing referrals.The significance of engaging with the local community, including collaboration with local entities such as schools and community groups.The power of mental health awareness campaigns in educating the public and destigmatizing mental health concerns.The need for dedication, consistency, and a willingness to experiment in successful mental health marketing.The potential of these combined strategies to result in a thriving practice and meaningful impact on clients' lives. Excerpt Mental Health Marketing: 10 Proven Strategies From My Therapy Flow "In today's fast-paced world, the importance of mental health has never been more apparent. As the conversation around mental well-being gains momentum, mental health professionals must adapt their marketing strategies to reach those who need their services the most." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
What's the Answer to the Shortage of Mental Health Care Providers?
The article discusses the current shortage of behavioral health care providers and outlines innovative solutions being implemented. Notably, it emphasizes the role of telepsychiatry and integrated care as means to enhance access to mental health services. The growth in psychiatry residents and the ...
The article discusses the current shortage of behavioral health care providers and outlines innovative solutions being implemented. Notably, it emphasizes the role of telepsychiatry and integrated care as means to enhance access to mental health services. The growth in psychiatry residents and the emergence of new models of care, such as telemedicine and integrated care, suggest a promising future for mental health care. Telepsychiatry and integrated care are not just forward-thinking in terms of technology use; they are also patient-centered, offering convenience and improved patient-provider communication. The expansion of training programs for future psychiatrists shows a commitment to addressing the shortage of professionals in this field, and the support for community mental health services is instrumental in extending care to those most in need. Here are our key takeaways from the article:  The shortage of providers can be attributed to supply unable to keep up with increasing demand as the social stigma around mental health lessens.The number of new psychiatry residents grew 5.3 percent from 2010 to 2015.Telepsychiatry and integrated care are innovative ways to extend the mental health workforce.Integrated care enhances coordination between mental health care providers and primary care.The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has allocated $2.9 million to train 3,500 psychiatrists in the integrated care model.The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program has supported the training of more than 9,000 new behavioral health care professionals.Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics are being funded in 24 states.Assertive Community Treatment programs are being developed or expanded to improve behavioral health outcomes.The Community Mental Health Services Block Grant program offers money and technical assistance for comprehensive, community-based mental health services.Despite the challenges, there are optimistic opportunities to improve the behavioral health workforce capacity and service delivery. Excerpt What's the Answer to the Shortage of Mental Health Care Providers? From U.S. News by David Levine"Two disturbing trend lines are currently crossing in the area of mental health care. One line, tracking demand for such care, is rapidly rising. In the U.S., nearly 1 in 5 people has some sort of mental health condition, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.The other trend line, measuring the number of mental health care providers in practice, is barely holding steady. A 2016 report released by the Health Resources and Services Administration projected the supply of workers in selected behavioral health professions to be approximately 250,000 workers short of the projected demand in 2025." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Unraveling the Dance of Addiction: How Substance Use Reshapes the Brain at the Genetic Level
When gene activity fluctuates, it alters the proteins produced by your cells. These changes can influence anything from a single connection in your brain to your behavior. It's like a sophisticated genetic ballet - your genes influence your brain development, but they're also flexible, adapting to ...
When gene activity fluctuates, it alters the proteins produced by your cells. These changes can influence anything from a single connection in your brain to your behavior. It's like a sophisticated genetic ballet - your genes influence your brain development, but they're also flexible, adapting to your learning and daily needs."Recent studies on animal models hint that addictive substances like alcohol and drugs may trigger changes in gene expression in brain regions responsible for memory and reward responses," says an expert in the field.In every neuron, the way DNA is wound around proteins like histones regulates gene expression, thereby determining the proteins produced. Addiction can tweak gene expression in many ways, including altering the DNA-binding proteins, modifying how DNA is interpreted into proteins, and even changing the energy-using processes of cells.For instance, alcohol can prompt an alternate gene form to be expressed in memory circuits in both flies and humans, causing alterations in dopamine receptors and transcription factors involved in reward signaling and neuronal function. The same can be said for cocaine's effects on mice's reward centers. The exact mechanism of how these substances alter gene regulation still remains an enigma, but there's some evidence that alcohol consumption could influence gene expression in mice.These substances also ignite vital signaling pathways that are prominent regulators of metabolism, implying they can impact numerous aspects of neuronal function and therefore gene expression."Your lifestyle choices and the substances you consume can affect gene expression, but these changes aren't necessarily permanent. They can also be modified by medication and lifestyle habits," an expert explains.Medication for mental health disorders, like antidepressants and mood stabilizers, can alter gene expression. For example, escitalopram, a commonly prescribed drug for depression, can adjust the winding of DNA and change the expression of brain plasticity-related genes.Lifestyle choices can also affect gene expression. For example, a high sugar diet in flies can manipulate taste by manipulating gene expression. Intensive meditation can modify gene regulation in the brain, and exercise can change gene expression, promoting learning, memory, and potentially reducing dementia risk.Virtual care can play a pivotal role in supporting these solutions. It offers a platform to keep patients engaged with their treatment, provides access to important resources such as health professionals and educational materials, and enables one-on-one virtual sessions for coaching, diet, exercise, meditation, and more. InterAct LifeLine's virtual care solutions are designed with these needs in mind, providing comprehensive support for those looking to optimize their brain health. Here are some proposed solutions to positively influence brain health: Reducing consumption of addictive substances.Regular physical exercises.Positive dietary changes.Incorporating meditation into daily routine.Use of prescribed medications for mental health disorders.Exploring mRNA-based therapies.Attending therapy and counseling sessions. As we move forward, it's crucial to remember that our choices can profoundly affect our brain biology. By reducing alcohol and drug consumption and adopting healthier lifestyle practices, we can stabilize and potentially improve our physical and mental health. It's your genes - they deserve your attention. This informative article is summarized from Science Alert. For a more in-depth exploration of this topic: Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Why Financial Incentives Could Be the Next Big Thing in Addiction Treatment
The article closely examines the use of contingency management in addiction treatment, a method that has been both praised for its potential and criticized for its challenges. Despite ambiguities surrounding legal and reimbursement procedures, the method continues to gain traction as an effective ...
The article closely examines the use of contingency management in addiction treatment, a method that has been both praised for its potential and criticized for its challenges. Despite ambiguities surrounding legal and reimbursement procedures, the method continues to gain traction as an effective tool in combating addiction. However, the lack of consistent coverage by health plans poses a significant barrier to the widespread application of contingency management. However, there is a great need for broader discussions and changes in policies concerning addiction treatment methods. While the effectiveness of contingency management is clear, the existing financial and legal hurdles impede its full potential. Transparency in these matters, coupled with a proactive approach towards reimbursing these services, could be a game-changer in the fight against addiction. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Contingency management in addiction treatment is gaining acceptance, despite legal and reimbursement challenges.The Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Health and Human Services Department supports contingency management programs but warns against possible violations of existing laws if not properly administered.Reimbursement issues pose a significant barrier to the adoption of contingency management, often leaving addiction treatment providers to bear the cost.Approximately 40% of the programs listed in the National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Facilities for 2022 claim to provide contingency management incentives.The value of social reinforcement is crucial in maintaining sobriety and rebuilding trust within family systems.Contingency management programs, despite their challenges, are lauded for their potential to significantly influence drug control strategies in the future.The Biden administration has signaled a friendly attitude toward contingency management, highlighting its potential in the 2022 drug control plan.The rate of adoption of contingency management is slow due to reimbursement issues and legal ambiguities. Excerpt Why Financial Incentives Could Be the Next Big Thing in Addiction Treatment From Behavioral Health Business by Chris Larson "Contingency management, despite its jargony veneer, is a simple concept. Generally, it calls for immediate rewards for positive behavior. It circumvents a phenomenon in addiction treatment called delay discounting, when people perceive rewards as less valuable the longer it takes to receive them. Contingency management often takes the form of small cash or cash-equivalent rewards in exchange for some positive outcome - gift cards for clean drug tests, for example." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
How to Build a Strong Referral Network as a Mental Health Provider
Building a robust referral network is critical for expanding practices and providing holistic care to clients. This article highlights the importance of identifying potential referral sources, fostering personal relationships with these sources, providing clear information about one's practice, ...
Building a robust referral network is critical for expanding practices and providing holistic care to clients. This article highlights the importance of identifying potential referral sources, fostering personal relationships with these sources, providing clear information about one's practice, collaborating and sharing expertise, establishing a streamlined referral process, and maintaining these relationships through gratitude and ongoing communication. The step-by-step approach to maintaining a flourishing referral network, as laid out in the article, provides an insightful and beneficial resource for mental health practitioners. The suggestions are not just practical, but they also embrace the human aspect of networking, focusing on building trust, showing gratitude, and encouraging collaboration. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Research and identify potential referral sources, such as primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and other mental health providers.Develop personal relationships with potential referral sources. Regular contact is key.Provide clear, concise information about your areas of specialization and services.Collaborate and share knowledge with your referral sources.Create a seamless, efficient referral process. Quick responses and updates on referrals are important.Express gratitude and maintain relationships, even when you don't have an immediate referral.Regularly evaluate your referral process for continual improvement.Referrals are about more than gaining clients - they're opportunities for collaboration and community contribution.Use educational presentations, workshops, and shared resources to position yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted professional.Stay connected with your network through regular communication and updates. Excerpt How to Build a Strong Referral Network as a Mental Health Provider From Trek Health "As a mental health practitioner, your ultimate goal is to provide the best possible care for your clients. However, achieving this goal often requires more than your clinical skills and expertise.  Building a robust referral network is a crucial step that can significantly enhance the success and impact of your mental health practice. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical strategies and tips to help you establish and maintain a strong referral network, allowing you to provide comprehensive care and support to your clients." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
How to Create Quality Measures for Addiction Treatment that Improve Outcomes
The article discusses the significance of quality measurement in combating the opioid epidemic, drawing a parallel between the tangible successes achieved through quality measures in physical health realms and the potential similar outcomes in the field of addiction treatment. Tailored and ...
The article discusses the significance of quality measurement in combating the opioid epidemic, drawing a parallel between the tangible successes achieved through quality measures in physical health realms and the potential similar outcomes in the field of addiction treatment. Tailored and meaningful metrics can serve as indispensable tools for service providers, aiding in their quest to deliver effective and efficient solutions to those battling substance use disorders.  This article sheds light on the importance of a systematic and data-driven approach to improving the quality of addiction treatment. It highlights the potential of quality measurement not only as a tool for enhancing treatment outcomes but also as a catalyst for change in the broader landscape of addiction management. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Quality measures play a pivotal role in enhancing addiction treatment outcomes.The effectiveness of these measures is contingent on their relevance, actionability, and ease of collection.Data sources like insurance claims, provider and patient surveys, patient assessments, and electronic health data can be utilized to create meaningful quality measures.Ongoing work is required post-implementation of measures to ensure organizations act upon the insights derived and improve the quality of their treatment.Significant improvements like controlled blood pressure and reduced patient readmissions have been achieved through quality measures in different healthcare areas.The potential extrapolation of these successes to opioid use disorders could see thousands of lives saved and quality of life improved.The integral role of providers in the quality measurement process is emphasized, from vetting measures to receiving guidance on their improvement.Pitfalls to avoid in quality measurement include neglecting provider input, selecting too many measures, or failing to guide for improvement.States should develop a robust quality measurement foundation to guide and ensure progress in reducing the impact of the opioid epidemic. Excerpt How to Create Quality Measures for Addiction Treatment that Improve Outcomes From RTI International by Tami Mark "Individuals and family members searching for treatment have few ways to identify providers that are delivering effective treatment. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 20% of adults with unmet need for substance use disorder (SUD) treatment said they did not get treatment because they did not know where to go for care." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Effective Referrals and Collaborations
This article explores the essential components of successful substance abuse treatment programs, with a focus on organizational alignment, capacity building, inventory tracking, and cross-training initiatives. It details how these elements, when skillfully integrated, can enhance rehabilitation ...
This article explores the essential components of successful substance abuse treatment programs, with a focus on organizational alignment, capacity building, inventory tracking, and cross-training initiatives. It details how these elements, when skillfully integrated, can enhance rehabilitation success rates by optimizing resource allocation, nurturing collaborative networks, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement within organizations. It offers practical strategies and real-world examples that can be implemented in substance abuse treatment contexts. From an organizational perspective, the article makes it clear that aligning the mission, vision, structure, and policies of service providers play a vital role in optimizing client outcomes. It also emphasizes the importance of capacity building through program assessment and staff development, ultimately leading to a more effective and efficient service delivery.  Here are our key takeaways from the article: The value of a comprehensive inventory of resources and services to aid in effective referrals.The importance of organizational alignment for a service provider's success.The role of capacity building in improving program efficiency and effectiveness.The significance of program assessments at both client and agency levels.The potential increase in initial costs when engaging in capacity building.The importance of cross-training initiatives in staff development.The potential for higher rehabilitation success rates with the implemented network.The need for communication mechanisms among collaborative agencies.The impact of capacity building on staff hiring, promotion, and compensation practices.The necessity for staff members to become proficient in a sophisticated network of referrals. Excerpt Effective Referrals and Collaborations From the National Library of Medicine "Adopting a holistic view of clients in substance abuse treatment is especially important for any service provider making referrals to other providers or agencies. At the point of referral, there is both an opportunity to address a client's unmet needs and a potential danger of losing the client. Collaboration is crucial for preventing clients from "falling through the cracks" among independent and autonomous agencies. Effective collaboration is also the key to serving the client in the broadest possible context, beyond the boundaries of the substance abuse treatment agency and provider." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Student-led network helps address shortage of mental health professionals in schools
The escalating mental health crisis among U.S. students, particularly in Wisconsin's K-12 system, is a pressing concern. Despite the presence of counselors and psychologists, the demand for mental health support exceeds available resources. Incidents of student suicide at Brookfield East High ...
The escalating mental health crisis among U.S. students, particularly in Wisconsin's K-12 system, is a pressing concern. Despite the presence of counselors and psychologists, the demand for mental health support exceeds available resources. Incidents of student suicide at Brookfield East High School underscore the need for a comprehensive mental health support system. In response, the Hope Squad, a national student-led network, was formed to bridge students with mental health resources.Hope Squad facilitates open dialogue, peer support, and awareness of mental health issues. It acts as the "eyes and ears" of the school community, enhancing accessibility to support. Student-led networks like Hope Squad show promise, but systemic changes are crucial. Strategies include establishing such networks, increasing funding for K-12 mental health services, addressing professional shortages, and fostering partnerships for policy support. Regular mental health check-ups and awareness programs in schools can identify and address issues early. Outlined here are several strategies that could help to mitigate the health crisis among the next generation:Establishing student-led support networks, like Hope Squad, that act as a bridge between students, counselors, and teachers, encouraging open dialogue and peer support.Increasing funding for K-12 mental health services, as proposed by Democratic State Representative Robyn Vining, to better equip schools with the resources needed to offer comprehensive mental health support.Addressing the shortage of mental health professionals such as therapists, counselors, and school psychologists. This could be achieved through initiatives like the one proposed by Katie Eklund, funded by a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, aiming to increase the pipeline of these professionals in K-12 schools.Fostering partnerships with local, state, and national stakeholders to ensure both funding and policy support for mental health initiatives in schools.Encouraging regular mental health check-ups and awareness programs in schools to identify and address issues early, before they escalate. Key TakeawaysHigh schools, despite having counselors, psychologists, and social workers, struggle to meet the mental health needs of students.Student-led mental health support networks, like the Hope Squad, can effectively address mental health issues among peers.Many young people experiencing anxiety and depression do not receive adequate support.There is a severe shortage of mental health professionals in schools, with numerous unfilled positions nationwide.State-level action, such as increased spending on mental health care services, is crucial to address the shortage of mental health professionals in schools.Children are more likely to seek help from their peers, highlighting the importance of student-led initiatives.A significant number of schools report an increase in students seeking mental health services.The US Department of Education has allocated a $10 million grant to address the shortage of mental health professionals in schools.Ongoing efforts at the local, state, and national levels are being made to address the growing mental health needs of young people.Addressing mental health needs within the school system is a crucial step in helping children navigate through a challenging stage of life. Excerpt Student-led network helps address shortage of mental health professionals in schools By Steven Potter from PBS News Hour "Mental health among the nation's student population has been a growing concern, especially due to the pandemic. From PBS Wisconsin, Steven Potter reports on how peer support, school staff and psychology researchers are trying to keep up with the growing rate of mental health issues among students. It's part of our series, Early Warnings: America's Youth Mental Health Crisis." Read the Full Transcript Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Boosting Referral Marketing for Your Mental Health Treatment Center
The article emphasizes the importance of referrals in marketing strategies for mental health treatment centers. It touches upon the significance of building robust relationships with referral sources, creating an impactful client experience, and leveraging digital marketing channels for effective ...
The article emphasizes the importance of referrals in marketing strategies for mental health treatment centers. It touches upon the significance of building robust relationships with referral sources, creating an impactful client experience, and leveraging digital marketing channels for effective referral generation. Moreover, it also highlights the necessity of regularly monitoring and measuring the success of referral marketing strategies to ensure they are meeting their goals. The article offers a comprehensive guide for any mental health treatment center looking to bolster their marketing efforts. The emphasis on creating an engaging and memorable client experience is particularly noteworthy as it underlines the human aspect of the services these centers provide. The article cleverly intertwines the importance of trust and communication, emphasizing how these elements can make or break a referral source's willingness to recommend services. Here are our key takeaways from the article: The importance of building strong relationships with referral sources, emphasizing on trust and communication.The role of a positive and memorable client experience in generating referrals.The potential of digital marketing channels in expanding reach and generating more referrals.The need for a responsive feedback system to address any negative client experiences.The importance of implementing robust tracking systems to measure the effectiveness of a referral marketing strategy.The role of analyzing referral data and trends in creating stronger referral marketing campaigns.Recognizing top-performing referral sources as an opportunity to further optimize marketing efforts.The necessity of setting clear conversion metrics and goals as part of analyzing the effectiveness of a marketing strategy.The need to use the expertise of professionals in marketing mental health treatment centers for creating an effective referral marketing strategy. Excerpt Boosting Referral Marketing for Your Mental Health Treatment Center From Content Journey by Marisa Mohi "Referral marketing can bring in a host of new clients to your mental health treatment center. The key is focusing on the best referral sources for your particular center and finding the strategy that brings in the most clients. Understanding referral marketing in general and how it can help your marketing strategy, in particular, can help you create a referral marketing program that enables you to serve more people." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
4 Areas of Focus for a Likely Contentious 2024
As mental health issues continue to rise, this enlightening piece by Dr. Ron Manderscheid, a renowned figure in the behavioral healthcare field, outlines the anticipated challenges and solutions for the sector in 2024. The article presents a detailed view of the imminent workforce crisis, ...
As mental health issues continue to rise, this enlightening piece by Dr. Ron Manderscheid, a renowned figure in the behavioral healthcare field, outlines the anticipated challenges and solutions for the sector in 2024. The article presents a detailed view of the imminent workforce crisis, development of essential crisis services, the important new programs, and the civic responsibilities within the sphere of behavioral healthcare. Dr. Manderscheid's insights echo the urgency for inventive local and national strategies to address the dearth of professional providers and enhance existing services such as the 988 crisis hotline. His emphasis on consolidating the gains of successful programs like the federal Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics program resonates strongly with InterAct LifeLine's mission of using technology to promote behavioral health.In my view, this article is a clarion call to the behavioral healthcare sector to take necessary steps towards overcoming the impending challenges. The need to redefine and consolidate our efforts, especially in crisis services, cannot be overstated. The crisis hotline 988, for instance, is an invaluable resource that remains greatly underutilized. Ensuring the reach and effectiveness of such services could be instrumental in lowering suicide rates and promoting mental wellness. It's equally important to safeguard and foster new programs like CCBHCs that have shown promise in addressing behavioral health problems in our communities. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Addressing the workforce crisis remains a paramount concern; innovative solutions at local and national levels are imminent.Efforts to improve the 988 crisis service, including increasing public awareness and developing local crisis response activities, are high priorities.Further financial resources are needed to fill gaps in crisis services, particularly in rural communities and among the elderly.Continued growth of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics program is anticipated; providing evidence of its effectiveness is crucial.Behavioral healthcare professionals should demonstrate good citizenship, particularly through active voting.Active participation in the broader community can sway the balance of the year's events towards the positive.Encouraging others in the field to vote is a powerful response to political challenges.Local community functioning could be improved through self-empowerment strategies. The high rate of suicide among elderly Americans suggests that crisis services are not effectively reaching this group.Efforts to modify negative life determinants could reduce the prevalence of acute behavioral health conditions. Excerpt 4 Areas of Focus for a Likely Contentious 2024 From Behavioral Healthcare Executiveby Ron Manderscheid, PhD "This coming year promises to be a very tumultuous one-an extremely contentious presidential election, major divisions in the House and Senate over the appropriate federal role, and general unrest among citizens, with concern that our society is not moving in a good direction. In this very unpredictable context, what can we expect in 2024 for behavioral healthcare?Clearly, behavioral healthcare has its own internal issues that require action, and it also must be attentive to the broader political environment to sustain progress we have made in the past several years. Within this nexus, several major foci seem likely in 2024." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
The Behavioral Health Care Workforce
The behavioral health care workforce faces several challenges such as shortages, barriers to recruitment and retention, and a lack of diversity. Shortages are evident across the board but are particularly pronounced in rural and underserved urban areas U.S. Government Accountability Office . ...
The behavioral health care workforce faces several challenges such as shortages, barriers to recruitment and retention, and a lack of diversity. Shortages are evident across the board but are particularly pronounced in rural and underserved urban areas U.S. Government Accountability Office. Solutions to these challenges include loan forgiveness and stipends to attract potential recruits, leveraging telehealth services, simplifying interstate licensure, and integrating behavioral health care Commonwealth Fund. Furthermore, expanding and diversifying the paraprofessional workforce, such as peer supporters, can help fill the gaps Mental Health America. Lastly, addressing provider burnout and ensuring adequate financial incentives and administrative support are crucial steps to sustain the workforce SAMHSA. LGBTQ+ training, diversity training, cultural competence, and trauma-informed care are important aspects of improving the care quality offered by the workforce APA. Here are our key takeaways from the infographic: Diversifying the behavioral health care workforce is important for ensuring culturally competent and accessible care.Integrating behavioral health care and leveraging telehealth services can help alleviate workforce shortages.Addressing provider burnout and offering financial incentives are critical for retaining the existing workforce.Expanding the roles of paraprofessionals, such as peer supporters, can help fill workforce gaps. In the following section, delve into an infographic curated by the NIHCM foundation that further illustrates this topic. !function(e,n,i,s){var d="InfogramEmbeds";var o=e.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];if(window[d]&&window[d].initialized)window[d].process&&window[d].process();else if(!e.getElementById(i)){var r=e.createElement(n);r.async=1,,r.src=s,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,"script","infogram-async",""); Excerpt The Behavioral Health Care Workforce From NIHCM Foundation "The United States is facing a significant shortage of mental health professionals, with nearly half of the population living in mental health workforce shortage areas. Additionally, the behavioral health care workforce suffers from a lack of diversity. Many individuals have limited access to mental health care and the COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified the demand for these essential services.To address these challenges, our new infographic presents various strategies to enhance the behavioral health care workforce. These include partnering with communities, expanding the paraprofessional workforce, and addressing burnout. By implementing these initiatives, we can bolster the capacity of the mental health care system and improve access to quality care for all individuals." View Infographic on NIHCM Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
The behavioral health workforce is a critical foundation for mental and emotional health support, acting as the front line in addressing behavioral health needs. Unfortunately, as the article indicates, access to these vital services is hindered by a host of challenges, including insurance coverage ...
The behavioral health workforce is a critical foundation for mental and emotional health support, acting as the front line in addressing behavioral health needs. Unfortunately, as the article indicates, access to these vital services is hindered by a host of challenges, including insurance coverage gaps and a lack of sustainable funding options. The workforce is fragmented, composed of licensed providers, clinical supporters, community care workers, and frontline workers - each with their unique obstacles. As society grapples with rising behavioral health issues, we must reflect upon these grim realities, pressing for policy changes and initiatives that address these systemic barriers. In my view, the article presents an urgent call to action. We, at InterAct LifeLine, understand the significance of these problems, having witnessed the effects of these gaps in the system directly. The solutions proposed, such as promoting alignment between payers and fostering career advancement pathways in the behavioral health workforce, resonate with our commitment to bridge these systemic gaps. Furthermore, the emphasis on diversity and representation within this workforce aligns with our core values and mission. Here are our key takeaways from the article: The behavioral health workforce is an amalgamation of licensed providers, clinical supporters, community care workers, and frontline workers.Medicaid often covers services provided by clinical supporters, but commercial and Medicare coverage is limited.Community care workers, often compensated through grants, work in nonclinical settings, coordinating care and helping mitigate the need for intensive interventions.Frontline workers like teachers, law enforcement, and emergency medical staff frequently find themselves providing behavioral health support due to the scarcity of formal behavioral health resources.Policymakers can bolster the workforce by ensuring fair reimbursement, fostering payer alignment, promoting career advancement opportunities, and incentivizing a more diverse workforce.Financial incentives and administrative ease can encourage more organizations to join the workforce and provide more comprehensive services.Addressing pay and structural barriers can help in promoting diversity and representation within the workforce.Sustainable financing options for community care are currently limited.There is a need for more robust training and support for frontline workers dealing with behavioral health crises.The behavioral health workforce is central to addressing the rising behavioral health needs in today's society. Excerpt Understanding the U.S. Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage From The Commonwealth Fund Nearly half of all Americans will have a behavioral health issue in their lifetime, from a mood disorder to a substance use problem. Behavioral health care encompasses a wide variety of interventions delivered by many different types of providers. In the U.S., nearly all these providers are in short supply.The scarcity of behavioral health professionals is undermining people's ability to get timely care. This is reinforced by historical underinvestment in behavioral health care by public insurance programs (like Medicaid and Medicare), private insurers, and employers - including lack of coverage and low reimbursement rates. In 2021, fewer than half of people with a mental illness were able to access timely care; those with substance use disorders were even less likely. Some groups are disproportionately impacted by workforce shortages. Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs
In the face of rising mental health issues and substance use disorders, the healthcare industry is exploring new strategies to optimize the provision of behavioral health services. The article delves into the efforts of state Medicaid programs in reducing administrative burdens, incentivizing ...
In the face of rising mental health issues and substance use disorders, the healthcare industry is exploring new strategies to optimize the provision of behavioral health services. The article delves into the efforts of state Medicaid programs in reducing administrative burdens, incentivizing provider participation, and expanding the workforce to improve access to vital behavioral health services. It highlights the strategies employed by states, including prompt payment policies and financial incentives for integrated care, all of which are designed to improve patient outcomes. The article underscores the importance of strategic planning and robust financial management, facilitated by ContinuumCloud's HCM platform, patient engagement platform, and EHR software. In my opinion, the article reveals the significant strides being made in healthcare, particularly in the domain of behavioral health. It underscores the importance of system-level changes to ensure that healthcare providers and organizations are well-equipped to meet the burgeoning demand for behavioral health services. The proactive approach adopted by Medicaid is commendable; however, it's worth noting that the effectiveness of these strategies hinges on rigorous, continuous evaluation and necessary adjustments based on the findings. Here are our key takeaways from the article: States are implementing strategies to reduce provider administrative burdens, which may result in higher rates of Medicaid acceptance.Centralized or standardized credentialing has been recognized as a popular strategy to streamline administrative processes.Prompt payment policies and financial incentives are being employed to encourage provider participation in integrated physical and behavioral healthcare.Less than one-fifth of responding states have currently integrated physical and behavioral healthcare, indicating room for growth in this area.Efforts are ongoing to strengthen the workforce through initiatives like student loan repayment programs, outreach, and clinical supervision.Massachusetts and Washington are spearheading workforce growth efforts through innovative initiatives such as campaigning for behavioral health careers and offering student loan repayments.While the majority of states have prompt payment policies, fewer states offer financial incentives for integrated care.The Consolidated Appropriations Act passed by Congress aims to increase the number of psychiatry residency positions and reduce barriers to treatment.Provisions in the Act emphasize additional training for prescribers of controlled substances, highlighting the importance of continual learning in healthcare.The Act also includes provisions to improve the accuracy and usability of Medicaid provider directories, directly addressing one of the major challenges in mental health care access. Excerpt A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs From KFF by Heather Saunders, Madeline Guth, and Gina Eckart "The pandemic has exacerbated mental health and substance use issues and 90% of Americans believe the nation is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Despite increases in need, data show that treatment rates across all payers are low. Documented workforce challenges contribute to barriers in access to care and nearly half of the US population - 47% or 158 million people - living in a mental health workforce shortage area. Behavioral health conditions (i.e. mental health and substance use disorders) are most prevalent in Medicaid enrollees, with data from 2020 showing that approximately 39% of Medicaid enrollees were living with a mental health or substance use disorder. Workforce challenges are widespread and go beyond Medicaid, but shortages may be exacerbated in Medicaid. On average, only 36% of psychiatrists accept new Medicaid patients - lower compared to other payers and compared to rates for physicians overall (71%). Even when providers accept Medicaid, they may only take a few patients or may not be presently taking new Medicaid patients. There is attention at the federal level to address workforce shortages-and states are also taking action to address these issues for Medicaid enrollees and more broadly. The Consolidated Appropriations Act passed in December 2022 authorized additional provisions to address workforce shortages, including new psychiatry residency positions, removal of additional requirements for providers who want to prescribe certain medications for opioid use disorder (OUD), requirements for improved Medicaid provider directories, and new funds that can be used toward workforce initiatives for peer support providers." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
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Achieving Financial Stability for Your Addiction or Behavioral Health Program
In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, particularly addiction and mental health treatment, the top concern among executives is the need for financial stability in the program. Maintaining a financially sound program not only ensures the sustainability of your services, but also to allow you ...
In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, particularly addiction and mental health treatment, the top concern among executives is the need for financial stability in the program. Maintaining a financially sound program not only ensures the sustainability of your services, but also to allow you to provide the highest-quality care. Here are some key strategies and tips on how to maintain financial stability in your program. Why financial stability and wellness is importantAlthough the main focus is on helping your clients achieve their treatment goals, it's also important to prioritize your program's financial stability and wellness. This not only ensures the success and sustainability of your business, but it also allows you to provide the best possible care for your clients. Financial wellness involves not only managing your budget and expenses effectively, but also planning for the future and mitigating risks. Understanding the current financial landscape Staying up-to-date with the latest payment models, insurance policies, and regulations is essential to minimize financial risk and maximize profitability. Ideal financial management requires careful planning, forecasting, and data analysis to make informed business decisions. Furthermore, developing relationships with insurance payers and optimizing billing practices can ensure that treatment programs are adequately compensated for the services they provide. Identify areas for improvementTaking the time to identify areas for improvement can better equip us to make necessary changes for a more stable financial future. This can include: Analyzing Expenses and Creating a Solid BudgetAnalyzing expenses is the first step towards establishing a solid financial framework for your addiction treatment or behavioral health program. It involves a thorough review of your income and expenses, enabling you to identify where your money is going and where there may be opportunities for cost savings. Creating a budgetOnce you have a clear view of how you spend funds, you can create a realistic budget that aligns with your program's goals and objectives. This budget should factor in fixed costs such as salaries and rent, variable costs like supplies and utilities, and future investments for program development. Remember that a well-structured budget not only keeps your finances in check but also acts as a financial roadmap, steering your program towards financial stability and growth.Building Revenue Through Telehealth & Digital Treatment OptionsAn innovative way to increase income and ensure financial stability is by integrating Telehealth or virtual care options into your program. These services allow you to extend your reach beyond geographical boundaries, tapping into a larger market of individuals seeking assistance. Having digital options leads to extended revenue relationships with existing clients and a pool of individuals that the program may not have been able to serve. Additionally, digital options don't increase costs associated with physical premises, and often don't require additional staffing.Strengthening Referral ProgramsAnother effective strategy for revenue growth is the development and strengthening of referral programs. This involves building partnerships with other healthcare providers, community organizations, or previous clients who can refer new clients to your program. Offering incentives for referrals can motivate individuals to promote your services. Moreover, a well-executed referral program not only boosts your income but also strengthens your network and reputation within the community, leading to long-term financial stability and growth. Seeking out alternative funding optionsIn today's challenging economic climate, many businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to secure traditional financing options from banks and other traditional lenders. Fortunately, there are alternative funding options available that can help businesses obtain the capital they need to grow and prosper. One such option is grants, which are provided by the government or private organizations to businesses that meet certain eligibility criteria. Loans from non-traditional lenders are also available, which can offer businesses more flexibility in terms of repayment and collateral requirements. By seeking out these alternative funding options, businesses can increase their chances of success and secure the financial resources they need to achieve their goals.Improving marketing strategiesImplementing effective marketing strategies brings in new clients. To attract new clients and increase revenue, programs can use targeted marketing strategies that focus on the unique features of the program and your commitment to offering diverse ways to engage.  Targeted marketing  include social media campaigns, email marketing, and SEO optimization, among other tactics. By using these strategies, programs can effectively convey the value of their services to potential clients, and ultimately grow their business.Investing in staff training and developmentInvesting in staff training and development is an essential component of achieving program success. With the rapid growth of technology comes the need for constant upgrading of skills and knowledge. It is imperative to equip staff with the tools and resources required to navigate this ever-changing landscape successfully. By investing in staff training and development, organizations can reap the benefits of having a well-equipped and highly knowledgeable team. This results in improved productivity, increased efficiency, and a more streamlined workflow. Furthermore, staff who have access to a variety of training opportunities tend to be more motivated and engaged, leading to a positive work culture and staff retention. Therefore, investing in staff training and development is not only a smart decision for the organization but also a wise investment in the future of the team. Maintaining accurate recordsMaintaining accurate records and regularly reviewing financial reports is crucial for any organization to stay on top of its finances. These practices provide a clear picture of the financial status of the company, allowing managers to make informed decisions and take appropriate measures. Accurate records help ensure that finances are handled correctly and can be used to make predictions about future growth and success. Regularly reviewing financial reports allows the company's leadership to identify areas that need improvement and make necessary adjustments to keep the organization financially sound. Overall, maintaining accurate records and reviewing financial reports regularly is an essential part of any organization's financial management strategy.Prioritizing self-care for staff to avoid burnout As part of a program, it's easy to put yourself last on the to-do list. With endless tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines, taking care of yourself can often fall by the wayside. But prioritizing self-care for staff is crucial to avoid burnout, and ultimately maintain your productivity and success. Whether it's scheduling in time for exercise, meditation, or simply taking a break to recharge, recognizing the importance of self-care is the first step towards preventing burnout. As a professional, it's imperative to acknowledge that by taking care of yourself, you are ultimately taking care of your business. Your mental and physical health is just as vital to the success of your business as your business plan, and dedicating time to yourself will ultimately result in a healthier, more resilient, and successful program.Takeaways Financial stability and wellness are crucial for the success of treatment programs. By understanding the current financial landscape and assessing your own financial state, you can identify areas for improvement and create a pathway to ensure sustainable growth. Don't be afraid to seek out alternative funding options and implement effective marketing strategies to attract new clients and increase revenue. Consider investing in staff training and development, as well as maintaining accurate records and regularly reviewing financial reports to keep your program on track. But don't forget to prioritize your own self-care, as avoiding burnout is key to long-term success. And with the increasing demand for virtual care in addiction and mental health treatment programs, be sure to explore platforms like InterAct LifeLine's virtual care platform for expanded reach and improved patient outcomes. Remember, achieving financial stability takes time, effort, and continuous monitoring - but it will pay off in the long run by allowing you to provide quality care while still running a successful business. So take these tips to heart, stay proactive in your approach, and watch your treatment program thrive financially while making a positive impact on those seeking help and healing.  Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
How to Prioritize Financial Sustainability in Behavioral Health
The provided article intricately explores the role of technology in optimizing the financial sustainability in the behavioral health and human services industry. It highlights the application of solutions like Telehealth, Position Control, Process Automation, and Patient Engagement tools by a ...
The provided article intricately explores the role of technology in optimizing the financial sustainability in the behavioral health and human services industry. It highlights the application of solutions like Telehealth, Position Control, Process Automation, and Patient Engagement tools by a company called ContinuumCloud. Engaging these tools, the article argues, can help organizations efficiently manage labor costs, automate processes, and improve patient engagement, thereby enhancing revenue and financial sustainability. The article underscores the importance of strategic planning and robust financial management, facilitated by ContinuumCloud's HCM platform, patient engagement platform, and EHR software. In my opinion, this article does a fantastic job of illustrating how technology can streamline operations and enhance financial viability within the health and human services sector. By focusing on practical, software-driven solutions, it provides a forward-thinking approach for organizations striving to improve their financial sustainability. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Telehealth platforms offer an effective solution for continuing care during times when in-person meetings are not possible, enhancing accessibility and continuity of service.Technology helps reduce revenue fluctuations in behavioral health organizations by improving patient retention and reducing appointment no-shows.Position control tools can help administrators manage staffing levels and labor costs more effectively by providing real-time dataAn error occurred during generation. Please try again or contact support if it continues.Process automation tools can save time and reduce administrative workload, allowing employees to focus on revenue-generating activities.Patient engagement tools not only improve long-term outcomes for patients but also serve as success stories that can attract potential donors and funders.By investing in technology and embracing innovative solutions, organizations can improve their financial viability and sustainability for the long term. Excerpt How to Prioritize Financial Sustainability in Behavioral Health From ContinuumCloud "Behavioral health and human services organizations deliver meaningful care and support to improve the lives of the patients and clientele they serve. Unfortunately, financial sustainability can be difficult to maintain with high operational costs and limited sources of funding. As such, providing high-quality care and services does not always translate to a strong financial performance for an organization. Fortunately, there are a number of tools that can help companies manage their budgets, reduce costs, and improve patient retention. All of these actions can help behavioral health organizations achieve better financial sustainability." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Delay and Dilution of Measurement-Based Care Undermines Our Field
In this insightful article by behavioral health expert Ed Jones, PhD, the focus is on the transformative power of Measurement-Based Care (MBC) in the realm of behavioral health. MBC, as Jones illustrates, extends beyond its roots in psychotherapy to other clinical services like medication ...
In this insightful article by behavioral health expert Ed Jones, PhD, the focus is on the transformative power of Measurement-Based Care (MBC) in the realm of behavioral health. MBC, as Jones illustrates, extends beyond its roots in psychotherapy to other clinical services like medication management. Leveraging data and analytics, MBC allows clinicians to monitor fluctuating levels of client distress and adjust their approach accordingly, facilitating enhanced care and preventing premature treatment termination. Key to MBC's success is the therapeutic alliance, the bond between clinician and client that greatly influences treatment outcomes. As the healthcare industry evolves, Jones urges for an executive-led push towards the adoption of MBC, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize patient care and accountability. This article is a testament to the increasing significance of data-driven decision-making in healthcare, particularly in behavioral health. The emphasis on executive leadership in driving the adoption of MBC underscores the collective responsibility in improving patient outcomes. It also sheds light on the potential of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence in simplifying administrative tasks, illustrating a future where healthcare is seamless, efficient, and patient-focused. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Measurement-Based Care (MBC) uses data and analytics to inform clinician decisions, creating a more adaptable and effective treatment plan.Therapeutic alliance, the bond between clinician and client, is a critical factor in positive treatment outcomes.MBC extends to various clinical services, including medication management and mental health care.Technological advancements, like AI, can automate MBC, making the process more efficient and accessible.Executive leadership is essential in driving the adoption of MBC across healthcare institutions.MBC can provide the necessary outcomes data for value-based care contracts, combining costs with outcomes.The adoption of MBC is integral to the integration of behavioral health into the larger healthcare industry.Early identification of clients at risk of prematurely ending treatment is possible with MBC.Severity-adjusted outcomes are essential for accurate performance reports.MBC is a tool for enhancing accountability in population health. Excerpt Delay and Dilution of Measurement-Based Care Undermines Our Field By Ed Jones, PhD on Behavioral Healthcare Executive "The behavioral field has long resisted routinely measuring clinical outcomes to improve care. We now at least have a name for this process: measurement-based care or MBC. Delays in adopting MBC are disappointing, as fewer than 20% of clinicians and programs have implemented it, but even more distressing are efforts to get by with diluted models.MBC is not based on government legislation with rules and guidelines for implementation, so confusion is probably genuine about how its promise is best fulfilled. At this stage of development, it may be most helpful to clarify what the full realization of this idea offers our field. This will be provided here by elaborating the ultimate goal behind each word included in this inelegant label." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
2024 Trends: What to Expect in Behavioral Health
Heading into 2024, mental health providers across the U.S. are grappling with an urgent need to meet the skyrocketing demand for their services. This surge in demand is driven by a variety of factors, including the ongoing pandemic and an increased societal recognition of mental health issues. The ...
Heading into 2024, mental health providers across the U.S. are grappling with an urgent need to meet the skyrocketing demand for their services. This surge in demand is driven by a variety of factors, including the ongoing pandemic and an increased societal recognition of mental health issues. The situation is further exacerbated by a significant shortage of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. In response to these challenges, innovators within the field are exploring new interventions that diverge from traditional therapy models. Digital therapeutics, for example, are being leveraged to provide support for underserved populations and help bridge the gap caused by the provider shortage. Some of the fastest-growing companies in the behavioral health industry have differentiated themselves by targeting niche populations and providing tailored solutions. Here are our key takeaways from the article: The primary barriers to accessing mental health care include cost and shame/stigma.Digital interventions, such as mental health apps, are becoming more popular. Digital therapeutics, while promising, are most effective when used alongside human support.Despite the Latinx community being the largest non-White community in the US, only 14.5% of mental health apps have Spanish-language operability.Studies are being conducted to explore how digital therapeutics can be integrated effectively into care delivery, especially for monolingual communities.Psychologists are joining the open science movement to share reliable clinical assessment tools with the public through a unified website. Single-session therapy is gaining attention as an effective intervention for patients who may not return after their first therapy appointment.A systematic review found single-session therapy to be superior to no treatment and similar to multiple treatment sessions in reducing anxiety symptoms in both youth and adults.FBGT is an innovative strategy that increases access to mental health support by providing a safe environment for participants to practice skills.The FBGT model facilitates real-time interaction among participants, encouraging them to try new behaviors and experience acceptance.There is a significant interest among students to learn how to support their peers who are struggling, indicating the crucial role peer support programs can play in promoting mental well-being on campuses. Excerpt Mental health care is in high demand. Here's how psychologists are leveraging technology and their peers to meet the need By Heather Stringer on American Psychological Association "Ninety percent of the public think there is a mental health crisis in the United States today, with half of young adults and one-third of all adults reporting that they have felt anxious either always or often in the past year.Mental health providers throughout the country share a sense of urgency to find new ways to meet the high demand for services, and innovators are exploring interventions that diverge from traditional therapy models. " Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Turning Around Employee Turnover In Behavioral Health
Staff turnover in the behavioral health field has been a persistent challenge. High turnover rate can significantly impact the continuity and quality of care, leading to increased workload and burnout among remaining staff. In addition, turnover can be costly for organizations, with the expense of ...
Staff turnover in the behavioral health field has been a persistent challenge. High turnover rate can significantly impact the continuity and quality of care, leading to increased workload and burnout among remaining staff. In addition, turnover can be costly for organizations, with the expense of recruitment, onboarding, and training new hires. However, research has shown an increase in demand for these services, highlighting the need for effective strategies to reduce turnover and retain skilled professionals in the behavioral health field. To combat this issue, it's important for organizations to understand the causes of turnover, which can include factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, and organizational culture. Implementing strategies such as regular communication, recognition of hard work, and proactive management can help improve employee engagement and retention in the behavioral health sector. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Behavioral health has a high employee turnover rate, often as high as 40% to 70%, which impacts care continuity and creates an unstable work environment.The cost of turnover is significant, costing providers up to $4000 per employee, diverting funds from growth initiatives.Understanding where staffing gaps exist is crucial. Understaffing impacts care quality, increases workload, and contributes to burnout, leading to more turnover.Recruitment should focus on hiring for cultural fit, not just skills. Aligning hires with organizational values increases the chances of long-term retention.Onboarding should be considered as a 90-day process. Tracking key performance indicators and regular check-ins can identify potential issues early and ensure they're addressed promptly.Regular and open communication is crucial to keep employees engaged and prevent minor issues from escalating into bigger problems.Weekly, automated pulse surveys can provide real-time feedback from employees, which helps managers address concerns promptly. Regular recognition of top performers can encourage positive behavior.Managers should proactively reach out to employees who seem to be struggling. Addressing performance issues early can prevent dissatisfaction and turnover. Excerpt Turning Around Employee Turnover In Behavioral Health By Cari Rosenberger on OnShift "The average employee turnover rate in behavioral health is estimated at 40%. However, it's not uncommon to hear of rates as high as 70%. This constant churn of employees not only impacts the overall continuity of care organizations can provide but creates an unstable work environment for staff, often perpetuating the problem.Luckily, there are a number of best practices behavioral health providers can implement to help combat rising turnover while creating a workforce that is both satisfied and engaged. Here are a few key tactics for turning around your turnover issues. Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
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How Clinical Teams Reduce Staff Turnover with Virtual Solutions
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the digital era has ushered in transformative changes that extend beyond patient care. In the fast-paced world of healthcare, staff turnover has been a persistent challenge, but now, virtual care solutions are providing innovative ways to tackle this ...
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the digital era has ushered in transformative changes that extend beyond patient care. In the fast-paced world of healthcare, staff turnover has been a persistent challenge, but now, virtual care solutions are providing innovative ways to tackle this issue head-on. In this article, we explore innovative strategies that leverage virtual care solutions to navigate the complexities of staff turnover and foster staffing success in the digital era. Understanding the Staff Turnover Challenge Staff turnover poses a multifaceted challenge for healthcare organizations, encompassing recruitment costs, training investments, and potential disruptions to patient care. In the digital era, where technology plays a pivotal role in shaping healthcare delivery, organizations are increasingly turning to virtual care solutions to address these challenges. Remote Onboarding and Training Virtual care solutions provide a unique opportunity for remote onboarding and training, reducing the logistical challenges associated with in-person sessions. By utilizing online platforms, healthcare organizations can efficiently onboard new staff, ensuring a seamless transition and reducing the time required for orientation.Flexible Scheduling and Work-Life Balance The digital era empowers healthcare professionals with the flexibility to manage their schedules more efficiently. Virtual care solutions enable organizations to offer flexible working arrangements, allowing staff to maintain a healthier work-life balance. This flexibility contributes to higher job satisfaction and reduces burnout, key factors in retaining valuable talent.Telehealth for Staff Well-being Programs Investing in telehealth resources for staff well-being programs can have a profound impact on retention. Virtual mental health services, counseling, and wellness sessions contribute to a supportive work environment, demonstrating an organization's commitment to the holistic well-being of its staff.Enhanced Communication and Collaboration Tools Effective communication is essential for staff engagement and satisfaction. Implementing virtual communication and collaboration tools fosters real-time interaction among team members, irrespective of physical location. This sense of connection and collaboration can positively influence job satisfaction and reduce feelings of isolation, common contributors to turnover.Providing Accessible Continuing Education Virtual platforms offer accessible and cost-effective avenues for continuing education. By providing staff with opportunities for professional development through online courses and virtual conferences, healthcare organizations can demonstrate a commitment to the growth and advancement of their workforce.Utilizing Virtual Care for Patient Engagement Improving patient engagement through virtual care solutions positively impacts staff morale. When healthcare professionals witness the positive outcomes and satisfaction resulting from virtual care initiatives, it contributes to a sense of purpose and job satisfaction, reducing the likelihood of turnover.Data-Driven Insights for Retention Strategies Leveraging data analytics from virtual care platforms can provide valuable insights into staff engagement and satisfaction levels. Organizations can use this data to identify potential areas of concern and implement targeted strategies to enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover. Embracing the Future of Healthcare Staffing As healthcare continues its digital transformation, the strategic integration of virtual care solutions emerges as a powerful tool in addressing the challenges of staff turnover. Embracing virtual care solutions, from remote onboarding to telehealth programs, not only addresses the challenges of staff turnover but also creates an environment that draws in and keeps top-tier talent. In the digital era, these innovative strategies mark a new path towards healthcare staffing success. InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
SEO Best Practices for Your Behavioral Health Business
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing strategy that aims to improve a website's visibility on search engines like Google. It involves optimizing various elements of a website, including its content, structure, and links, to make it more attractive to search engines. The ...
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing strategy that aims to improve a website's visibility on search engines like Google. It involves optimizing various elements of a website, including its content, structure, and links, to make it more attractive to search engines. The ultimate goal of SEO is to rank high on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for specific keywords, leading to increased organic traffic and potential conversions. In the context of behavioral health, SEO is particularly crucial. With the increasing reliance on online resources for mental health information and support, having a strong online presence is key for behavioral health organizations. Through effective SEO strategies, these organizations can ensure that their services are easily discoverable by those who need them the most. By targeting relevant keywords that individuals might use when seeking mental health support or information, behavioral health clinics can attract more visitors to their site, potentially leading to more clients. Thus, SEO plays a vital role in bridging the gap between those seeking help and the services available to assist them. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Optimize your content with relevant keywords that potential clients might use to search for mental health services.Understand the needs and pain points of your prospective clients. Knowing what they're likely to search for can help you target your content better.Create content like blog posts, e-books, and case studies that are optimized for search engines.Make sure your site has both on-page and off-page optimization for SEO.High-quality images can attract readers and help your site rank well. Ensure images have proper titles and alt text.Ensure your website is fast and easy to navigate. High user time on the page and fast site speed are positive signals to search engines.Since many people visit websites from their mobile devices, make sure your website is optimized for both desktop and mobile.Fast site load speeds are crucial. If your site takes too long to load, users may leave, leading to a lower SERP position.Having other websites link to yours boosts your domain authority and signals to Google that your site is a credible source of information.Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews to provide social proof for your behavioral health clinic. Displaying recognized certifications on your site can demonstrate your expertise and add authority. Excerpt SEO Best Practices for Your Behavioral Health Business By Lindsey Miller on Content Journey "About 226,000 people search for mental health treatment and related terms each month. They're going online to find answers to their mental health questions and to seek information about getting help for themselves or their loved ones. You want them to find your behavioral health clinic when they search, so you must follow SEO best practices for your behavioral health business." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
5 Strategies to Increase Patient Referrals
Referrals serve as the cornerstone for many therapy and treatment programs. They serve as a critical component in expanding the reach of these services, bringing in new clients who might otherwise remain unaware of the available resources. When a former client or a respected professional ...
Referrals serve as the cornerstone for many therapy and treatment programs. They serve as a critical component in expanding the reach of these services, bringing in new clients who might otherwise remain unaware of the available resources. When a former client or a respected professional recommends a program, it carries a significant weight of trust and credibility, often more persuasive than traditional advertising methods.Moreover, referrals are not just beneficial from a business perspective; they also play a vital role in the effectiveness of therapy and treatment programs. Individuals seeking help are more likely to engage fully and openly in a program that comes highly recommended by someone they trust. This pre-established trust can enhance the therapeutic relationship, potentially leading to more successful outcomes. In essence, a robust referral network is not just about growth-it's about facilitating better, more effective care for those in need. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Engage physicians with informative marketing materials to help them understand your services better and establish strong relationships with physicians through in-person visits.Highlight the specialties of your practice that set you apart from competitors. Consider branching out to new specialties if you lack a unique offering.Adopt a proactive referral approach by maintaining a list of doctors and their specialties. Track your referrals to build stronger relationships with local physicians.Consider inviting partnerships with local physicians through personalized letters and business cards.Optimize your website and make sure it is easy to find. Use SEO-rich blogs and keywords that list your services and location.Stay connected with the patient even after their course of care has ended. Encourage past patients to refer others to your practice.Regularly post on social media and share information about your practice, promote services, and engage with your audience. Excerpt 5 Strategies to Increase Patient Referrals By Therapy Brands "Whether you are operating a physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy practice, a key component of success remains referrals. Patients are still the lifeblood of any clinic so the best way to ensure long-term success and growth remains increasing traffic through successful referral strategies. Strong practice management involves focusing on marketing as an integral part of your medical practice. Referred patients are ideal because they are a low-cost acquisition. However, there are other techniques that you can use to increase your referrals to scale your practice. The first focus of marketing is the development of relationships and networks that will drive referrals. The process takes time and may not become at once fruitful. However, with perseverance and dedication, your referral program will grow and expand." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
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Empowering Alumni as Ambassadors: A Strategic Guide to Boosting Revenue and Enrollments
For individuals working in marketing, admissions, or business development within treatment programs, recognizing the influential role alumni play is crucial. Having experienced the transformative journey of your program firsthand, alumni can become powerful ambassadors, driving referrals, boosting ...
For individuals working in marketing, admissions, or business development within treatment programs, recognizing the influential role alumni play is crucial. Having experienced the transformative journey of your program firsthand, alumni can become powerful ambassadors, driving referrals, boosting revenue, and increasing enrollments. Cultivate a Strong Alumni NetworkThe foundation of effective alumni ambassadorship lies in cultivating a strong and supportive community. Foster connections among alumni through regular events, support groups, and online platforms. A connected and engaged alumni network serves as a powerful engine for positive word-of-mouth referrals.Showcase Authentic Success StoriesOne of the most impactful ways to showcase the effectiveness of your program is through authentic success stories. Encourage alumni to share their journeys of recovery, highlighting the positive outcomes and personal growth they experienced. Use these narratives in your marketing materials, on your website, and across social media to resonate with prospective clients.Implement a Referral Incentive ProgramMotivate alumni to actively refer individuals to your program by implementing a referral incentive program. Offer discounts on follow-up services, exclusive alumni events, or other meaningful perks. This not only acknowledges their contribution but also reinforces a sense of community and shared success.Engage Alumni in Outreach EffortsTap into the expertise of your alumni by involving them in outreach initiatives. Alumni can speak at events, participate in webinars, or contribute articles sharing their insights. Their lived experiences add authenticity and credibility to your program's messaging, resonating with both professionals and potential clients.Leverage Online Platforms for VisibilityIn the digital age, online presence is paramount. Encourage alumni to share their experiences on social media, forums, and review platforms. Positive online reviews and testimonials enhance your program's visibility and reputation, reaching a wider audience exploring mental health or addiction treatment options.Host Alumni Events and ReunionsOrganize alumni events and reunions to foster the sense of community and connection. These gatherings not only provide an opportunity for alumni to reconnect but also serve as networking opportunities where they can share their positive experiences with those considering treatment.Provide Ongoing Support for AlumniShow your commitment to the long-term well-being of your alumni by offering ongoing support. Continued counseling, access to resources, and opportunities for involvement in alumni-focused initiatives contribute to sustained engagement and a willingness to refer others.Gather and Showcase Alumni FeedbackActively seek feedback from alumni to understand their perspectives on the program. Use this feedback to make improvements and adjustments. Publicly demonstrating your commitment to continuous improvement reinforces alumni confidence and trust in your program.Collaborate with Alumni in Marketing CampaignsConsider collaborating with alumni in your marketing campaigns. Feature them in promotional materials, testimonials, and video content. Their participation not only adds a personal touch but also demonstrates the real impact your program has on individuals' lives.Recognize and Celebrate Alumni AchievementsRecognize and celebrate the contributions of your alumni ambassadors. Honor their role in the success of your program through awards, tokens of appreciation, or shout-outs during events. This not only makes them feel valued but also reinforces their commitment to promoting your program. Takeaways By strategically empowering alumni as ambassadors, treatment programs can create a ripple effect of positive referrals, leading to increased revenue and enrollments. The authentic voices of those who have successfully navigated the journey of recovery can be a powerful force for change, resonating with both professionals and individuals seeking the right treatment program. Through community building, incentives, and ongoing support, your program can transform alumni into passionate advocates, propelling sustained growth and success. Remember, every alumni success story is a testament to the efficacy of your program, and sharing these stories can have a profound impact on those seeking help. InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
The 4th Wave of the Opioid Crisis is Not Receding
The escalating crisis of fentanyl and methamphetamine use, while startlingly apparent in San Francisco, has wider implications across the United States and potentially, globally. The shift in the drug market towards synthetic substances due to their profitability and potency indicates an impending ...
The escalating crisis of fentanyl and methamphetamine use, while startlingly apparent in San Francisco, has wider implications across the United States and potentially, globally. The shift in the drug market towards synthetic substances due to their profitability and potency indicates an impending challenge for healthcare providers nationwide. The lack of FDA-approved treatments for meth dependence further exacerbates the situation.Moreover, the increasing trend of mixed-drug use, particularly fentanyl and meth, adds complexity to the issue, making it harder for conventional approaches to be effective. The combination of these drugs could potentially magnify mental health issues and increase the risk of overdoses.The situation also calls into question the efficacy of current drug policies and enforcement strategies, as seen in San Francisco's struggles. The rise in synthetic drug use could necessitate a reevaluation of these strategies at a national level, including a potential shift towards harm reduction approaches and addiction treatment expansion.Lastly, this trend could also impact socio-economic factors such as workforce productivity, healthcare costs, and law enforcement resources, thereby underscoring the need for comprehensive and multi-faceted solutions. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Drug users are mixing methamphetamine with fentanyl to counteract the latter's side effects.This trend is particularly prevalent in San Francisco, which is experiencing its deadliest year for drug overdoses.Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is being distributed more widely due to its high profitability.During the 12 months concluding in June 2023, the number of drug overdose fatalities reached 110,000, marking a 2.6% rise from the previous year.Users often experience withdrawal symptoms and disrupted sleep patterns from fentanyl, leading them to consume methamphetamine. The combination of meth and fentanyl raises complex issues for healthcare providers.There are FDA-approved medicines such as buprenorphine for opioid addiction but no approved drugs to counter meth dependence.Meth use is believed to increase the risk of severe mental health symptoms, including paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations.San Francisco city officials have declared a state of emergency, created supervised drug-use facilities, and increased police presence to combat the rising death toll. Excerpt San Francisco faces deadliest year for drug overdoses due to rise of fentanyl By Erin McCormick on The Guardian "San Francisco is facing its deadliest year ever for drug overdoses, a trend blamed on the surge of powerful synthetic fentanyl in the US's illicit drug supply. In the first nine months of 2023, the northern California city saw 692 people die of overdoses, more than in the entire year of 2022, according to new data reported by the city's medical examiner. The city is on track to see more than 800 deaths this year, topping its highest year ever, 2020, when it saw 720." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
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The Silent Ambush of Substance Misuse and Addiction
December 7, 1941, will always be a date that "will live in infamy" because of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. As we reflect on this pivotal moment in history, it serves as a stark reminder of the potency of surprise attacks and ambushes. But although we associate ambushes in the theater of ...
December 7, 1941, will always be a date that "will live in infamy" because of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. As we reflect on this pivotal moment in history, it serves as a stark reminder of the potency of surprise attacks and ambushes. But although we associate ambushes in the theater of war, there is a different battleground that many among us face daily: the struggle against substance misuse and addiction. This ambush is marked by unexpected challenges, psychological warfare, and the imperative need for resilience and a strategy to fight back. Substance misuse is often an unseen foe, striking when you least expect it. Substance misuse, much like a lurking enemy, often infiltrates lives without warning with a silent ambush, catching individuals off guard and leaving them grappling with the aftermath. The teenager who thought they were partying casually now feels compelled to keep using. Having a few drinks to relax or unwind now becomes a habit. The unpredictability of when substance misuse might cascade into addiction can be a surprise attack that the individual or their family doesn't see coming. Addiction can mirror the same experience of warfare. Coping with the disease of addiction can equate to being victim to psychological warfare, impacting one's mental health and emotional stability. The element of surprise fosters doubt, shame, and confusion for the individual or their family mirroring the chaos of an ambush, as individuals find themselves ensnared in the grip of a foe they may not have seen coming. Addiction can be like a hostile business takeover or unexpected competitive move. Addiction often mirrors what happens every day in business. Substance misuse can be likened to a hostile takeover bid, disruptive technology, or an unexpected move by competitors. But this time, it's on one's well-being, disrupting relationships, careers, and personal aspirations. The unexpected rise of dependency can leave individuals scrambling to adapt, much like businesses navigating sudden market shifts or competitive threats. Addiction ambushes your personal life. Moving beyond the parallels of war and business, addiction weaves its way into disrupting the fabric of personal lives. The unexpected health crises, fractured relationships, or financial setbacks associated with substance misuse can be equated to personal ambushes. The suddenness of these events often leaves individuals in a state of shock, grappling with the daunting task of rebuilding. Coping with an addiction ambush. 1 in 10 of us will be ambushed by addiction and the collateral damage with friends and family spreads way beyond the individual that is impacted. If substance misuse or addiction has ambushed you or your family, here are some thoughts about what to do next. After an ambush, it's time to become resilient. While the initial impact of a surprise attack is jarring, surviving, and moving forward is directly related to resilience. Whether nations rebuilding after war, businesses adapting to market shifts, or individuals finding strength in the face of this personal ambush, the ability to endure and adapt can be the difference in who survives or not. Understand the enemy. After Pearl Harbor, the United States was drawn into a war on two fronts against the Japanese and Germans. We studied their warfare tactics, understood their strengths and weaknesses, and prepared ourselves to go to war with knowledge. If addiction has attacked you or your family, it's critical to understand the disease, how it will ambush and attack you, and the strategies to fight back.Have a plan to counterattack.Although we were wounded after Pearl Harbor, the United States geared up and repaired and rebuilt their Navy, retooled their factories for wartime, and enlisted millions of soldiers and civilians to join the fight. For those fighting addiction, it's important to marshal resources that can support you, get professionals to help you, and create a battle plan for recovery. Takeaways December 7th should be a reminder that the unexpected can happen to us at any moment. Personally, I've been ambushed by divorce, the overdose death of my daughter, and a series of business and financial setbacks. I chose to step back, regroup, recharge, and move forward. Today, surprise attacks or ambushes are something you should expect in your lifetime and addiction and substance misuse are only one of them. How you respond is the difference in whether you fold or survive. InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Sweeping Bill to Fight Opioid Addiction Will be Considered by Senate
The Senate health committee is poised to consider a comprehensive bill aimed at addressing the opioid crisis. This marks the first major legislative action in the current year concerning the addiction problem, with approximately 110,000 Americans succumbing to drug overdoses annually, among which ...
The Senate health committee is poised to consider a comprehensive bill aimed at addressing the opioid crisis. This marks the first major legislative action in the current year concerning the addiction problem, with approximately 110,000 Americans succumbing to drug overdoses annually, among which 85,000 are opioid-related. The bill will reauthorize several programs initially created by the SUPPORT Act passed in 2018, which had expired earlier. The legislation will potentially encapsulate several addiction bills previously introduced but yet to be underpinned by the House or Senate. It will potentially include priorities outlined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, but the specifics remain uncertain.The proposed legislation is likely to incorporate several addiction bills introduced previously, but which haven't gained traction. The TREATS Act, part of the proposal, aims to permanently permit health providers to prescribe buprenorphine via telemedicine, bypassing in-person examination. This provision has faced opposition, but has bipartisan support, with the intention to override the DEA's plans of restoring a physical exam requirement. However, the legislation is likely to overlook the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (MOTAA), which would enable addiction doctors to prescribe methadone directly to patients. Methadone has proven effective in preventing opioid overdose and death and is widely accessible in many Western countries. However, in the U.S., access to methadone is limited to specialized clinics. Here are our key takeaways from the article: The Senate health care committee is set to consider a comprehensive bill aimed at addressing the opioid crisis, according to lobbyists and a congressional aide. If passed, this would be the first significant action by Capitol Hill on the addiction crisis this year. Current data indicates that around 110,000 Americans die from drug overdoses annually, with approximately 85,000 of these involving opioids. The updated SUPPORT Act would continue funding community-based organizations, extend certain provisions for access to addiction medications, and expand treatment access for pregnant women and incarcerated individuals. The TREATS Act, which has bipartisan support, could create a permanent exemption from some laws governing controlled substances.  The American Society of Addiction Medicine is pushing for the inclusion of the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (MOTAA). This proposal would enable addiction doctors to prescribe methadone directly to patients. The fate of the bill remains uncertain even if it passes the HELP Committee and the full Senate.  Excerpt Sweeping bill to fight opioid addiction will be considered by Senate health committee By Lev Facher and Rachel Cohrs on STAT "The Senate health care committee will consider a sweeping bill next week meant to combat the opioid epidemic, according to four lobbyists and a congressional aide familiar with the legislation.  The proposal would reauthorize a number of programs first created by the SUPPORT Act, an addiction-focused bill that Congress first passed in 2018." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services. Get in Touch
Update on the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharmaceuticals
The opioid crisis in the United States has been a long and painful battle, with many victims and their families seeking justice for the harm they've endured. Now, Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, has agreed to settle thousands of lawsuits related to the crisis and giving up ownership of the ...
The opioid crisis in the United States has been a long and painful battle, with many victims and their families seeking justice for the harm they've endured. Now, Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, has agreed to settle thousands of lawsuits related to the crisis and giving up ownership of the company. However, this settlement is not without controversy. Members of the Sackler family, who own Purdue Pharma, would be exempt from civil lawsuits and could still retain billions in profits from OxyContin sales. On December 4th, 2023, the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the legality of this agreement. This case not only carries significant implications for other major product liability lawsuits settled through bankruptcy but also presents a moral conundrum that continues to divide victims and their families. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Purdue Pharma, the company behind OxyContin, has consented to a settlement in response to thousands of opioid-related lawsuits, pledging up to $6 billion to combat the crisis. This agreement would provide legal immunity to the Sackler family, the owners of Purdue Pharma, against civil lawsuits and potentially allow them to retain profits gained from OxyContin sales. The Supreme Court is poised to examine if this deal infringes upon federal law since it proposes bankruptcy protections for individuals who have not filed for bankruptcy. The settlement has sparked controversy with some victims hailing it as a significant turning point, while others protest it, fearing that it might establish a worrisome precedent. Purdue Pharma's intense promotion of OxyContin continues to be identified as a major driving force behind the nationwide opioid epidemic. Excerpt OxyContin maker's settlement plan divides victims of opioid crisis. Now it's up to the Supreme Court. By Geoff Mulvihill and Mark Sherman "The agreement by the maker of OxyContin to settle thousands of lawsuits over the harm done by opioids could help combat the overdose epidemic that the painkiller helped spark. But that does not mean all the victims are satisfied.Ellen Isaacs' 33-year-old son, Ryan Wroblewski, died in Florida in 2018, about 17 years after he was first prescribed OxyContin for a back injury. When she first heard about a potential settlement that would include some money for people like her, she signed up. But she has changed her mind." Read the Full Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch
Common Misconceptions about Fentanyl
Debunking Common Misconceptions about Fentanyl: Separating Fact from Fiction Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has become a significant public health concern in recent years due to its widespread abuse and high potential for overdose. Despite the growing awareness of ...
Debunking Common Misconceptions about Fentanyl: Separating Fact from Fiction Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has become a significant public health concern in recent years due to its widespread abuse and high potential for overdose. Despite the growing awareness of its dangers, many misconceptions about fentanyl persist, leading to misunderstandings about its uses, risks, and effects. In this article, we will explore some of the most common misconceptions about fentanyl, debunking myths and providing accurate information about this powerful drug. Here are some common misconceptions about fentanyl: Fentanyl is just another type of painkiller One of the most significant misconceptions about fentanyl is that it's just another type of painkiller. While it is a potent painkiller, it is also highly addictive and has a high potential for abuse. Unlike other painkillers, fentanyl is much stronger and can be lethal even in small doses. Fentanyl is only used for end-of-life care Another misconception about fentanyl is that it's only used for end-of-life care. While it is commonly used to manage severe pain in cancer patients or those who are terminally ill, it is also prescribed for other types of chronic pain, such as back pain or chronic headaches. Additionally, fentanyl is also illegally manufactured and sold on the streets as a recreational drug, which is a significant contributor to the opioid epidemic. Fentanyl is safe as long as it's prescribed by a doctor Many people believe that fentanyl is safe as long as it is prescribed by a doctor, but this is not entirely true. Fentanyl is a highly potent opioid, and even when taken as prescribed, it can be highly addictive and lead to dependence. Additionally, fentanyl can cause dangerous side effects, including respiratory depression, which can be fatal, especially when taken in high doses. Fentanyl is only a problem in the United States Another common misconception is that fentanyl is only a problem in the United States. While the opioid epidemic has been particularly severe in the US, fentanyl abuse and overdose deaths have been reported in other parts of the world as well. Fentanyl is now being trafficked globally, and its illicit use has become a significant public health concern worldwide. In conclusion, it's crucial to recognize these common misconceptions about fentanyl to better understand the risks associated with its use. Fentanyl is a powerful and potentially deadly drug that requires careful management, whether it is being used medically or illicitly. Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Supporting Family Members in Recovery During Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, a time of gratitude and family gatherings, can be particularly challenging for individuals in recovery from substance abuse. The holiday season frequently elicits emotions of anxiety, depression, and overwhelming stress, which can heighten the allure of using substances as a means to ...
Thanksgiving, a time of gratitude and family gatherings, can be particularly challenging for individuals in recovery from substance abuse. The holiday season frequently elicits emotions of anxiety, depression, and overwhelming stress, which can heighten the allure of using substances as a means to cope. However, with the right support and understanding from family members, it can also be a time of healing and strengthening familial bonds. Navigating the Holiday Season: A Guide to Supporting Loved Ones in Recovery During Thanksgiving Understanding the Challenges The first step in providing support is understanding the struggles that your loved ones are going through. Substance abuse disorders are not a matter of willpower; they are complex diseases that affect a person's brain and behavior. Foster a Substance-Free Environment Creating a safe space for your loved one is crucial. This might mean making the family gathering alcohol-free or removing any triggers that could potentially lead to a relapse. Communicate openly with other family members about the importance of maintaining a substance-free environment. This not only protects the person in recovery but also sends a clear message of support and respect for their journey. Engage in Healthy Activities Plan activities that everyone can enjoy and that don't revolve around substances. This could be a board game marathon, a hike in nature, or a movie night. These activities can help reduce feelings of anxiety and provide a distraction from potential triggers. Open Communication Encourage open and honest communication. Let your loved one know that they can talk to you about their feelings without judgment. It's important to listen actively and validate their experiences. This can help them feel understood and less alone in their struggles. Respect Their Boundaries Every person's recovery journey is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Some may want to talk openly about their experiences, while others may prefer to keep their recovery private. Respect these boundaries and let your loved one guide the conversation when it comes to their recovery. Provide Emotional Support Recovery can be an emotional rollercoaster. Be there for your loved one through the highs and lows. Let them know that it's okay to feel what they're feeling and that you're there for them no matter what. This can provide a sense of stability and comfort during uncertain times. Encourage Professional Help If your loved one is struggling, encourage them to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors who specialize in addiction can provide valuable guidance and support. There are also numerous support groups both online and offline that can provide community and understanding. Conclusion Supporting a family member in recovery during Thanksgiving isn't always easy, but it's worth it. Your love, understanding, and support can make a significant difference in your loved one's recovery journey. Remember, recovery isn't just about abstaining from substances; it's about building a healthier, happier life. And as a family, you can play a crucial role in supporting this journey. References: : https://restorationrecoverycen...: https://cornerstoneofrecovery....: https://www.brightfuturerecove... InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Six Ways to Maintain Your Sobriety at Thanksgiving
The holiday season often brings about feelings of anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, which can increase the temptation to resort to substance use as a coping mechanism. Here are some helpful tips from Psychology Today for having a happy Thanksgiving while remaining drug or alcohol ...
Addiction, holidays, Recovery, Sobriety, Thanksgiving
The holiday season often brings about feelings of anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, which can increase the temptation to resort to substance use as a coping mechanism. Here are some helpful tips from Psychology Today for having a happy Thanksgiving while remaining drug or alcohol free.  Here are our key takeaways from the article: Share the workload: If you are in charge of preparing the Thanksgiving meal, don't hesitate to ask for help. This reduces stress and allows you to manage your recovery better. Practice gratitude: When you feel overwhelmed, write a list of things you're grateful for. This helps keep the focus on the positive aspects of the holiday. Volunteer: Helping others can provide a sense of fulfillment and distract from any family tensions.  Invite a supportive friend: Having a supportive friend at a family gathering can help diffuse tension and provide emotional support. Prioritize your health: If attending a family or work function feels too triggering, it's okay to not attend. Your health and recovery should always come first. Excerpt Six Ways to Maintain Your Sobriety at Thanksgiving By Constance Scharff Ph.D. "I first tried to quit drinking on November 11, 1995. By Thanksgiving of that year, I was clean, but I was scared to death of facing a holiday dinner without a drink. I remember standing by the bar in my grandmother's house, downing Diet Coke in long gulps. I drank an entire case of Diet Coke during the evening, but I stayed sober. Now, I have more tools to maintain my recovery during the holidays." Read the Full Article To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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A Personal Message from The Founder
For 15 years, my daughter Laura and I struggled to understand the disease that had her in its grips and devastated our family. She made one last fateful decision, overdosed and two days later died on December 21, 2017. When we held vigil in ...
For 15 years, my daughter Laura and I struggled to understand the disease that had her in its grips and devastated our family. She made one last fateful decision, overdosed and two days later died on December 21, 2017. When we held vigil in the hospital watching Laura's life slip away, her close friend in recovery reminded me that she and I were now in a "position of privilege" and not of our own choosing. We had experienced the disease of addiction close up, gained insight from our struggles, and had the potential to make a difference with those that struggle to understand the disease and develop a plan to maintain health and recovery. For over a year, I processed how to turn my grief into purpose and shortly after Laura's death writing a series of articles, Lessons from Laura, to personalize our struggle and alert others that even the best families are not immune from the disease. In early 2019, how I could make an impact became clear. I had unique experiences as the parent of an addict, had founded and run an adolescent treatment program, and owned a technology company. I discovered that the risk of dying from overdose was now the number one killer of anyone under the age of 50 because of the emergence of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Flooding in from Mexico and disguised in counterfeit pills, heroin, cocaine and even marijuana, someone that may just be experimenting or like Laura, making one bad decision could be poisoned from only a few grains of the synthetic opioid and overdose. I also realized that technology had the potential to detect the leading indicators of overdose from devices that young people wear everyday, their smart watch or fitness tracker, send that data to us and allow our technology to alert others and send help. Laura was only a mile from the hospital and could have been saved if this detection and alerting system had been online.I also learned that there were new tools in the fight against the opioid crisis from the hard work of our states' attorneys general who negotiated over $50 billion in funding from opioid litigation to fund prevention programs, awareness campaigns and connection to recovery and treatment services, a beacon of hope in a difficult fight.But most parents were not focused on the drug that has taken over as the biggest threat to a young person's safety, nor did they want to believe that what happened to our family could happen to them. So it became clear that our mission was to raise their awareness that the hope that it will not happen to you is no longer a strategy to keep their sons and daughters safe.We are committed to use our experience, knowledge, technology and resources to save lives, help families, and create strategies for young people to choose to be healthy and safe.Carolyn BradfieldCEO, Convey Services & InterAct LifeLine
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Phoenix Outdoor: A Case Study in Virtual Family Support
In 2004, two technology entrepreneurs founded Phoenix Outdoor, a North Carolina licensed outdoor behavioral program for adolescents ages 13-17. Inspired and motivated by the difficulty in getting family support when their adolescents went through treatment, the team committed to a robust program ...
In 2004, two technology entrepreneurs founded Phoenix Outdoor, a North Carolina licensed outdoor behavioral program for adolescents ages 13-17.  Inspired and motivated by the difficulty in getting family support when their adolescents went through treatment, the team committed to a robust program that parents could participate in on a weekly basis while their adolescents were in treatment.  Because program participants came from all over the country, leadership used their technology backgrounds to launch one of the first family support virtual care programs in the country. Inspired by Their Personal ExperienceThe founders had placed their 15-year old daughter in an outdoor behavioral program, but received no counseling or support during her 6-week stay.  After being traumatized by the difficulty in finding treatment for their daughter, they were called on to make a long-term strategic aftercare choice to enroll her in a therapeutic boarding school.  After meeting 20 families enrolling their adolescents in the same school, it became clear that family support was almost non-existent no matter what pathway each family took to get their child into long-term care. Families came to the orientation traumatized, confused and devastated. The Phoenix Outdoor Family Support Program Families enrolling their adolescents in the Phoenix program were given a plan and process for treating their child, but also were asked to participate in the weekly family support program.  The goals of the program were to reduce their anxiety and stress, uncover the challenges that the family struggled with as a result of their adolescent's behavior and equip them with the tools to make a long term decision for their child and family. The Parent Coordinator Within 24 hours of enrollment, the family received an outreach from a dedicated parent coordinator to explain the process the program engaged in to treat each individual, how the outdoor program worked, and how the program was designed for safety.  The coordinator's job was to let parents know what to expect from Phoenix, what we expected from them, and to reconfirm that they had made an appropriate treatment decision for their child. The Parent Portal Parents had access to an online portal where the program uploaded letters from their child, their daily schedule, what they would be eating, the weather report, and any pictures we had taken in their outdoor treatment setting.  The program would post messages and notes for the parents to access at their convenience. Parent Support Group Before there was Zoom, the parent support group met via GlobalMeet webinar technology each Monday night, lead by a clinical specialist.  Conversations were wide ranging, but included topics such as how to manage and support siblings, how to communicate decisions with friends and family, and long-term care strategies.  Parents would attend these groups even after their children had been discharged. Psycho-Educational Classes An online class was held each Tuesday, lead by the Clinical Director and focused on a specific topic relevant to the family.  Families were educated about the disease of addiction, the roles that family members play that affect  how they function or managing co-existing mental health disorders. The Family Therapist Each adolescent had an assigned therapist, but a different therapist was also assigned to the family.  Each week a family therapy session was held with parents and siblings to have them process through family issues and equip them with the tools they needed to support themselves and their adolescent in treatment. ALANON Over 90% of all adolescent participants were diagnosed with a substance use disorder, and as such, families were asked to participate in at least one weekly ALANON meeting to find support outside of the Phoenix Outdoor community Takeaways Phoenix Outdoor had one of the most innovative and respected approaches to family care by using technology to allow families to participate, no matter where they lived.  The adolescents knew that their families were working as hard as they were to find a solution that lead to health and wellness.  The same strategy that served Phoenix in the mid 2000s is still relevant today to produce better outcomes for the person in treatment as well as their family. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct LifeLine provides treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable technology for virtual care and education programs.  We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch
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Enhanced Recovery: How Virtual Care Promotes Better Outcomes
The advent of digital technology has revolutionized the global healthcare landscape, with virtual care playing a pivotal role in this transformation. This article explores how virtual care promotes enhanced recovery and better outcomes for patients. ...
The advent of digital technology has revolutionized the global healthcare landscape, with virtual care playing a pivotal role in this transformation. This article explores how virtual care promotes enhanced recovery and better outcomes for patients. Exploring the Link Between Virtual Care, Treatment Adherence, and Recovery Success The Role of Telemedicine in Postoperative Care Telemedicine's role in postoperative care is gaining significant attention due to its potential to improve clinical outcomes and enhance patient recovery. By facilitating remote monitoring and consultations, telemedicine enables healthcare providers to track patients' progress, respond quickly to complications, and provide necessary guidance, contributing to faster and more efficient recovery. Empowering Patients Through Virtual Care Delivery Virtual care delivery empowers patients by improving communication, mixing virtual and in-person care, and developing the practice team's journey. It offers patients the autonomy to manage their health, which can significantly contribute to their recovery process. When patients understand their health condition and treatment plan, they are likely to adhere to prescribed therapies and make necessary lifestyle changes, leading to better outcomes. Expansion of Virtual Care Technology at UAB The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has expanded its use of virtual care technology to guide more patients from surgery preparation through recovery. This approach underscores the value of virtual care in the entire care continuum, from preoperative preparation to postoperative recovery. Through digital experiences, patients receive personalized guidance and support, promoting greater engagement, adherence to care plans, and improved recovery outcomes. HCA Healthcare's Innovative Approach to Surgical Recovery HCA Healthcare has adopted an innovative approach to surgical recovery that promotes better outcomes, decreased opioid usage, and faster recovery times for patients. By incorporating virtual care into their recovery protocol, they have been able to monitor patients' progress remotely, provide timely interventions, and reduce reliance on opioids for pain management, thereby enhancing recovery and reducing associated risks. Enhancing Patient Outcomes with Telehealth Telehealth can significantly improve patient outcomes under value-based care. With remote patient monitoring and virtual patient education, healthcare providers can keep a close eye on patients' health status, promptly address any issues, and provide education resources to help patients manage their health effectively. These strategies not only improve health outcomes but also enhance patients' overall healthcare experience. Maximizing Nutrition, Minimizing Pain Enhanced recovery after surgery often involves discarding traditional practices, such as fasting and powerful painkillers. Instead, it focuses on maximizing nutrition and minimizing pain, which can be achieved effectively through virtual care. For instance, dietitians can provide personalized nutritional advice remotely, and doctors can monitor pain levels and adjust medication doses accordingly. The Future of Virtual Care Looking ahead, virtual health presents a significant opportunity for health systems to enhance their value by improving access and delivering high-quality care. As technology continues to evolve, so will the ways in which it can be utilized to promote better health outcomes. Virtual reality, for example, is being used to improve telemedicine, surgery, and healthcare workers' training. Conclusion In conclusion, virtual care is a powerful tool in enhancing recovery and promoting better outcomes in the healthcare sector. It expands access to care, empowers patients, improves clinical outcomes, and reduces healthcare costs. As more healthcare systems adopt virtual care, we can expect to see further improvements in patient recovery and overall health outcomes. References: : https://investor.hcahealthcare...: https://www.healthrecoverysolu...: InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Technology's Role in Addressing the Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis continues to pose a significant public health challenge, with millions of people across the globe struggling with opioid addiction. As the world seeks solutions to this crisis, technology has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against opioid misuse and addiction. From virtual ...
The opioid crisis continues to pose a significant public health challenge, with millions of people across the globe struggling with opioid addiction. As the world seeks solutions to this crisis, technology has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against opioid misuse and addiction. From virtual care platforms to predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, technology-based solutions are revolutionizing the way we prevent, diagnose, and treat opioid addiction. Revolutionizing Opioid Crisis Response and Addiction Treatment Through Technological Innovation Current Technology-Based Solutions Several technology-based solutions are currently being leveraged to combat opioid misuse and addiction. These innovative approaches offer greater convenience to patients, allowing them to receive treatment without the need for physical appointments. A significant technological advancement in the fight against opioid misuse is the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). This technology aims to prevent opioid misuse by providing healthcare providers with a patient's prescription history, thereby preventing over-prescription of opioids. Moreover, technology is also playing a crucial role in improving our understanding of opioid addiction. Healthcare information technology has opened new doors in this regard, enabling us to gather and analyze data about opioid addiction to enhance our prevention and treatment strategies. The Power of Virtual Care Virtual care, enabled by technology, is transforming the way patients receive treatment and support for opioid addiction. With the advent of telemedicine and virtual care platforms, patients can now receive comprehensive care from the comfort of their homes. Virtual care offers numerous benefits over traditional care. First, it provides greater convenience to patients, eliminating the need for travel and enabling them to receive treatment at their preferred time and location. This convenience can be particularly beneficial for patients living in remote or rural areas, where access to specialized care can be limited. Second, virtual care enhances privacy and confidentiality, which can be a significant concern for many individuals struggling with addiction. With virtual care, patients can receive treatment in a private setting, free from the stigma that often surrounds addiction treatment. Finally, virtual care can increase access to specialized care. Through virtual platforms, patients can connect with specialists across the country, receiving the best possible care regardless of their geographic location. The Future: AI and Machine Learning Looking ahead, the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in addressing the opioid crisis is immense. AI tools capable of identifying and adaptively updating factors causing opioid addiction may significantly reduce the likelihood of addiction. AI and machine learning can also improve screening and diagnosis of opioid addiction. By analyzing patterns and trends in patient data, these technologies can identify individuals at high risk of opioid misuse, enabling early intervention and treatment. Furthermore, AI and machine learning can enhance the efficacy of treatment strategies. These technologies can analyze patient data to determine the most effective treatment strategies, enabling personalized care and improving recovery outcomes. Conclusion Technology offers promising solutions in the fight against the opioid crisis. By enhancing our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat opioid addiction, technology represents a significant step forward in our battle against this global health crisis. As we continue to innovate and develop new technological solutions, there is hope that we can turn the tide on the opioid crisis and help those struggling with addiction achieve recovery and regain control of their lives. References: : InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Busting 4 Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Addiction Recovery
Supporting a family member in addiction recovery is a challenging journey that requires patience, understanding, and resilience. It's essential to remember that recovery is not linear; there will be progress and setbacks, which are both integral parts of the process.This article published online by ...
Supporting a family member in addiction recovery is a challenging journey that requires patience, understanding, and resilience. It's essential to remember that recovery is not linear; there will be progress and setbacks, which are both integral parts of the process.This article published online by Health City helps clear up common misconceptions about this process. Here are our key takeaways from the article: The role of social support in addiction treatment is critical and needs to be reframed among clinicians to improve health outcomes for patients with Substance Use Disorder.The term "codependency" and "tough love" can stigmatize and pathologize family members, which can have a damaging impact on patient outcomes.Family support can look different from family to family, and clinicians should empower family members to support their loved ones in ways they can.Clinicians don't need to adopt a specific model to engage families in care; instead, they should see the patient as part of a social network and find ways to engage their social support.It's crucial to engage families with compassion and empathy, providing them with evidence-based guidance and resources to cope with the stress of caregiving. Excerpt Busting 4 Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Addiction Recovery By Meryl Bailey For chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer - experts acknowledge the vital role caregivers play in helping with disease management, as well as in alleviating daily burdens for their loved ones. Strong social support from patients' relatives, partners, and friends is critical to successful treatment plans. Studies find that compassionate, action-oriented support from family helps patients reduce stress and live longer. In striking contrast, families and loved ones of people with substance use disorder (SUD) often receive mixed messages from society and the healthcare system about their role as caregivers. Longstanding myths and outdated language, such as "codependency" and "tough love," can harm family members and loved ones in treatment. Read the Full Article To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch By Aneri Pattani
The Role of Community in Family Support Services
Family support services are crucial for the wellbeing of families, particularly those facing challenges. The community plays an integral role in these services, offering resources and assistance to enhance family resilience and capacity. This article discusses the importance of community in family ...
Family support services are crucial for the wellbeing of families, particularly those facing challenges. The community plays an integral role in these services, offering resources and assistance to enhance family resilience and capacity. This article discusses the importance of community in family support services. Strengthening Families: How Community Engagement Powers Support Services The Community's Role Community support services are instrumental in providing the necessary care for various demographic groups, including the elderly[3]. They serve as a primary social support system during times of illness and other crises. The community also acts as a bridge that links the elderly with their relatives, providing a sense of belonging[4]. Family self-help groups, a community-based innovation, have emerged as a significant component of family support[2]. These groups offer a platform where families can share experiences, exchange ideas, and provide mutual support. Such groups often alleviate the burden on individual family members and cultivate a sense of community. Community support systems also extend to psychosocial rehabilitation, offering recreational activities that foster shared interests and mutual support[3]. These activities not only provide relief but also contribute to the overall wellbeing of individuals and families involved. Impact on Service Utilization  The community's role in family support services extends beyond direct support. It significantly impacts service utilization[5]. For instance, community organizations can influence a parent's willingness to utilize parenting support services. This implies that a well-informed and supportive community can encourage the use of available services, leading to better child-rearing practices and outcomes. Moreover, the presence of visual impairment in elderly persons has been shown to influence the use of community support services[6]. A community that is aware of the unique needs and challenges of visually impaired individuals will be more likely to facilitate the necessary support. Addressing Racism and Promoting Inclusivity The community also has a significant role in addressing racism and promoting inclusivity within family support services. For instance, social service providers are an integral part of the LGBTQ community of Toronto, where they help expose racial integration myths and encourage the creation of needed support services[7]. Community Resources and Education Support Services Communities can restructure education support services and integrate resources, going beyond the full-service school model[8]. By doing so, they can ensure that auxiliary or support services remain available amidst budget cuts. This not only benefits the students but also their families, providing a comprehensive support system that extends beyond the classroom. Support for Mental Health Community support also has a significant impact on mental health. A study on African American adolescents revealed that family, peer, and community support played a crucial role in mitigating suicidality and depression[9]. By fostering positive social forces, communities can significantly contribute to the mental wellbeing of their members. Family Caregivers' Experiences Family caregivers often rely on community services to assist with their duties[10]. The experiences of these caregivers highlight both the benefits and barriers of using community services. Understanding these experiences can help communities better tailor their services to meet the needs of family caregivers. Conclusion In conclusion, the community plays a pivotal role in family support services. From facilitating service utilization to addressing racism, communities can significantly influence the availability and effectiveness of family support services. By understanding and harnessing the power of community, we can better provide for families in need and create more resilient societies. References InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Navigating Online Spaces: Tips for Successful Virtual Family Support Groups
Virtual family support groups have become increasingly popular as technology continues to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate. These online spaces provide an invaluable resource, allowing families to share experiences, offer mutual support, and access professional advice from the ...
Virtual family support groups have become increasingly popular as technology continues to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate. These online spaces provide an invaluable resource, allowing families to share experiences, offer mutual support, and access professional advice from the comfort of their own homes. However, navigating these virtual spaces can be challenging. This article provides practical tips for ensuring your virtual family support group is successful and beneficial for all its members. A Comprehensive Guide to Facilitating Effective and Engaging Virtual Family Support Groups Setting Clear Expectations The first step towards a successful virtual family gathering is setting clear expectations. Participants should understand the purpose of the group, the etiquette for interactions, and the guidelines for maintaining a safe and respectful environment (Clear Hearing Seattle). These expectations should be communicated clearly and reiterated regularly to ensure everyone is on the same page. Planning and Organization A well-structured agenda can help keep the meeting focused and productive. This might include time for introductions, sharing personal experiences, discussing specific topics, and providing resources or advice. Regular check-ins can also be beneficial, allowing participants to express their feelings, ask questions, or raise concerns in a supportive setting (ECLKC - Providing Adequate Technology Support Not everyone may be comfortable with using technology. It's crucial to ensure all members can access and use the necessary platforms and tools. This might involve providing simple, step-by-step instructions, offering technical support, or even running practice sessions before the actual meeting (Omaha Sinus). Creating an Inclusive Environment It's essential for all members to feel heard and included. Features like closed captioning can make the meetings more accessible to those with hearing impairments. Encouraging the use of headphones can also improve sound quality and make it easier for everyone to participate (Hear Life). Fostering Authentic Connections Virtual family support groups should encourage authenticity and openness. This means creating a space where people feel comfortable sharing their experiences and emotions. Encouraging active participation and maintaining ongoing, two-way communication can help foster genuine connections and build a strong, supportive community (BBH). Being Mindful of Time and Pressures Virtual meetings should be respectful of participants' time and other commitments. Keeping meetings to a set length, starting and ending on time, and ensuring there's a balance between sharing, discussion, and providing support can help maintain engagement and prevent burnout (Pinnacle Services). Conclusion In conclusion, while navigating online spaces for virtual family support groups can be challenging, these tips can help ensure your group is successful and beneficial for all its members. With careful planning, clear communication, and a focus on inclusivity and authenticity, virtual family support groups can offer invaluable support and connection in our increasingly digital world. References Clear Hearing Seattle. (n.d.). Tips for a Successful Virtual Family ReunionOmaha Sinus. (n.d.). Tips for a Successful Virtual Family ReunionECLKC - (n.d.). Planning for Virtual Family EngagementHear Life. (n.d.). Tips for a Successful Virtual Family ReunionBBH. (n.d.). 10 Tips for Engaging Family Gatherings (Virtually)Pinnacle Services. (n.d.). Top Tips For Virtual Group MeetingsCasey. (n.d.). What do we know about services administered virtually? InterAct LifeLine is committed to providing treatment programs and organizations with easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options using virtual care technology. Virtual care removes geographical constraints or societal stigma that deter individuals from seeking the help they deserve. We empower state and local governments and organizations offering opioid abatement programs with efficient ways to inform, engaged and reach their audiences. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment technology. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Blog Article
Why Harm Reduction Doesn't Always Reduce Harm
Harm reduction strategies are increasingly touted as solutions to the opioid crisis[1]. Yet, while these approaches have their merits, they are often not the panacea they are claimed to be. Understanding the complex nature of the opioid epidemic requires acknowledging that harm reduction can ...
Harm reduction strategies are increasingly touted as solutions to the opioid crisis[1]. Yet, while these approaches have their merits, they are often not the panacea they are claimed to be. Understanding the complex nature of the opioid epidemic requires acknowledging that harm reduction can sometimes fall short, leading to unintended consequences[1]. The Limitations of Harm Reduction and the Power of Comprehensive Strategies In theory, harm reduction methods like clean needle programs and overdose prevention medication aim to mitigate the damage of opioid use[7]. However, without a comprehensive support system, these strategies can inadvertently perpetuate the cycle of addiction[4]. Substance use recovery centers often encounter challenges in implementing harm reduction due to the complexity of the opioid addiction landscape[7]. Harm reduction strategies can enable ongoing substance use[7]. They often lack the necessary support for long-term recovery[7]. The focus on immediate harm reduction can divert attention from the root causes of addiction[5,7]. To combat the opioid crisis effectively, we need more than just harm reduction. We need comprehensive opioid abatement programs that tackle the issue holistically, incorporating harm reduction, prevention, and treatment[3]. InterAct LifeLine's opioid abatement solutions are an example of this approach, emphasizing the creation of safe environments that foster recovery while reducing the risk of relapse[2]. As we strive to move beyond the primary focus on harm reduction, it becomes evident that prevention strategies and virtual care programs might become the frontrunners of effective opioid abatement strategies[3]. These approaches not only address the pressing need to expand current strategies, but also offer proven efficacy in promoting health and well-being[3]. Prevention strategies aim to educate and empower individuals, helping them understand the risks associated with opioid use, and thus, preventing addiction before it takes root[5]. Virtual care programs supplement these strategies perfectly. They extend care by bringing opioid treatment programs to the comfort of people's homes, breaking down geographical and logistical barriers[4]. With the convenience and accessibility of virtual care: Individuals can engage in therapy sessions or counseling from anywhere, ensuring consistent support[4]. Information and resources on opioid abatement are readily available, fostering an informed recovery process[4]. It promotes a sense of community among participants, reducing feelings of isolation that often accompany recovery[2]. In essence, prevention strategies, augmented by the advent of virtual care programs, form an effective defense against the opioid crisis[3]. These solutions prioritize empowerment, education, and easy access to support, helping individuals navigate the path of recovery with more confidence and resources[3]. Investing in such comprehensive strategies can make a fundamental difference in the battle against opioid addiction[3]. Conclusion In conclusion, while harm reduction is a vital component of the battle against the opioid crisis, it is not a standalone solution[1]. Understanding the limitations of harm reduction underscores the need for comprehensive opioid treatment programs that not only manage immediate risks but also address the underlying causes of opioid addiction[5]. These programs, like those offered by InterAct LifeLine, hold the promise of a future where opioid settlements are less frequent and recovery is more achievable[2]. ReferencesNational Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Opioid Overdose Crisis. Retrieved from LifeLine. (n.d.). Opioid Programs. Retrieved from for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Opioid Overdose: Understanding the Epidemic. Retrieved from Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2019). Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Retrieved from Health Organization. (2009). Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. Retrieved from Institutes of Health (NIH). (2020). Opioid Facts for Teens. Retrieved from Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2018). Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges. Retrieved from If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Raising Awareness: A Frontline Strategy Against the Opioid Crisis
The Power of Awareness as a Preventive Measure The opioid crisis has been a silent war, ravaging lives across the globe. As the number of opioid-related deaths continues to escalate, it's becoming increasingly clear that raising awareness about the dangers and repercussions of opioid ...
The Power of Awareness as a Preventive Measure The opioid crisis has been a silent war, ravaging lives across the globe. As the number of opioid-related deaths continues to escalate, it's becoming increasingly clear that raising awareness about the dangers and repercussions of opioid misuse is not just a supplementary measure - it's a frontline strategy. Awareness is a potent tool in combating any public health issue, and the opioid crisis is no exception. It serves as the first line of defense, arming people with knowledge and understanding about the risks associated with opioid misuse, the signs of addiction, and the available treatment options. Increased awareness helps to demystify the opioid crisis, breaking down misconceptions and stigma. Too often, opioid addiction is misunderstood as a moral failing rather than recognized as a disease. By highlighting the medical nature of addiction, awareness campaigns help shift perceptions, fostering empathy and support for those struggling with opioid misuse. Heightened awareness enables early intervention. Understanding the signs and symptoms of opioid misuse can lead to timely recognition, prompt action, and potentially save lives. It empowers individuals, families, and communities to seek help, reducing the chances of an overdose and paving the way for recovery. Prevention is another crucial aspect where awareness plays a pivotal role. Awareness programs that target high-risk groups or the general public can provide valuable information about the potential dangers of opioids, alternative pain management strategies, and safe disposal methods for unused medications. This can significantly reduce the initiation of non-medical opioid use and prevent the transition to addiction. Being aware of the issues surrounding the opioid crisis can also influence policy-making and resource allocation. Greater public awareness can translate into increased political will and funding for opioid prevention and treatment programs. It can drive the implementation of policies that promote responsible opioid prescribing practices, enhance access to naloxone - a drug that can reverse an opioid overdose, and expand the availability of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Awareness aids in creating supportive communities. When the public is educated about the opioid crisis, they're more likely to become advocates for change, contributing to a collective effort to combat the crisis. They can offer support to those in recovery, participate in local prevention efforts, and push for changes at the community level. To conclude, raising awareness about the opioid crisis is a critical first step in addressing this public health emergency. It provides the foundation upon which other strategies - prevention, early intervention, treatment, policy changes - can be built. As we continue our fight against the opioid epidemic, let's ensure that awareness remains at the forefront of our efforts. Only then can we hope to turn the tide on this devastating crisis. To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Principles for the Use of Opioid Settlement Funds
Summary This report outlines a comprehensive strategy to combat the opioid crisis, emphasizing the expansion of diversion programs, funding for harm reduction and anti-stigma initiatives, as well as equitable access to treatments. It advocates for the engagement of community members in ...
SummaryThis report outlines a comprehensive strategy to combat the opioid crisis, emphasizing the expansion of diversion programs, funding for harm reduction and anti-stigma initiatives, as well as equitable access to treatments. It advocates for the engagement of community members in formulating solutions, particularly in minority communities. The principles for using funds from opioid litigation focus on developing a fair and transparent process for fund allocation. This process includes identifying areas of need based on data, receiving input from diverse groups involved in the epidemic, and ensuring representation from affected communities in the decision-making process. The report also lists several resources that provide evidence-based interventions and strategies to further aid in addressing the opioid epidemic.Our TakeawaysThe report emphasizes the importance of funding programs in minority communities with diverse leadership, which have a track record of hiring from the surrounding neighborhood.It supports the development of a fair and transparent process for deciding how to spend funds from opioid litigation.The allocation of funds should be guided by public health leaders, with active engagement from people and families with lived experience.Data should be used to identify areas where additional funds could make the biggest difference. This could include groups not reached by current interventions or geographic areas needing specific programs.The planning process should include input from diverse groups involved in different parts of the epidemic, such as treatment providers, law enforcement personnel, social service organizations, and recovery community organizations.Communities should be engaged in the decision-making process, with people receiving treatments being part of the discussions.The report emphasizes the importance of gaining input from the public to raise the profile of the newly developed plan and to provide a platform for those with insights to contribute.Equitable distribution of funds should be ensured, with representation from affected communities included in the decision-making process.The report provides resource compilations that contain evidence-based interventions to address the opioid epidemic.The overall approach of the report centers on a comprehensive strategy to combat the opioid crisis, with an emphasis on expanding diversion programs, funding harm reduction, fighting stigma, and ensuring equitable access to treatments. Excerpt From the Principles: "With the influx of funding streams from the opioid litigation, jurisdictions must avoid what happened with the dollars that states received as part of the litigation against tobacco companies. Those landmark lawsuits were hailed as an opportunity to help current smokers quit and prevent children from starting to smoke. Unfortunately, most states have not used the dollars to fund tobacco prevention and cessation programs. Overall, less than 3% of revenue from the settlement and tobacco taxes went to tobacco control efforts. Failure to invest these dollars in tobacco prevention and cessation programs has been a significant missed opportunity to address the greatest cause of preventable death in the United States.To guide jurisdictions in the use of these funds, The Principles for the Use of Funds From the Opioid Litigation were created." To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch
Using Opioid Settlement Cash for Police Gear Like Squad Cars and Scanners Sparks Debate
The allocation of opioid settlement funds towards law enforcement technology, such as police scanners, in lieu of substance misuse prevention, harm reduction, or treatment initiatives, can be viewed as controversial for several compelling reasons: Does this divert from the intended purpose? Could ...
The allocation of opioid settlement funds towards law enforcement technology, such as police scanners, in lieu of substance misuse prevention, harm reduction, or treatment initiatives, can be viewed as controversial for several compelling reasons:  Does this divert from the intended purpose?  Could the funds potentially be misallocated?  Is there a beneficial long term impact?  The list goes on and on, but this article published online by KKR Health News summarizes the issues. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Money shouldn't be spent on things that have proven not to make a difference.It's impractical to cut police out of the equation when determining what would make the most impact on the fentanyl crisis.The crackdown on offenders has proven to be ineffective so is it time to invest more in treatment and social services?Should we spend more money on jail upgrades - making the argument that this funding is worth it.What do clinicians and treatment providers really think about spending money on law enforcement?The implications of giving money to sheriff's departments in Louisiana have consequences. Brandon del Pozo was a police officer for 23 years before becoming an assistant professor at Brown University, where he researches policing and public health. When it comes to opioid settlement funds, he says, "you can't just cut the police out of it. Nor would you want to." (ZANE DEL POZO) Excerpt Using Opioid Settlement Cash for Police Gear Like Squad Cars and Scanners Sparks Debate By Aneri Pattani Many communities are finding it difficult to thread that needle. With fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, flooding the streets and more than 100,000 Americans dying of overdoses each year, some people argue that efforts to crack down on drug trafficking warrant law enforcement spending. Others say their war on drugs failed and it's time to emphasize treatment and social services. Then there are local officials who recognize the limits of what police and jails can do to stop addiction but see them as the only services in town. What's clear is that each decision - whether to fund a treatment facility or buy a squad car - is a trade-off. The settlements will deliver billions of dollars, but that windfall is dwarfed by the toll of the epidemic. So increasing funding for one approach means shortchanging another. Read the Full Article To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch By Aneri Pattani
A Rural County's Choice: Use Opioid Funds to Pay Off Debt, or Pay Them Forward to Curb Crisis
Opioid settlement funds are specifically earmarked to address the devastating impacts of the opioid epidemic, which includes prevention, treatment, and harm reduction efforts. Investing these funds in capital improvements, which are typically infrastructure projects, may divert resources away from ...
Opioid settlement funds are specifically earmarked to address the devastating impacts of the opioid epidemic, which includes prevention, treatment, and harm reduction efforts. Investing these funds in capital improvements, which are typically infrastructure projects, may divert resources away from the immediate needs of individuals and communities affected by opioid addiction.  However, Green County, Tennessee made a different decision. Here are our key takeaways from the article: A retired nurse weighs in on the argument that money should go for treatment and counseling to stem the tide of losing employees and contributing to the homelessness crisis.Addiction has created a scenario where counties have gone into debt to address addiction.  The perspective on why they should be reimbursed.Rural communities are justifying that opioid settlement money should be used to retire the debt accumulated from dealing with the the opioid crisis.Tennessee's strategy to manage the opioid settlement money combines legislative oversight and local government oversight, but 70% is controlled by the Opioid Abatement Council that has rigorous standards.Rural counties often don't have treatment programs, so should those funds be used to create local treatment options? The Greene County Anti-Drug Coalition gives presentations at local schools and community events to educate youth and their parents on the risks of drug use. Despite asking, as of April 2023, the coalition had not received any opioid settlement funds from the county. (WENDY PEAY/GREENE COUNTY ANTI-DRUG COALITION) Excerpt A Rural County's Choice: Use Opioid Funds to Pay Off Debt, or Pay Them Forward to Curb Crisis By Aneri Pattani Over the past two years, rural Greene County in northeastern Tennessee has collected more than $2.7 million from regional and national settlements with opioid manufacturers and distributors. But instead of helping people harmed by addiction, county officials are finding other ways to spend it.They have put $2.4 million toward paying off the county's debt and have directed another $1 million arriving over more than a decade into a capital projects fund. In March, they appropriated $50,000 from that fund to buy a "litter crew vehicle" - a pickup truck to drive inmates to collect trash along county roads. Read the Full Article To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch By Aneri Pattani
The 4th Wave of the Fentanyl Crisis
Fentanyl mixed with cocaine or meth is driving the '4th wave' of the overdose crisis Take 2 minutes to listen to the NPR segment on their Morning Edition that describes the the 4th Wave of the Fentanyl Crisis Summary Recent studies have identified a "fourth" wave to the disturbing trend of ...
Fentanyl mixed with cocaine or meth is driving the '4th wave' of the overdose crisisTake 2 minutes to listen to the NPR segment on their Morning Edition that describes the the 4th Wave of the Fentanyl CrisisSummaryRecent studies have identified a "fourth" wave to the disturbing trend of polysubstance overdoses, most significantly involving the combination of opioids and stimulants. The data indicates that the use of these substances together, known as "speedballing", is becoming increasingly common. This increase in polysubstance use is particularly prevalent in different regions depending on the preferred drug of choice, with the Northeast seeing a rise in fentanyl and cocaine use, while the South and West report a higher usage of methamphetamine. This growing issue, often referred to as the "fourth" wave of the opioid crisis, is becoming a major concern due to the severe health risks associated with this drug combination, including an elevated risk of overdose.Our TakeawaysGiven these rising concerns, it's paramount to take immediate and effective measures to counter this "fourth wave". The first step is expanding education and awareness regarding the dangers of polysubstance use, emphasizing how deadly combinations like "speedballing" can be. Next, healthcare professionals should be provided with additional training and resources to identify and treat stimulant use disorder. Thirdly, there's an urgent need to increase access to and training for the use of the overdose antidote, Narcan. This life-saving drug must be made widely available in areas with high drug usage. Lastly, the implementation of stringent policies to regulate and control the drug supply can help prevent these dangerous combinations from reaching the streets, and efforts should be made to strengthen rehabilitative and therapeutic options for those affected by addiction. Excerpt The 4th Wave of the Overdose CrisisFrom the reporting partnership with WYPR and KFF Health News. for NPR "The mixture of stimulants like cocaine and meth with highly potent synthetic opioids is a fast-growing driver of fatal overdoses in the U.S." "We're now seeing that the use of fentanyl together with stimulants is rapidly becoming the dominant force in the U.S. overdose crisis," says Joseph Friedman, the lead author of the study and a researcher at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. "Fentanyl has ushered in a polysubstance overdose crisis, meaning that people are mixing fentanyl with other drugs, like stimulants, but also countless other synthetic substances." Read the Article on NPR To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The State of Mental Health in America
The primary goal of Mental Health In America is to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the state of mental health among both adults and youth in every state and the District of Columbia. The data gathered aims to serve as a valuable resource for policy and program planning, analysis, and ...
The primary goal of Mental Health In America is to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the state of mental health among both adults and youth in every state and the District of Columbia. The data gathered aims to serve as a valuable resource for policy and program planning, analysis, and evaluation. It strives to track changes in the prevalence of mental health issues and access to mental health care, helping to understand how changes in national data reflect the impact of various legislation and policies. Ultimately, the objective is to stimulate dialogue and improve outcomes for individuals and families dealing with mental health needs. Here are some of our takeaways from the report:The "State of Mental Health in America" report provides an in-depth analysis of the nationwide status of mental health amongst adults and youths, focusing on access to health care, insurance coverage, and prevalence of mental health issues. The report serves as a critical tool for policy and program planning, analysis, and evaluation, with a goal to instigate dialogue and enhance outcomes for those with mental health needs.The key findings indicate a significant concern for future trends in mental health care within the United States. The high percentage of untreated individuals, both among adults and youths, suggests a growing mental health crisis if no measures are taken to address the existing barriers to treatment. The factors contributing to this include the high costs of care and a lack of insurance coverage.Furthermore, the disparity in insurance coverage among different ethnic groups indicates a systemic issue that could further deepen the health inequality in the future. The substantial shortage of mental health providers, signified by the ratio of one provider for every 350 individuals, may worsen the situation, leading to higher numbers of untreated individuals if the growth in mental health professionals doesn't keep pace with the increasing demand.Looking ahead, it is crucial to address these barriers in order to prevent a more widespread mental health crisis, ensure equitable access to care, and cater to the growing demand for mental health services.Example key findings from the report include:16.39% of youths reported experiencing at least one major depressive episode in the past year, with 59.8% of those suffering from major depression receiving no mental health treatment.Over half (54.7%) of adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment, with 28.2% reporting they were unable to get the treatment they needed due to high costs. 10.8% of adults with a mental illness are uninsured, with Hispanic adults being the least likely to have health insurance. In the U.S., there exists a significant scarcity of mental health providers, with an estimated ratio of one mental health provider for every 350 individuals. Excerpt The State of Mental Health in AmericaCreated by Mental Health America Mental Health America (MHA) is committed to promoting mental health as a critical part of overall wellness. We advocate for prevention services for all, early identification and intervention for those at risk, integrated services, care and treatment for those who need them, and recovery as the goal.We believe that gathering and providing up-to-date data and information about disparities faced by individuals with mental health problems is a tool for change. Access the Full Report To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The Fastest-Growing Behavioral Health Providers' Secret Sauce
In recent years, the rise of telehealth and digital services has revolutionized the behavioral health sector. In an article from Behavorial Health Business, they delve into the growth, strategies, and future prospects of various behavioral health organizations. It underlines how telehealth has ...
In recent years, the rise of telehealth and digital services has revolutionized the behavioral health sector. In an article from Behavorial Health Business, they delve into the growth, strategies, and future prospects of various behavioral health organizations. It underlines how telehealth has expanded access to mental health services, particularly during the pandemic. Noteworthy is the adaptive strategies of TimelyCare, employing telehealth solutions to cater for college students' mental health needs. The article also highlights the boom in autism therapy providers, with a focus on The Stepping Stones Group and Behavior Nation. Lastly, the crucial role of institutional partners in leading patients to these organizations is discussed. Here are our key takeaways from the article: Utilizing Telehealth Services: Companies such as TimelyCare have successfully employed telehealth solutions to cater to the mental health needs of college students, providing them with the privacy and flexibility they require.Addressing Rising Demand: The Stepping Stones Group and Behavior Nation have seized the opportunity presented by the rapid increase in autism diagnoses, providing crucial services to this growing demographic.Expanding Accessibility: Behavior Nation has leveraged insurance coverage to make intensive autism therapy services more affordable, thereby increasing access for caregivers and families.Implementing a One-Stop Shop Model: Forge Health has differentiated themselves in a market full of point solutions by offering a comprehensive range of outpatient services, positioning themselves as a one-stop shop for behavioral health needs.Establishing Partnerships: Companies like TimelyCare and Forge Health have found success by forging relationships with institutional partners who can guide potential patients to their services. Excerpt The Secrets to the Fastest Growing Behavioral Health Companies By Chris Larson | September 1, 2023 in Behavioral Health Business The INVEST Conference brought together owners, operators, and investors of behavioral health practices in Chicago this week. Despite industry-wide challenges, many behavioral health companies are experiencing remarkable growth because of innovative approaches propelling them forward in the marketplace. In the September article appearing on the Behavioral Health Business site, Chris Larson profiles how companies are growing and thriving in the behavioral health industry. "In mid-August, 36 behavioral health companies appeared on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S. These companies, in no small part, developed strategies to overcome industry challenges. On top of that, executives whose companies were on the list told Behavioral Health Business that prioritizing corporate infrastructure was key." Read the Full Article To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Research Report
TeleHealth Is Effectively Augmenting Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs
The initial findings of several National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH) members indicate that relative to in-person services, Telehealth delivery of care produced similar or better outcomes for PHP and IOP patients. This paper discusses the impact of regulatory flexibilities on ...
The initial findings of several National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH) members indicate that relative to in-person services, Telehealth delivery of care produced similar or better outcomes for PHP and IOP patients. This paper discusses the impact of regulatory flexibilities on Telehealth PHP and IOP services, emerging research findings on Telehealth PHPs and IOPs, and recommendations for policymakers.
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Interpreting Virtual Care: Insights from Focus Groups
Virtual care is a term synonymous with convenience, technological progression, and healthcare evolution. But what does this term really mean to those who experience it? As part of our mission at InterAct LifeLine, we decided to delve deeper into this question: "When you think of virtual care, what ...
Virtual care is a term synonymous with convenience, technological progression, and healthcare evolution. But what does this term really mean to those who experience it? As part of our mission at InterAct LifeLine, we decided to delve deeper into this question: "When you think of virtual care, what comes to mind?". Our objective was to gain a comprehensive understanding of virtual care from the viewpoint of those who are directly affected by it. Analyzing the Data We conducted a series of focus group sessions, combed through the transcripts, and came up with fascinating insights. The respondents' views on virtual care ranged from convenience and accessibility to concerns about impersonal care and tech-related issues. Below are some standout points: Convenience and Accessibility: The majority of respondents associated virtual care with easy access and the convenience of receiving health services from anywhere. Impersonal Care: Some respondents expressed concerns about the impersonality of virtual care, fearing the lack of human touch.Tech-related Issues: A few respondents raised issues concerning the reliability and user-friendliness of the technology used in virtual care. Key Takeaways from the Focus Group The focus group data revealed a variation in anticipation and apprehension toward virtual care. The one common thread was the recognition of its importance in modern healthcare. Here are a few poignant takeaways: The accessibility and convenience offered by virtual care is highly valued.There is a need for a balance between leveraging technology and maintaining the human touch in care provision.Reliable, user-friendly technology is a crucial component of successful virtual care. Conclusion Virtual care, as interpreted by our focus group, is a complex blend of convenience, accessibility, and technological advancement, tinged with concerns about personalization and tech-reliability. At InterAct LifeLine, we are dedicated to enhancing our virtual care solutions by listening, learning, and adapting to the feedback provided by our valued users. To learn more about how InterAct LifeLine is revolutionizing virtual care, visit our website or reach out to our team. We believe in a future where healthcare is accessible, personalized, and technologically advanced, and we invite you to be part of it. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Understanding the Future of Virtual Care in Mental Health and Addiction: Results of a Recent Survey
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in virtual care solutions across various healthcare sectors. The mental health and addiction care industry is no exception to this trend. Therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals have increasingly turned to virtual ...
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in virtual care solutions across various healthcare sectors. The mental health and addiction care industry is no exception to this trend. Therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals have increasingly turned to virtual telemedicine solutions to provide care to their patients in the current times of social distancing and lockdowns. However, the effectiveness of virtual care in mental health and addiction treatment continues to be a topic of debate among medical professionals and patients alike. To gain more insights into the current and future state of virtual care in mental health and addiction, we conducted a survey. In this article, we analyze the findings of our survey to help readers better understand the future of virtual care in this highly critical field of medicine. Survey ResultsWe conducted our survey between August and September 2023. The survey was conducted online and collected responses from mental health professionals, patients, and caregivers. The respondents were asked about their views on virtual care, its effectiveness in providing mental health and addiction treatment, and the challenges they face. The survey found that more than 86% of the respondents were comfortable with virtual care solutions for mental health and addiction treatment and are currently offering some form of care. In fact, 68% of treatment programs offer Telehealth appointments, and at least 43% offer aftercare, family support, or virtual intensive outpatient services. While some 11% of respondents do not currently offer virtual care options, 100% indicated they intend to offer options in the near future. Most respondents believed that virtual care is effective in improving outcomes, with 88% of professionals reporting that the greatest benefit is better education for wellness. This was followed by more flexible access to care at 94%, extended connection to treatment and better access to support groups at 89%. However, despite these positive perceptions, a large portion of the respondents mentioned that they believed virtual care cannot always replace in-person care delivery, especially in more severe cases or based on the drug of choice. One of the biggest challenges identified in virtual care delivery was the issue of privacy and security of patient information. Almost 40% of the respondents expressed their concerns about data confidentiality and security in virtual care delivery. Other significant challenges identified were a lack of non-verbal cues communication during virtual sessions, resource management, lack of access to stable internet connections, and technological challenges with platforms. 87% of healthcare professionals who responded to the survey plan to continue providing virtual care or begin offering solutions. They believe that virtual care has many benefits, including increased access, convenience, and flexibility. Another portion of our survey dove into how beneficial the respondents found virtual care to be in different aspects of their mental health and addiction treatment programs. When it came to increased revenue, 61% found that virtual care would be beneficial to their existing programs. Virtual care can enhance revenue streams for treatment centers in several ways. Primarily, it allows them to serve more patients, including those beyond their geographical location, and offers flexibility in scheduling, which can potentially lead to a higher number of billable hours. For increasing their connection to patients, 78% found it beneficial. Virtual care provides an increased connection to patients by breaking down geographical barriers, enabling therapists and professionals to reach and treat individuals who may not have access to these services. In terms of differentiating the services they offer, none of the respondents found virtual care to be not beneficial. However, a striking 39% remained neutral on the impact, with 22% finding it somewhat beneficial and 39% acknowledging it as very beneficial. The perception of virtual care in improving patient outcomes was more polarized. While no one found it not beneficial, 17% rated it not very beneficial. However, the majority leaned towards beneficial with 83%. Finally, in terms of increasing efficiency for themselves or their staff, none of the respondents found virtual care to not be beneficial. A minority of 5.6% found it not very beneficial, another 5.6% remained neutral, while the majority 89% found it to be beneficial to their organizations. These results demonstrate that, while there are differing opinions on the benefits of virtual care, the majority of respondents find it at least somewhat beneficial in various aspects of mental health and addiction treatment.In the next part of our survey, we asked treatment centers about their perceptions of patient concerns regarding the use of virtual care. A range of concerns were identified by respondents. The most commonly raised issues were related to technology, with respondents specifically noting concerns about patients' access to necessary hardware, computer equipment, and stable internet connections. Several respondents pointed out concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of information during virtual sessions. The inability to obtain medications other than pharmacy redirects, and patients' levels of engagement with caregivers in a virtual setting were also highlighted as potential issues. Moreover, respondents worried about patients feeling less connected in a virtual environment. It was suggested that an in-person therapeutic alliance should ideally be established before transitioning to virtual care. The lack of face-to-face interaction and the impersonal nature of virtual sessions were also mentioned as potential patient concerns. A significant concern raised was the authenticity of virtual care-some respondents felt it wasn't seen as "real" treatment. One respondent emphasized that virtual care could eliminate the core interpersonal aspect of therapy and felt that it should not be the norm but rather an extension of in-person treatment. Finally, there were concerns about patients managing increased screen time, the lack of confidence in using technology, and the risk of exacerbating feelings of disconnection and isolation in an already disconnected world. Some respondents insisted on the necessity of in-person treatment components and voiced concerns about promoting virtual care. Interestingly, one response indicated that they believed there were no concerns at all about patients participating in virtual care. The survey respondents shared diverse concerns about the provision of virtual care. These encompassed various areas, including privacy and confidentiality of information, technology-related issues, and the potential loss of human connection in a virtual setting. Some respondents pointed out issues related to substance use disorders. They noted that patients might shortcut their path to obtain 'comfort meds' and expressed skepticism about progress to recovery through telemedicine. A recurring theme in the responses was disparities in access to care across large catchment areas. Concerns about safety and stricter admission criteria for serious cases were also mentioned. Some respondents highlighted that unless a trusting in-person relationship has been established, the benefits of virtual care could be minimal. Technical glitches, such as internet or power outages, were seen as potential barriers to effective care delivery. The survey also revealed concerns about funding and the added burden of managing an additional system. A few respondents expressed their concerns over the reduced efficacy of interventions and a decrease in the quality of therapeutic connections. They felt that the seriousness with which clients attended virtual appointments was inferior to in-person visits. Despite these concerns, it is noteworthy that some respondents were already providing care virtually, indicating a level of adaptation and acceptance of this new mode of care delivery. Conclusion The survey results indicate that virtual care has become an important part of mental health and addiction care delivery. It is an effective alternative to in-person care and has helped many patients improve their mental health outcomes. However, while virtual care has numerous advantages, some challenges remain, such as privacy and security concerns, technological issues, and a perceived inability to replace in-person care for severe cases. Our survey suggests that virtual care will continue to grow and it has become an integral part of providing care. However, it is imperative to address the identified concerns to ensure that virtual care is delivered safely, beneficially, and effectively in mental health and addiction care. If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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A Proclamation on National Recovery Month
President Biden Declares September As Recovery Month During National Recovery Month, we celebrate the more than 20 million Americans who have had the courage to seek help for substance use disorder, showing millions of others that recovery is possible. We honor their resilience and recommit to ...
President Biden Declares September As Recovery MonthDuring National Recovery Month, we celebrate the more than 20 million Americans who have had the courage to seek help for substance use disorder, showing millions of others that recovery is possible.  We honor their resilience and recommit to making sure that every American has access to the services and support they need to rebuild lives of purpose and hope. Read the full proclamation
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Supporting Loved Ones: Seven Tips for Assisting Someone in Addiction Recovery
Navigating the turbulent waters of addiction recovery is a daunting task that no one should face alone. As a loved one, your support can be a pivotal element in someone's journey towards sobriety. Here are seven tips to help you provide the most effective support to your loved one during their ...
Navigating the turbulent waters of addiction recovery is a daunting task that no one should face alone. As a loved one, your support can be a pivotal element in someone's journey towards sobriety. Here are seven tips to help you provide the most effective support to your loved one during their recovery process. How to Effectively Support Someone Through Their Journey of Substance Use Recovery 1. Educate Yourself Understanding addiction and recovery is the first step towards providing meaningful support. Addiction is a complex condition that affects both the mind and body, often driven by underlying mental health issues. By educating yourself about the nature of addiction, the process of recovery, and the challenges your loved one may face, you can provide empathetic and informed support. 2. Encourage Treatment Encourage your loved one to seek professional help. This could involve finding treatment resources or locating a therapist who specializes in addiction counseling. Remember to have calm, rational responses prepared for potential objections, and to emphasize the importance of seeking help. 3. Offer Substance-Free Fun Providing a safe, substance-free environment can help your loved one avoid triggers that might lead to relapse. Engage in activities that both of you enjoy and that promote a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, cooking, or attending cultural events. 4. Vocalize Your Support Expressing your pride in your loved one's progress can significantly boost their motivation and self-esteem. Let them know that you believe in their ability to overcome addiction and that you'll stand by them throughout their journey. 5. Listen Active listening is a powerful tool. Give your loved one the opportunity to openly share their feelings, fears, and hopes without judgment. This can help them process their emotions and feel understood. 6. Facilitate Other Support The support of peers and social networks can keep individuals engaged in treatment and committed to their recovery. Consider suggesting resources like SMART Recovery Friends & Family, which offer science-based, secular support group meetings. 7. Take Care of Yourself Finally, remember to take care of yourself. Supporting someone through recovery can be emotionally draining. Ensuring your own physical, emotional, and mental health is essential not only for your well-being but also for your capacity to provide effective support.  Conclusion By following these steps, you're not just helping a loved one navigate their path to recovery, but also fostering a deeper understanding and stronger bond between you. Remember, recovery is a journey, not a destination, and your support can make all the difference. References: : https://www.familyaddictionspe...: https://americanaddictioncente...: https://www.familyaddictionspe...: If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Broadening the Horizon: The Value of Virtual Care in Diversifying Treatment Services
The global health landscape is rapidly changing with the advent and incorporation of digital technology into healthcare delivery. Virtual care, an integral part of this transformation, has emerged as a vital tool in broadening the horizon and diversifying treatment services. This article explores ...
The global health landscape is rapidly changing with the advent and incorporation of digital technology into healthcare delivery. Virtual care, an integral part of this transformation, has emerged as a vital tool in broadening the horizon and diversifying treatment services. This article explores the value of virtual care in expanding access to treatment, enhancing patient outcomes, and addressing the challenges in healthcare delivery. How Virtual Care Can Help Treatment Centers Offer a Wider Range of Services Expanding Access to Care Virtual care has the potential to significantly increase access to treatment services. A report by Accenture reveals that virtual behavioral health services could expand access to care for more than 53 million people. Similarly, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is committed to improving prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for mental illnesses and substance use disorders through virtual care. Telehealth services are also on a steep upward trajectory, with startups using funding to grow their communities, expand treatment databases, and advance research. This expansion in access to care is particularly significant for individuals living in remote areas, where traditional healthcare facilities may be inaccessible. Improving Patient Outcomes Another key value of virtual care lies in its capacity to improve patient outcomes. For example, Philips, a global leader in health technology, and U.S. healthcare provider CoxHealth have co-designed an in-house virtual care solution aimed at improving patient outcomes and increasing staff satisfaction. The collaboration illustrates how technology companies and healthcare providers can work together to create tailored virtual care solutions that address specific patient needs and improve health outcomes. Enhancing Patient Engagement and Experience Virtual care is not just about providing medical services remotely; it's also about enhancing the patient experience. McKinsey reports that virtual care is a key element in the future of healthcare delivery in the United States, as shown by its continued adoption and ever-increasing popularity. Furthermore, the American Medical Association (AMA) has developed a telehealth framework for provider practices that demonstrates the value of virtual care in improving patient engagement. By enabling patients to participate actively in their care, virtual care can lead to better health outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. Overcoming Challenges Despite its numerous benefits, virtual care also faces several barriers. However, these challenges are not insurmountable. By providing medical services across geographic borders and sharing clinical expertise with patients and other healthcare professionals, telehealth practitioners can overcome these barriers. Conclusion In conclusion, virtual care is revolutionizing healthcare delivery by broadening the horizon and diversifying treatment services. It is expanding access to care, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing the patient experience. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, virtual care will undoubtedly play an increasingly critical role in shaping the future of healthcare. References: : https://www.fiercehealthcare.c...: https://www.fiercehealthcare.c...: If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Bridging Borders: The Impact of Interstate Compacts on Addiction Treatment Centers
The landscape of addiction treatment in America is changing dramatically, thanks in part to the implementation of interstate compacts. These agreements between states are redefining how we approach addiction treatment and are breaking down barriers that previously limited access to care. ...
The landscape of addiction treatment in America is changing dramatically, thanks in part to the implementation of interstate compacts. These agreements between states are redefining how we approach addiction treatment and are breaking down barriers that previously limited access to care. Understanding the Role of Interstate Compacts in Expanding Access and Enhancing Quality of Treatment Services What is an Interstate Compact? An Interstate Compact is a legally binding agreement between two or more states that is designed to resolve issues that cross state lines. These agreements cover a wide range of areas, from transportation and environmental issues to health care and education. When it comes to addiction treatment, interstate compacts have the potential to significantly increase the reach of treatment centers and improve access to care for those struggling with substance use disorders. The Impact on Addiction Treatment Centers Increased Access to Care One of the primary benefits of interstate compacts is that they allow for increased access to care. In the past, those seeking treatment for addiction were often limited by geographical constraints. If the best treatment center for their specific needs was located in another state, they would have to navigate a complicated web of regulations and licensing requirements to receive care. Interstate compacts simplify this process, allowing treatment centers to provide services across state lines without additional licensing. Improved Quality of Care Interstate compacts also have the potential to improve the quality of care provided by addiction treatment centers. By pooling resources and sharing best practices, treatment centers can learn from each other and continually improve their services. This collaborative approach leads to more effective treatment strategies and better outcomes for those struggling with addiction. Enhanced Data Sharing Data sharing is another key aspect of interstate compacts. These agreements often include provisions for sharing data between states, which can be invaluable in tracking trends in substance abuse and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment programs5. This shared data can help treatment centers identify areas of need and adapt their services accordingly. Conclusion Interstate compacts represent a transformative shift in the way we approach addiction treatment in America. By bridging borders and breaking down barriers to care, these agreements are making it easier for individuals struggling with substance use disorders to access the help they need. As more states join these compacts, the impact on addiction treatment centers will only continue to grow. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Shifting Paradigms: The Pandemic's Impact on Medical and Mental Health Care
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications beyond the immediate health crisis it precipitated. It has significantly affected various sectors, with healthcare being at the epicenter. The pandemic has not only strained healthcare resources but also spotlighted the urgent need for ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications beyond the immediate health crisis it precipitated. It has significantly affected various sectors, with healthcare being at the epicenter. The pandemic has not only strained healthcare resources but also spotlighted the urgent need for comprehensive mental health care. The isolation and loneliness accompanying lockdowns and social distancing measures have led to a surge in mental health issues, necessitating a paradigm shift in healthcare responses. Tracing the Evolution of Healthcare: From Immediate Medical Responses to Long-term Mental Health Solutions in the COVID-19 Era Healthcare systems worldwide have faced unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic. The immediate response required an intensive focus on managing the physical health impacts of the virus. However, the indirect effects of the pandemic on mental health are now coming to the forefront. Mental Health America (MHA) reports increasing numbers of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other mental health issues since the pandemic's onset. These issues have been exacerbated by the social isolation resulting from lockdown measures and the general fear and uncertainty surrounding the virus. A survey by WHO corroborated this dramatic change in mental health assistance during the pandemic. Front-line hospital staff, already under immense pressure, have been particularly affected. A study found that COVID-19 considerably impacted their psychological well-being. Even before the pandemic, healthcare providers (HCPs) were experiencing a higher prevalence of mental health disorders. This situation worsened with the COVID-19 exposure, epidemiological factors, and the increased workload and stress associated with the pandemic. The pandemic has underscored the interconnectedness of physical and mental health and the need for an integrated approach to healthcare. This realization is driving changes in how healthcare systems respond to mental health needs. For instance, telehealth services have seen a significant uptick during the pandemic, providing an alternative means for patients to access mental health services while minimizing the risk of viral transmission. Moreover, the mental health impact of the pandemic has highlighted the importance of preventive measures and early intervention. Strategies such as regular mental health screenings for high-risk groups, including healthcare workers, and public awareness campaigns about mental health resources can help mitigate the pandemic's long-term mental health impacts. Conclusion In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a paradigm shift in medical and mental health care. It has highlighted the need for healthcare systems to be adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances. As we move forward, it is crucial to carry these lessons forward and continue to prioritize mental health alongside physical health. References: : https://bmcpublichealth.biomed...: If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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The Future is Here: Embracing Telehealth Appointments in Addiction Treatment
The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst in the healthcare field, accelerating the shift towards digital health technologies. Among these, telehealth has emerged as a game-changer, enabling individuals to access vital healthcare services remotely. This trend has been particularly notable in ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst in the healthcare field, accelerating the shift towards digital health technologies. Among these, telehealth has emerged as a game-changer, enabling individuals to access vital healthcare services remotely. This trend has been particularly notable in the realm of addiction treatment, where telehealth appointments have shown great potential in improving accessibility and outcomes. Exploring the Advantages and Impact of Telehealth Appointments in Revolutionizing Patient Care Telehealth, or telemedicine, refers to the use of digital platforms to deliver health care services remotely. It allows healthcare providers to offer consultations via video calls, phone calls, or text messaging, thus eliminating the need for patients to physically visit a healthcare facility. In addiction treatment, this model can be exceptionally beneficial, offering increased flexibility and accessibility while reducing barriers such as stigma and geographical constraints. The pandemic necessitated a rapid transition to telehealth services in many areas of healthcare, including addiction treatment. As lockdowns and social distancing measures made in-person appointments challenging, telehealth became an essential tool in continuing to provide care to individuals struggling with substance use disorders. One of the main advantages of telehealth is its potential to increase access to addiction treatment services. Many individuals face geographical barriers to accessing care, living in areas with limited or no addiction treatment facilities. Telehealth can bridge this gap, allowing these individuals to access care from their homes. Moreover, telehealth can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking addiction treatment. Patients can receive care in the privacy of their own homes, which may make them feel more comfortable and willing to engage in treatment. Despite its benefits, there are challenges associated with implementing telehealth in addiction treatment. These include technological barriers, such as lack of access to reliable internet or devices, and regulatory issues, such as restrictions on prescribing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) via telehealth. Additionally, some patients and providers may prefer in-person interactions, and not all aspects of addiction treatment can be effectively delivered remotely. However, with ongoing advances in technology and policy changes in response to the pandemic, many of these challenges are being addressed. For instance, regulatory changes during the pandemic have temporarily allowed for increased use of telehealth for MAT, demonstrating the potential for further policy adaptations in the future. Conclusion In conclusion, telehealth represents a promising tool in addiction treatment, offering opportunities to improve access to care and reduce stigma. Despite current challenges, the continued evolution of technology and policy suggests a bright future for the integration of telehealth in addiction treatment. As we move forward, it will be crucial to continue research and innovation in this area, ensuring that telehealth services are accessible, effective, and tailored to the needs of individuals struggling with substance use disorders. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Navigating Through Challenges: Uncovering the Barriers Faced by Addiction Treatment Centers
Addiction treatment centers play a crucial role in society, providing care and support for individuals grappling with substance use disorders. However, these centers face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their ability to deliver effective treatment. This article aims to explore these barriers ...
Addiction treatment centers play a crucial role in society, providing care and support for individuals grappling with substance use disorders. However, these centers face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their ability to deliver effective treatment. This article aims to explore these barriers in-depth, focusing on the difficulties encountered by both patients and providers, and suggesting potential solutions to overcome them. Identifying the Obstacles to Service Delivery and Strategies for Overcoming Them in Addiction Care One of the primary challenges faced by addiction treatment centers is the stigma associated with substance use disorders. Despite growing recognition of addiction as a chronic disease, societal stigma persists. This often discourages individuals from seeking help and creates additional stress for those in recovery. The fear of judgment can also prevent people from fully engaging in treatment, thereby impacting its effectiveness. Another significant barrier is the geographical accessibility of treatment centers. Many individuals live in areas where there are limited or no addiction treatment facilities. This problem is particularly pronounced in rural areas, where the lack of transportation options can further exacerbate the issue. Moreover, even when services are available, they may not be affordable for many individuals, creating another layer of barrier to access. The quality of care provided is another critical challenge. Some treatment centers have been criticized for using aggressive sales techniques, price-gouging patients, and providing substandard care. These practices not only exploit vulnerable individuals but can also lead to poor treatment outcomes. Furthermore, addiction treatment often requires a multi-faceted approach, including medical intervention, counseling, and social support. However, many treatment centers struggle to provide comprehensive services due to a lack of resources or trained staff. This can result in fragmented care that fails to address all aspects of a patient's needs. Patients themselves also face numerous challenges during recovery. Relapse is a common issue, with many individuals going through treatment multiple times before achieving sustained sobriety. This highlights the need for ongoing support and relapse prevention strategies within treatment programs. Despite these significant challenges, there are promising strategies to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of addiction treatment. Telehealth technologies, for instance, can potentially overcome geographical barriers, allowing individuals to access care remotely. Policies that increase funding for addiction services and improve insurance coverage can also make treatment more affordable. Moreover, efforts to reduce stigma can enhance treatment engagement. This could involve public education campaigns to increase understanding of addiction and recovery, as well as training for healthcare providers to ensure compassionate, non-judgmental care. Conclusion In conclusion, while the challenges faced by addiction treatment centers are considerable, they are not insurmountable. With a combination of technological innovation, policy changes, and a commitment to improving the quality of care, it is possible to create a system that effectively supports individuals on their journey to recovery. References: : https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedce...: If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Join the Movement: How Staying Connected Can Facilitate Recovery and Prevent Relapse
In today's digital age, the world of healthcare has expanded beyond traditional brick-and-mortar facilities. The advent of virtual care has revolutionized the way addiction recovery is approached, providing individuals with new opportunities to stay connected and receive the support they need. In ...
In today's digital age, the world of healthcare has expanded beyond traditional brick-and-mortar facilities. The advent of virtual care has revolutionized the way addiction recovery is approached, providing individuals with new opportunities to stay connected and receive the support they need. In this article, we will explore the power of virtual healthcare in facilitating recovery and preventing relapse. How Digital Platforms are Revolutionizing Mental Health and Addiction The Rise of Virtual Healthcare Virtual healthcare, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, utilizes technology to deliver medical and healthcare services remotely. This approach has gained significant traction in recent years, offering a range of benefits that have transformed the way addiction recovery is approached. By leveraging video conferencing, online platforms, and digital tools, virtual care has made it possible for individuals to access treatment and support from the comfort of their own homes. The Importance of Staying Connected Staying connected plays a crucial role in addiction recovery. It provides individuals with the support, guidance, and accountability they need to overcome challenges and maintain sobriety. The value of connection cannot be underestimated, and virtual care offers a powerful platform to facilitate these connections. Support from Anywhere, Anytime One of the key advantages of virtual care is the ability to access support from anywhere at any time. Individuals no longer need to travel long distances or wait for scheduled appointments to connect with healthcare professionals and support networks. With just a few clicks, they can join virtual support groups, engage in teletherapy sessions, and access online recovery communities. This level of convenience and accessibility ensures that individuals can receive the support they need, regardless of their geographical location or time constraints. Continuity of Care Virtual care enables the continuity of care, ensuring that individuals have ongoing support throughout their recovery journey. Regular check-ins, teletherapy sessions, and virtual appointments allow healthcare professionals to monitor progress, address concerns, and make adjustments to treatment plans when necessary. This ongoing support and engagement significantly reduce the risk of relapse by identifying potential triggers early on and providing timely interventions. Conclusion The world of virtual healthcare has transformed addiction recovery by providing individuals with new opportunities to stay connected, receive support, and access specialized treatment. The convenience, accessibility, and privacy offered by virtual care have revolutionized the way recovery is approached, facilitating ongoing care, and preventing relapse. By embracing virtual care and staying connected, individuals can join a movement that is redefining the landscape of addiction recovery. Now more than ever, it is crucial for individuals to explore the possibilities and benefits of virtual care. Embracing this technology-driven approach to healthcare can ensure that individuals receive the support they need, even in challenging times. Let us join the movement and harness the power of connection to facilitate recovery and prevent relapse. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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The Importance of Connection: Building Bonds Through Online Recovery Communities
In a world that is increasingly digitized, online platforms have become our new meeting places, redefining the way we connect and communicate. A shining example of this digital revolution is the emergence of online recovery communities, which have proven to be a lifeline for many individuals ...
In a world that is increasingly digitized, online platforms have become our new meeting places, redefining the way we connect and communicate. A shining example of this digital revolution is the emergence of online recovery communities, which have proven to be a lifeline for many individuals grappling with mental health and addiction issues. These platforms, like ours, have ushered in a new era of support and connection that sets them apart from traditional forms of care. Breaking Barriers With Virtual Communities A Safe Space to Connect and Grow Online recovery communities are built on the bedrock of safety and acceptance. They serve as sanctuaries where members can openly share their experiences, feelings, and struggles without any fear of judgement or stigma. In these spaces, every story matters, every emotion is valid, and every struggle is recognized. Facilitating Meaningful Interactions Our online platform offers various features designed to facilitate meaningful interactions among its members. From discussion forums and private messaging to virtual meetings and webinars, these features encourage members to connect, share, and learn from each other. Each interaction strengthens the bonds within the community, creating a supportive network that extends beyond the digital realm. Devotion to Supportive Communities The beauty of online recovery communities lies in their unwavering commitment to nurturing supportive communities. It's not just about providing a platform; it's about fostering a sense of belonging, understanding, and mutual support. This strong emphasis on connection sets the world of online recovery apart from traditional forms of care, making it an invaluable resource for those on the path to recovery. Empowering Members on Their Recovery Journey Beyond being a platform for connection, our online recovery community is a hub of resources designed to assist members on their recovery journey. From educational materials and self-help tools to personalized recovery plans and expert advice, these resources provide members with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate their recovery journey. Conclusion In conclusion, our online recovery community is more than just a platform; it's a beacon of hope, a source of support, and a testament to the power of connection. By fostering a safe and supportive environment, we are ensuring that no one has to face their recovery journey alone. If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Revolutionising Healthcare and the Potential of Virtual Care
In the evolving world of healthcare, virtual care is a game-changer. It is redefining how we access and deliver medical services, making healthcare more convenient, accessible, and cost-effective. At the forefront of this revolution is InterAct LifeLine, leading the way in leveraging the potential ...
In the evolving world of healthcare, virtual care is a game-changer. It is redefining how we access and deliver medical services, making healthcare more convenient, accessible, and cost-effective. At the forefront of this revolution is InterAct LifeLine, leading the way in leveraging the potential of virtual care. The Revolutionary Impact of Virtual Care on Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Understanding Virtual Care Virtual care, encompassing telemedicine and remote monitoring, is transforming healthcare delivery. Telemedicine enables video or phone appointments between patients and healthcare practitioners, while remote monitoring allows healthcare providers to track patients' health data remotely. This combination ensures continuous patient care, irrespective of geographical barriers. Virtual Care: A Necessity in the Modern World The necessity for virtual care has been underscored by the current global pandemic. With social distancing measures in place, virtual care provides a safe and effective way for patients to access healthcare services. Moreover, virtual care is increasingly being accepted and adopted by patients and healthcare providers alike. According to a report by McKinsey, while there's an imbalance in usage, there's a growing consensus that virtual care can improve access for the underserved. The Advantages of Virtual Care Virtual care offers numerous benefits. It eliminates the need for travel, making healthcare accessible to those in remote areas. It also provides flexibility, allowing patients to schedule appointments at their convenience. Furthermore, it can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person therapy. The Challenges Ahead Despite its advantages, virtual care also poses some challenges. These include patient skepticism, privacy concerns, and regulatory hurdles. However, these challenges are not insurmountable. With technological advancements and stringent cybersecurity measures, the healthcare industry is continuously working to address these issues. Conclusion Virtual care is revolutionising the healthcare industry, and InterAct LifeLine is proud to be a part of this transformation. We remain committed to leveraging technology to deliver high-quality, accessible, and cost-effective virtual care services. As we navigate the future of healthcare, we invite you to join us in embracing the potential of virtual care. Together, we can make healthcare more accessible and effective for all. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Why Digital Platforms are the Next Big Thing in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
The landscape of mental health and addiction treatment has been dominated by traditional, in-person care for decades. However, the advent of digital platforms is poised to revolutionize this field, making treatment more accessible, efficient, and effective. ...
The landscape of mental health and addiction treatment has been dominated by traditional, in-person care for decades. However, the advent of digital platforms is poised to revolutionize this field, making treatment more accessible, efficient, and effective. How Digital Platforms are Revolutionizing Mental Health and Addiction The Current Landscape of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Traditional treatment methods for mental health and addiction issues typically involve a combination of medication and therapy. While these treatments can be effective, they often come with significant challenges. For instance, patients may face logistical issues, such as long travel times to clinics or scheduling conflicts. Additionally, the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health or addiction can deter individuals from pursuing treatment. The Rise of Virtual Care Platforms Enter digital platforms. These innovative solutions offer remote mental health and addiction treatment services, effectively addressing many of the challenges associated with traditional care. Virtual care platforms provide a range of services, including online counseling, medication management, and peer support groups. By allowing patients to access these services from the comfort of their homes, digital platforms reduce barriers to treatment and encourage more individuals to seek help. The Advantages of Digital PlatformsDigital platforms are not just convenient; they also offer several unique advantages. For example, they can use algorithms to personalize treatment plans based on individual patient data. Moreover, digital platforms can facilitate constant communication between patients and healthcare providers, leading to more responsive care.The Future of Digital PlatformsThe potential of digital platforms extends far beyond their current applications. With further advancements in technology, these platforms could offer even more comprehensive services, such as virtual reality therapies or AI-driven counseling. As such, digital platforms are poised to fundamentally change the way mental health and addiction treatments are delivered. Conclusion In conclusion, digital platforms are set to transform mental health and addiction treatment. By overcoming the limitations of traditional care and leveraging the power of technology, these platforms offer a promising solution to the mental health crisis. As we move into the future, it's clear that digital platforms will play an increasingly crucial role in healthcare. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
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Breaking Barriers: How Virtual Care Makes Addiction Treatment Accessible
In the modern era, where technology is revolutionizing all aspects of, healthcare is no exception. of the most significant advancements is virtual care, a service that has transformed the landscape of addiction treatment. With millions of people globally struggling with addiction, virtual care ...
In the modern era, where technology is revolutionizing all aspects of, healthcare is no exception. of the most significant advancements is virtual care, a service that has transformed the landscape of addiction treatment. With millions of people globally struggling with addiction, virtual care emerges as a powerful tool to make addiction treatment more accessible and effective. How Virtual Care Overcomes Traditional Roadblocks in Addiction Treatment Virtual Care and Addiction Treatment Virtual care, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, is the use of digital information and communication technologies to access health care services remotely. It is particularly beneficial in addiction treatment, offering a lifeline to those who might otherwise struggle to access traditional, in-person services. One of the most compelling benefits of virtual care in addiction treatment is its accessibility. It eliminates geographical barriers, allowing individuals in remote or underserved areas to receive vital support. Additionally, virtual care addresses time constraints, providing patients the flexibility to schedule sessions when it's most convenient. Virtual care also offers privacy and anonymity, critical factors for many battling addiction. The fear of stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help. However, virtual care allows patients to receive treatment discreetly, reducing the anxiety associated with in-person appointments. Moreover, evidence suggests that virtual care can be as effective as traditional methods in treating addiction. Multiple studies have compared addiction treatment delivered via telehealth with in-person treatment, showing promising results. Overcoming Obstacles with Virtual Care Despite its myriad benefits, addiction treatment is often fraught with obstacles. The cost of treatment, lack of local resources, and fear of stigma can deter individuals from seeking help. However, virtual care is poised to break down these barriers. Virtual care often costs less than traditional in-person therapy, making treatment more affordable. Moreover, with the rise of online platforms, patients now have a wealth of resources at their fingertips, including counseling, support groups, and educational materials. Perhaps most importantly, virtual care provides a safe, non-judgmental space for individuals to seek help. Patients can access services from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the fear and shame often associated with in-person treatment. Conclusion The advent of virtual care marks a significant stride in making addiction treatment more accessible. By breaking down barriers and leveraging the power of technology, we can reach more individuals in need and provide them with the tools to reclaim their lives. As we continue to innovate, virtual care will undoubtedly play an integral role in the future of addiction treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, consider the benefits of virtual care. Reach out to healthcare providers who offer these services and take the first step towards recovery today. References: : : https://www.hazeldenbettyford... If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
How to Connect with Kids to Prevent Fentanyl Overdose
73% of Young People Don't Know Fake Pills Contain Fentanyl This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the ...
73% of Young People Don't Know Fake Pills Contain Fentanyl This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the Opioid Crisis, but over the last few years, fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been the game changer that has been an inflection point to make the Opioid Crisis more deadly than it's ever been. Many of the sessions were focused on harm reduction strategies like the distribution of Narcan, the drug to reverse overdose, ways to invest the dollars from the $56B opioid legal settlements, or legal strategies to toughen the penalties for distributing the drug. But while those initiatives are attempting to produce results, it was clear that we need to get the word out to our young people whose decision to experiment by taking that pill someone gave them might be their last. Fentanyl is involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 than any other cause of death (CDC) Just say no doesn't work any more! If any of you were around during the time that Reagan was president, you were also around for first lady Nancy Reagan's ground-breaking campaign to reduce substance abuse by "just saying no". While that campaign proved to be popular and somewhat effective, today's young people who have access to social media and are much more sophisticated would likely be turned off. A lesson from Brevard County, Florida One of the most interesting sessions was from Brevard County, Florida as they crafted two social media campaigns: "I Choose Me" and "Better Without It". What made these campaigns interesting is that they carefully considered their target audience and what strategies work to reach and persuade kids to go in a different direction. The "I Choose Me" campaign was focused on helping guide their audience to things that they could do vs. things they can't do. The point was that young people will often do the opposite if you tell them what they can't do or will just turn a deaf ear. Therefore, the campaign focused on making choices that made them healthier, happier, better people and safer. The campaign was supported by social media, videos and other collaterals and became one of the most talked about at the event. The Vision Session Vision sessions were delivered by paid sponsors in the mid-afternoon with one of the more interesting ones from Rescue, the Behavioral Change Agency that focused on the building blocks of a good messaging strategy designed to get people to make a change. Here was their concept. If you want to convince and persuade someone to do something they are not doing today, or stop doing something you don't want them to do, you must cross 4 barriers: Do they have enough knowledge to understand the problem? If not, you start there by elevating their understanding.Do they believe the problem you are outlining pertains to them, or will they "otherize" it by concluding that this isn't me, it's a problem others have?Can they see themselves engaging in the behavior you want them to adopt?Will they repeat the behavior so it's now wired into what they do everyday? How do you raise awareness? If you want to reach young people, you must get the message out where they go to watch videos or to connect with friends on social media. They follow influencers, watch TikTok videos, and get most of their information in small bites via text, Twitter, or Instagram. Educate them to protect them t is crucial for young people to understand the dangers of fentanyl because it is an extremely potent synthetic opioid that is many times more potent than other opioids such as morphine and heroin. Even small amounts of fentanyl can lead to a potentially fatal overdose. Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, and sold on the street as counterfeit pills or powder. Young people may be unaware that they are taking fentanyl or may underestimate its potency, leading to unintentional overdose and death. LifeLine Connect Building technology to use data from wearables to detect overdose, alert others and send help to prevent fentanyl overdose deaths. Learn More
The 2023 Summit in Atlanta Addresses the Fentanyl Crisis
A National Conference to Address the Fentanyl Crisis This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the Opioid ...
A National Conference to Address the Fentanyl Crisis This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the Opioid Crisis, but over the last few years, fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been the game changer that has been an inflection point to make the Opioid Crisis more deadly than it's ever been. The Summit attracted people in law enforcement, treatment professionals, officials in public health, local, state and federal government and a host of others who collectively are trying to make a dent in what is one of the deadliest health crisis we face today, killing as many people in the last decade as we lost to Covid 19. Fentanyl is the "Game Changer" Why has fentanyl changed the game? Today, overdose kills over 100,000 people a year, but now fentanyl is present in about 75% or more of those deaths. This drug is flooding in from Mexico, is cut into almost every street drug or counterfeit pill and is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. In fact, the DEA revealed in their session that 6 of 10 counterfeit pills they tested had a fatal dose of fentanyl present. So kids who never were diagnosed with a substance use disorder decide to experiment, get handed a pill and unintentionally play Russian roulette because that pill may just have been "spiked". Fentanyl is lucrative for the drug dealer. Fentanyl is cheap to make, easy to transport because of how small the substance is, and is highly profitable to the cartels. Most of the drugs we've come to know began their life as an agricultural product. Heroin starts with poppies; cocaine from a cocoa plant; marijuana from the leaves of a plant. It takes land and effort to grow the key ingredients of those drugs. However, fentanyl is synthetic and made easily in a lab or in your kitchen. What do the people at the Rx Summit say is being done to reverse the tide? No single initiative, answer or approach can solve what is the most complex health crisis in America. And everyone you ask has a different point of view. We heard from Republican congressionals that we need to close the border to stop the flow and from the Democrats that more social programs are needed.The head of the FDA touted the release of Narcan as an over-the-counter medication to reverse overdose, but the question becomes how to widely distribute it, teach people how to use it, an make sure they have Narcan with them. The CDC revealed their social media campaigns, videos, and educational resources to raise people's awareness. And law enforcement was seeking reclassification of fentanyl as a Class A narcotic with much stiffer penalties for distributing it. A glimmer of hope is on the horizon, but comes with caveats. States went after the pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors and successfully negotiated global settlements that will result in over $56B in funds to go toward prevent, treatment and recovery services. The federal government has set aside over $44 B in grant money to augment the effort. Control of funding is in the hands of the people at the local level, but how to spend it is usually in the hands of a committee who is facing such a complex problem with so many pathways to make a dent that the answers are just not clear. The Summit amplified the level of confusion that exists at the local level who are generally operating without a blueprint and often with little experience or background in substance misuse and addiction. While we're figuring things out, people are dying in record numbers. Kentucky congressman, Hal Rodgers started the Rx Summit 12 years ago, and it will continue to take the collective wisdom of all the stakeholders to use their creativity, experience, and knowledge to get the fentanyl crisis under control. We must be more innovative, try new approaches, leverage the power of technology and communication strategies that work to keep those airplanes flying so we don't have to deal with the tragedies of the 300 people who lose their lives each day, destroy their families and leave loved ones devastated.  LifeLine Connect Building technology to use data from wearables to detect overdose, alert others and send help to prevent fentanyl overdose deaths. Learn More
The Role of Pharmaceutical Companies in the Opioid Crisis
How Pharmaceutical Companies Fueled the Opioid Epidemic The role of pharmaceutical companies in the opioid crisis is a complex and controversial issue. Many experts believe that the overprescription of opioids by healthcare providers played a major role in the ...
How Pharmaceutical Companies Fueled the Opioid Epidemic The role of pharmaceutical companies in the opioid crisis is a complex and controversial issue. Many experts believe that the overprescription of opioids by healthcare providers played a major role in the epidemic. However, pharmaceutical companies also played a significant role in promoting the use of opioids for chronic pain management, and their marketing and lobbying practices have been called into question. Here are some of the ways in which pharmaceutical companies have contributed to the epidemic: Overprescription of Opioids Pharmaceutical companies marketed opioids aggressively to healthcare providers, emphasizing their effectiveness in treating chronic pain and downplaying the risks of addiction and overdose. This led to the widespread overprescription of opioids, with many patients being prescribed higher doses and for longer durations than recommended. Addiction & Overdose The overprescription of opioids led to widespread addiction, with many patients becoming dependent on these drugs to manage their pain. This, in turn, led to a sharp increase in overdose deaths, as patients who were unable to access opioids through legal channels turned to illegal drugs like heroin and fentanyl. Marketing & Lobbying Practices Pharmaceutical companies engaged in aggressive marketing and lobbying practices to promote the use of opioids for chronic pain management. They also funded organizations and research that supported the use of opioids, while opposing regulations that would have limited their distribution. Liability & Legal Action Pharmaceutical companies have faced lawsuits and legal action from individuals, states, and local governments for their role in the opioid crisis. Many have been found liable for misleading marketing practices and have been ordered to pay large settlements. Public Backlash The role of pharmaceutical companies in the opioid crisis has also led to widespread public backlash, with many people calling for increased regulation and accountability for these companies. Overall, the effects of pharmaceutical companies in the opioid crisis have been devastating, contributing to widespread addiction, overdose deaths, and social and economic costs. While some progress has been made in holding these companies accountable, many experts argue that more needs to be done to prevent future crises and ensure that patients receive safe and effective pain management. Explore our Insights pavilion to read more articles on the opioid crisis.Learn More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The Availability of Narcan in the Opioid Crisis
Narcan Approved for Over-the-Counter Purchase As of 2021, Narcan (naloxone), a medication that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug. This means that individuals can purchase ...
Narcan Approved for Over-the-Counter Purchase As of 2021, Narcan (naloxone), a medication that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug. This means that individuals can purchase and use Narcan without a prescription from a healthcare provider. The FDA's decision to approve Narcan as an OTC drug is part of the agency's efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in the US. By making Narcan more easily accessible, it is hoped that more lives can be saved in the event of an overdose. Making Narcan (naloxone) available as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug can help the opioid crisis in several ways: Increased Accessibility  By making Narcan available without a prescription, it can be more easily obtained by those who need it. This includes individuals who use opioids themselves, as well as family members, friends, and other bystanders who may witness an overdose. Faster Response Time With Narcan readily available, it can be administered more quickly in the event of an overdose. This can help to prevent overdose-related deaths and give individuals a greater chance of survival. Reduced Stigma The availability of Narcan as an OTC drug can help to reduce the stigma associated with opioid use and overdose. It sends a message that addiction is a treatable medical condition, and that there is help and support available to those who need it. Cost Savings OTC Narcan can potentially be more affordable and accessible to those who do not have insurance or cannot afford a prescription. Overall, increasing the availability of Narcan through OTC status can help to save lives and address the public health crisis of opioid overdose deaths. However, it is important to note that OTC Narcan is not a substitute for comprehensive addiction treatment and other harm reduction strategies.Continue reading more articles on addiction prevention here:Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
How the Pandemic Shifted Technology's Role in Addiction and Recovery Services
The Role of Technology The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology for addiction support services, and many people have become accustomed to receiving support services in this way. While these changes were born out of necessity, they have the potential to transform ...
The Role of Technology The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology for addiction support services, and many people have become accustomed to receiving support services in this way.While these changes were born out of necessity, they have the potential to transform the way addiction and recovery services are delivered in the long term. Here are some ways in which people have adapted to receiving addiction support services using technology during the pandemic: Telehealth Many addiction treatment providers have pivoted to providing telehealth services, which allow people to receive therapy and counseling via video conference or phone. Telehealth has allowed people to continue to receive vital support services while avoiding in-person contact and reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Online Support Groups Online support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, have become increasingly popular during the pandemic. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment for people to share their experiences and struggles with addiction and receive encouragement and support from others in recovery. Mobile Apps There are many mobile apps that provide support and resources for people in recovery from addiction. These apps can be used to track progress, connect with others in recovery, and access helpful information and resources. Virtual Recovery Coaching Virtual recovery coaching allows people to work with a coach or mentor remotely to develop a recovery plan, set goals, and receive support and encouragement. This can be particularly useful for people who may not have access to in-person recovery support services in their area. Overall, while the pandemic has presented many challenges for people in recovery from addiction, it has also highlighted the potential of technology to provide flexible and accessible support services. Many people have found these services to be effective and convenient, and they may continue to be used even after the pandemic subsides.Explore more valuable resources and informative articles on the topic of recovery in our Insights catalog.Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in the Fight Against Opioids
The ACP, A Game Changer Connecting People in the Fight Against Opioids The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a program launched by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States to help low-income households access affordable high-speed internet services. The ...
The ACP, A Game Changer Connecting People in the Fight Against Opioids The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a program launched by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States to help low-income households access affordable high-speed internet services. The program is part of the broader Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) initiative, which was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help individuals and families stay connected during the public health emergency. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a game-changer in the fight against opioids for several reasons, including: Access to Telehealth The ACP provides affordable high-speed internet access, making telehealth services accessible to underserved communities. This program enables people in rural or remote areas to receive medical care, including mental health services and addiction treatment, without leaving their homes. Education & Awareness The ACP provides people with the resources and knowledge they need to understand the dangers of opioids, including how to recognize the signs of addiction, how to safely dispose of medication, and how to access addiction treatment. Support for Recovery The ACP connects individuals in recovery with resources and support services, including online recovery support groups, virtual meetings, and peer-to-peer support. Accessibility  The ACP provides individuals with easy access to information and resources on opioid addiction, including prevention and treatment options. This program connects people with community resources, treatment centers, and support groups, ensuring that they have the resources they need to overcome addiction. Overall, the Affordable Connectivity Program plays a crucial role in connecting people in the fight against opioids by providing access to education, support, and treatment resources to those who need them the most.Explore our education library here:Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Are We in the Dark About Fentanyl?
Spreading Awareness of the Risks of Fentanyl You hear about fentanyl on the news, but there is still a large number of people out there that are undereducated about its risks and potential to kill themselves and their loved ones. Take a look at why vital information about ...
Spreading Awareness of the Risks of Fentanyl You hear about fentanyl on the news, but there is still a large number of people out there that are undereducated about its risks and potential to kill themselves and their loved ones. Take a look at why vital information about this very deadly drug is not making it into the hands of the people that need to know the risks. There are several reasons why communities may be undereducated about the risks of fentanyl: Lack of information Fentanyl is a relatively new drug in the illegal drug market, and many people may not have heard of it or know much about its effects. Additionally, information about fentanyl may not be widely disseminated to the public through traditional channels such as schools or healthcare providers. Stigma The stigma associated with drug use may prevent people from seeking information about fentanyl or discussing it openly. This may contribute to a lack of awareness about the risks of fentanyl and other drugs. Limited access to education and prevention programs Some communities may lack access to education and prevention programs that provide information about the risks of fentanyl and other drugs. This may be due to limited funding or resources, or a lack of awareness about the need for these programs. Changing nature of the opioid epidemic The opioid epidemic has evolved over time, with fentanyl becoming a more prominent factor in recent years. It may take time for education and prevention efforts to catch up with these changes and for communities to become more aware of the risks associated with fentanyl. Misinformation There is a lot of misinformation circulating about fentanyl, which can contribute to confusion and misunderstandings about the drug. For example, some people may believe that fentanyl is only dangerous if injected, while others may believe that it is not as potent as it actually is. Overall, there are several factors that may contribute to a lack of education about the risks of fentanyl in communities. Addressing these factors will require a multi-pronged approach that includes education and prevention programs, funding and resources, and efforts to reduce stigma and misinformation.Read more articles about prevention to recognize the warning signs of potential addiction, understand who is most at risk and implement strategies to prevent the onset of the disease. Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Why Online Recovery is a Game Changer for Rural America
#sticky { position: sticky; position: -webkit-sticky; background: #e8ebe8; width: 80px; height: 80px; top: 70px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000; } ...
#sticky { position: sticky; position: -webkit-sticky; background: #e8ebe8; width: 80px; height: 80px; top: 70px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000; } .extra, #wrapper { width: 75%; margin: auto; background-color: #9ad996; } #wrapper { height: 800px; } .extra { height: 100px; } body { font-family: georgia; height: 1000px; } @media (min-height: 768px) { #wrapper { height: 2000px; } } Online Recovery Support Groups & Their Benefits  It's no secret that the opioid crisis has had the most profoundly negative impact on citizens in rural America. It is estimated that there are 250,000 fewer treatment specialists available to work with people in crisis and often the needed support network fails to meet the needs of people who live in less densely populated areas. However, while the Pandemic was teaching us how to work remotely, it also was teaching us how to deliver much needed support services for people in rural America. Online support groups offer several benefits for individuals seeking recovery support, including: Accessibility  Online support groups can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier for individuals who live in remote areas or who have mobility issues to access support. This also eliminates the need for transportation, which can be a barrier to attending in-person support groups. Anonymity Online support groups can be anonymous, allowing individuals to participate without revealing their identity if they choose. This can be particularly helpful for people who feel stigmatized or ashamed about their addiction and may be hesitant to seek support in person. Flexibility Online support groups offer greater flexibility in terms of scheduling and frequency, as many groups are available 24/7 and can be accessed at any time. This can be especially helpful for individuals with busy schedules or who may need support outside of traditional office hours. Variety There are many different online support groups available, each with its own focus and approach. This allows individuals to find a group that meets their specific needs and preferences. Support from Peers Online support groups offer the opportunity to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges and struggles. This can provide a sense of validation, empathy, and support that can be very helpful in the recovery process. Reduced Stigma Online support groups can help reduce the stigma associated with addiction by providing a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences and struggles without fear of judgment or discrimination. Overall, online support groups can be an effective and convenient way for individuals to receive recovery support, and they offer several unique benefits that may not be available with in-person support groups. Read more articles on recovery and the process of treating and managing the disease ofaddiction to achieve wellness here. Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The Cavalry Has Arrived
Over $50B in Opioid Settlement Funds Find their Way to State Governments & Local Organizations For those of who who haven't watched a Western in a while, the pivotal moment in the movie is when the cavalry comes just in time to win the battle and save the day. Never ...
Over $50B in Opioid Settlement Funds Find their Way to State Governments & Local Organizations For those of who who haven't watched a Western in a while, the pivotal moment in the movie is when the cavalry comes just in time to win the battle and save the day.  Never is a cavalry needed more than in the fight against opioids that is killing over 100,000 of our friends and family each year. The very dedicated teams inside the Attorney Generals' offices across all states have created a strategy to hold the manufacturers and distributors of prescription opioids accountable for the immense harm these drugs have done to decimate our rural communities, destroy families and take more lives than the Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined.   So now that the cavalry has arrived and they have brought over $50B in settlement dollars to date to fight the war on opioids, what does this all mean to you, your family and others that have been impacted by addiction, overdose, or death?   Here is what you need to know about the settlement: Way different than the Tobacco Settlement! In 1998, state governments reached a 25-year, $246 billion deal with the country's largest tobacco companies to hold the industry accountable for the lethal effects of smoking and provide support for anti-tobacco programs.  But that deal had no requirements in how the money was spent, so the vast majority went to fund state programs not related to tobacco or its consequences. We learned from the tobacco fiasco and the strategy for dealing with the opioid crisis was designed quite differently.  The vast majority of the funds must be used for "opioid abatement" to improve treatment, recovery services, offer education and focus on prevention.  Any organization receiving funds must report back each year to detail how that money is spent to ensure that this time, funds will go to the purpose it was intended for. So, where did the money come from? $26 billion comes from manufacturer Johnson & Johnson and "big three" distributors McKesson, AmerisourceBergen, and Cardinal Health.  This settlement was reached in February 2022. CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart agreed to settle their claims with state, local, and tribal governments which added another $13.9B in 2022.   Other litigation is underway with settlements on the horizon from Purdue Pharmaceuticals, Mallinckrodt, Teva, Abbvie, and Endo enriching the available opioid settlement funds by almost $15B. How can the funds can be used? There are very specific controls of what the money can and can't be used for.  States can use 15% of those funds to offset administrative expenses or fund state-run opioid related abatement programs.  States can also use 15% of the money for whatever they want such as administrative expenses, but keep in mind that this number is very conservative compared to what happened to the $246 tobacco settlement money. That means that 70% of the money will flow down to local organizations that are on the front-line of the opioid crisis, particularly in rural areas.  And they will be required to use 70% of the money future opioid abatement such as prevention programs, improved recovery services or better treatment. Is there a plan? Every state has the ability to craft a plan that works for their state.  Take Colorado as an example.  Colorado is divided into 19 regions that are governed at the local level.  Each region has a different set of opioid-related issues, but if you look at the southern part of the state, the population is being decimated with the influx of fentanyl across their boarders.  These regional organizations have advisory committees to help address the needs of the people in their particular region. The bottom line is that states are focused on the unique needs of their citizens and are doing their homework to make sure that this settlement money is spent where it will have the most impact. So what are the risks? There is a lot of money that is flowing into organizations that are typically underfunded or bootstrapping how they currently manage an out-of-control opioid crisis.  So there are risks that the funds will not be spent in ways that have the most impact.  If the states put this money in a "general fund", then legislators may spend it in ways that are not useful.  If local organizations don't get help and guidance, they may not have the background or sophistication to think beyond traditional programs that have proven to be ineffective. Yes, the cavalry has arrived and that charge has been lead by the diligent work of the attorney generals and their staffs in the states where you live.  But that's only one battle in a long war against the misuse of opioids and the resulting casualties of this on-going war.  If you want to know how your state plans to spend the money and if you want to get involved, do your research by going to the Opioid Settlement Tracker created by Christine Minhee, a young lawyer who is crusading to ensure transparency on how funds are being allocated to each state and what the plan is to invest those dollars. View other articles regarding the Opioid Settlement to learn more about how states and local governments are using settlement funds for opioid prevention and abatement.View Articles Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
How Technology Has Entered the War in Fighting the Opioid Crisis
Technology: How Can it Help? Technology is being increasingly used in opioid abatement programs to address the opioid epidemic and support individuals in recovery. Learn how technology is now the latest weapon in the fight against the opioid crisis. ...
Technology: How Can it Help? Technology is being increasingly used in opioid abatement programs to address the opioid epidemic and support individuals in recovery. Learn how technology is now the latest weapon in the fight against the opioid crisis. Some of the ways technology is being used in these programs include: Telemedicine Telemedicine involves the use of technology, such as video conferencing, to provide medical care remotely. Telemedicine can be particularly useful in opioid abatement programs for individuals in remote or rural areas who may have difficulty accessing medical care. It can also reduce the stigma associated with seeking treatment for substance use disorders. Mobile Apps Mobile apps can be used to track medication adherence, manage pain, and provide support for individuals in recovery. For example, some apps provide daily affirmations, mindfulness exercises, and coping strategies to help individuals manage cravings and stress.  Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) PDMPs are electronic databases that track prescription drug dispensing and use. They can help identify patterns of prescription drug abuse and inform interventions and treatment strategies. Electronic health records (EHRs) EHRs can help facilitate communication and coordination of care between different healthcare providers involved in opioid abatement programs. They can also provide real-time data on patient outcomes, which can help inform treatment decisions.  Wearable technology Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, can be used to monitor vital signs and provide feedback on physical activity levels. This information can be used to inform treatment decisions and provide motivation and support for individuals in recovery. Overall, technology can play a valuable role in opioid abatement programs by improving access to care, supporting individuals in recovery, and providing real-time data to inform treatment decisions. However, it is important to ensure that technology is used in a responsible and ethical manner and that it does not replace the human connection and support that is essential for successful recovery.Learn more about how InterAct Lifeline leverages technology to improve recovery, reduce relapse and prevent substance misuse.Learn More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
What Every Parent Needs to Know about Fentanyl
The Dangers of Fentanyl Five years ago, I lost my 29-year old daughter to overdose after a 15-year struggle with addiction. She used just about every illegal drug on the list, including opioids and the risk of her overdosing was always there. However, if we were talking about ...
The Dangers of Fentanyl Five years ago, I lost my 29-year old daughter to overdose after a 15-year struggle with addiction. She used just about every illegal drug on the list, including opioids and the risk of her overdosing was always there. However, if we were talking about Laura today, her risk of overdose would have skyrocketed because of the prevalence of Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. It is often prescribed for pain, but it is now mass produced by the Mexican cartels, shipped into the United States and is added to other street drugs like cocaine or heroin.  And just a tiny dose can kill you. It's time that all of us, particularly parents, get our heads out of the sand and elevate our understanding of this powerful and dangerous opioid. Here is what you need to know: The New Phase of the Opioid Epidemic During the past seven years, soaring quantities of fentanyl have flooded into the United States, creating the most lethal drug crisis in American history to become significantly worse. The fentanyl most often associated with overdoses is made in labs, sold illegally as a powder, dropped onto blotter paper, put in eye droppers and nasal sprays, or made into pills that look like other prescription opioids. What are the statistics telling us? Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 49, according to a Washington Post analysis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can't track overdose deaths in real-time and counts the death toll for 2021. So a year ago, it calculated the overall number of drug overdoses at 107,622. Two-thirds were due to fentanyl. Overdose deaths skyrocketed during the Pandemic. According to the Washington post,"From 2019 to 2021, fatal overdoses surged 94 percent, and an estimated 196 Americans are now dying each day from the drug - the equivalent of a fully loaded Boeing 757-200 crashing and killing everyone on board." How does fentanyl affect you? Fentanyl binds to the opioid receptors in the brain that control pain and emotions. Continued use makes it hard to feel any pleasure other than when you are taking the drug. Aside from that, there are other side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, confusion, extreme happiness, constipation, problems breathing and unconsciousness. What happens when you overdose on Fentanyl An overdose occurs when the drug produces serious adverse effects and life-threatening symptoms. When people overdose on fentanyl, their breathing will slow or stop. This decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, a condition called hypoxia. Hypoxia can lead to a coma and permanent brain damage, and death.  (This is what ended my daughter's life). Signs of an overdose are: Falling asleep, loss of consciousness Shallow or nobreathing Limp body (though may be rigid with fentanyl)Choking or gurgling soundsSmall, constricted, 'pinpoint' pupils(may be difficult to see in an emergency)Pale blue or cold skin, lips, or nails (factors including skin tone could make this difficult to see) So how do I minimize the risks to my friends or family? First, knowledge is power. Parents should proactively have the conversation with their kids to educate them about the hidden dangers of fentanyl and how it can be mixed into other drugs they might consider relative harmless like pot. They should assume high overdose risk no matter what drug they might use. Fentanyl is undetectable by sight, smell, or taste. Fentanyl Test strips are a harm reduction tool that detects the presence of fentanyl mixed into a substance, such has cocaine or heroin. Never in the history of the War on Drugs declared by Richard Nixon decades ago have we faced such an unprecedented threat from a substance that is easy to make, hard to detect and flooding into our country. It's critical we understand the risk from fentanyl and make sure we educate those around us to not play Russian Roulette by buying opioids off the street or assuming that there is no risk of fentanyl when you use other drugs like cocaine or pot. Take a look at what happened to five friends in Colorado to get an up close and personal look at the damage fentanyl can do. Read the Article Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
The Ostrich Effect
The "Ostrich Effect" in Substance Abuse There is a term that psychologists often refer to as the "Ostrich Effect". Simply put, this is an attempt to avoid any information, news or conversation that you might consider uncomfortable or unpleasant. All of us have been guilty of ...
The "Ostrich Effect" in Substance Abuse There is a term that psychologists often refer to as the "Ostrich Effect". Simply put, this is an attempt to avoid any information, news or conversation that you might consider uncomfortable or unpleasant. All of us have been guilty of hiding our heads in the sand if we don't want to hear bad news about our health, finances, meeting our goals or even our weight if we're worried we just haven't lost enough from our latest diet. The Ostrich Effect is an attempt to protect ourselves from the emotional impact of hearing bad news; however, when it comes to facing the realities of the substance misuse landscape, the potential to die from an overdose and the damage caused to your family, it's time to get our heads out of the sand and start to pay attention. Here are some reasons that many of us become ostriches when it comes to the difficult realities of substance misuse, addiction and overdose. This would never happen to me I joined a Facebook group run by Compassionate Friends that is devoted to parents who have lost an adult child to overdose. Aside from heartbreaking stories of grief and loss, so many of the members of this group are stunned by their seemingly normal child who overdosed and died.  Will this happen to someone in your family?  Well, the statistics are now working against us with over 107,000 dying from overdose each year, primarily from fentanyl that is now laced into pills bought off the street, pot, cocaine and many other substances that you would never expect. It can happen to you and now it's happening to families all around you. But I have good kids I had a "good kid" who played soccer, was a girl scout and a good student, but at age 14 she started smoking pot, then it went downhill from there. All "good kids" have brains that are not fully developed until about age 26, so exposure to substances or alcohol at young ages will rewire the brain of at least 1 in 10 adolescents turning them into full-blown addicts by the time they leave high school.  "Good kids" experiment, but that experimentation leads to a very big number of them developing the disease of addiction that has to be managed over a lifetime. I would know if someone I love is using I founded and ran a licensed treatment program for adolescents ages 13-17 (Phoenix Outdoor). One of the most common things parents would say to us is, "I had no idea."  Your kids and family members are smarter than you think and when it comes to abusing substances and they are masters at hiding that fact from you, finding ways to fund their habit, and staying under the radar. If you think you are smarter or more perceptive than your teenager, your coworker, your spouse or friend, think again. People misusing substances get really good at fooling those around them. It's just pot - how bad could that be? If you smoked pot years ago when you were in high school and college, be aware that the pot your kids are consuming is much more potent than what you might remember. People do and can become addicted to it with side effects that include mental health issues like depression, a drop in IQ, impacts on coordination, and overall demotivation. Marijuana is not harmless. It can cause psychosis, other significant side effects, and addiction,  but when mixed with an opioid such as fentanyl, there are even greater risks including death. Fentanyl is hard to detect so you may not even know it's there. It couldn't be addiction.  They can just stop whenever they want to. And maybe that's true with some people, but for others who have developed the disease of addiction, it's way harder than you think.  The brain has now been rewired and it overproduces dopamine in the presence of a substance which is a huge shot to your pleasure center.  Addicts are often compelled to use vs. choosing to use. You can put your head in the sand and think this issue will just magically disappear, but the reality is that it takes work to break the habit and treat the disease over the long haul. I grew up in a small Georgia town that was so conservative, you couldn't even buy alcohol and certainly there were few or no drugs available when I was in school. But times today are quite different.  People, particularly adolescents, now have so many other ways to find substances, experiment with them, and get addicted. So if you think it would never happen to you, that you have good kids or that you are smarter than the rest of us in being able to detect and solve the problem, think again. You are an "ostrich" if you stick your head in the sand, fail to learn about the landscape we now find ourselves in, and raise your awareness about the impact of the opioid crisis that is right in your backyard, whether you know it or not. When your head comes out of the sand, you can learn how to prevent misuse and prevent the disaster that could happen to you.Learn more about the warning signs of addiction and how to prevent substance abuse below.Read More Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Blog Article
The Unseen Threat: Fentanyl Lacing in Commonly Abused Drugs
The current opioid crisis gripping the United States and other parts of the world is a stark reminder of the destructive power of addiction. However, an even more insidious threat lies beneath the surface: the lacing of commonly abused drugs with fentanyl. This synthetic opioid, up to 100 times ...
The current opioid crisis gripping the United States and other parts of the world is a stark reminder of the destructive power of addiction. However, an even more insidious threat lies beneath the surface: the lacing of commonly abused drugs with fentanyl. This synthetic opioid, up to 100 times more potent than morphine, presents a significant public health hazard. The Growing Epidemic of Fentanyl-Contaminated Substances Understanding Fentanyl  Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid used medically to manage severe pain, such as advanced cancer pain. However, its potency and euphoric effects have led to its misuse. Illicitly produced fentanyl and its analogs are often mixed with heroin or cocaine, significantly increasing their potency and potential for overdose. The Impact of Fentanyl on Public Health The impact of fentanyl on public health has been devastating. In 2018, nearly 70% of the 67,367 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. involved an opioid, with synthetic opioids, primarily illicitly manufactured fentanyl, being the most common drug involved. The problem has escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a 38% increase in synthetic opioid-involved overdose deaths for the 12-month period ending June 2020 compared to the previous 12-month period. The Severity of Overdose Cases The risk of overdose increases significantly when fentanyl is added to other drugs. Because it is so potent, even a tiny amount can cause an overdose. Moreover, people often don't know that the drugs they're using are laced with fentanyl, leading to accidental overdoses. Fentanyl Lacing in Commonly Abused Drugs Fentanyl is increasingly being found in other drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, and counterfeit pills disguised as common prescription medications. This is particularly concerning because people who use these drugs may not have any tolerance to opioids, making them highly susceptible to an overdose. Identifying and Avoiding Laced DrugsIdentifying laced drugs can be difficult, as fentanyl is often mixed into drugs or pressed into pills without changing their appearance. However, several harm reduction strategies can help reduce the risk: Use test strips: Fentanyl test strips can detect the presence of fentanyl in drugs. Never use alone: If an overdose occurs, having someone present can call for help. Carry naloxone: Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose and save a life. Conclusion The fentanyl crisis underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address substance abuse and addiction. As we continue to grapple with this issue, let's strive to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl-laced drugs and take action to protect ourselves and our communities. References: : If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Learning the Hard Way
Learning Hard Lessons from the Tobacco Settlement "As state and local officials weigh proposed multibillion-dollar settlements to resolve cases against Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson, and other drug companies in the U.S. opioid epidemic, public health experts have noted a cautionary tale ...
Learning Hard Lessons from the Tobacco Settlement"As state and local officials weigh proposed multibillion-dollar settlements to resolve cases against Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson, and other drug companies in the U.S. opioid epidemic, public health experts have noted a cautionary tale contained in the past and present of an even larger agreement.In an interview with the Gazette, Brandt, the Amalie Moses Kass Professor of the History of Medicine and a professor of the history of science, looked back on the Big Tobacco deal and shared his views on the best strategy for distributing funds from pending opioid settlements.Read the Article
Understanding Opioid Settlement Spending Plans Across States: Key Components and Approaches
Unlocking the Key Components of the Opioid Settlement Agreements Article by by Sam Mermin, Rebekah Falkner, Katie Greene "To understand common challenges and promising practices for state leaders in opioid settlement planning and spending, NASHP is engaging key state leaders across the country to ...
Unlocking the Key Components of the Opioid Settlement AgreementsArticle by by Sam Mermin, Rebekah Falkner, Katie Greene"To understand common challenges and promising practices for state leaders in opioid settlement planning and spending, NASHP is engaging key state leaders across the country to understand the structure and status of their current opioid settlement planning activities. NASHP is also analyzing governing materials and entities such as state legislation, opioid settlement agreements and spending plans, advisory committees, and other entities charged with disbursing state funding, as referenced in NASHP's tracker.  With many states still establishing processes and administrative structures to guide settlement spending, understanding key responsibilities outlined in settlement agreements and how different states have approached planning can help support states in promoting greater transparency, coordination, and efficacy of opioid settlement spending."Read the Article
Web Page
Opioid Settlement Tracker Website
Online Resource Guide to Opioid Litigation Settlements From the website: " is written and produced by Christine Minhee . She tracks opioid settlements and states' opioid settlement spending plans to discover whether funds from the opioid litigation will indeed be ...
Online Resource Guide to Opioid Litigation SettlementsFrom the website:" is written and produced by Christine Minhee. She tracks opioid settlements and states' opioid settlement spending plans to discover whether funds from the opioid litigation will indeed be spent to bolster the public health response to drug use. Christine originally launched this site in 2019 as a Soros Justice Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the University of Washington School of Law, where she co-authored "The Cure for America's Opioid Crisis? End the War on Drugs" (Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, with Steve P. Calandrillo, Kim Kardashian's favorite Barbri instructor). She now uses the data she has amassed to assist governments and select non-profit organizations better understand the opioid settlement landscape. She specifically advocates for harm reduction uses of funds. She is a Dean's Medal winner from UW Law, holds a B.A. from Stanford University, and is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism's Publishing Course."Visit Opioid Settlement Tracker
Overdose Rates Skyrocket During the Pandemic
Overdose Rates Skyrocket During the Pandemic More than 106,000 persons in the U.S. died from drug-involved overdose in 2021, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids. The figure above is a bar and line graph showing the total number of U.S. drug overdose deaths involving select illicit or ...
Overdose Rates Skyrocket During the PandemicMore than 106,000 persons in the U.S. died from drug-involved overdose in 2021, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids. The figure above is a bar and line graph showing the total number of U.S. drug overdose deaths involving select illicit or prescription drugs from 1999 to 2021. The bars are overlaid by lines showing the number of deaths by gender from 1999 to 2021 Read the Article
The Other Prescription Drug Problem: 'Benzos' Like Valium and Xanax
In her article Temma Ehrenfeld says, "We've heard plenty about the opioid epidemic. But there's another less recognized prescription drug problem: benzodiazepines like Ativan, Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. While doctors are prescribing fewer painkillers, prescriptions for these anti-anxiety drugs ...
Addiction, benzos, prescription pills, valium, xanax
In her article Temma Ehrenfeld says,"We've heard plenty about the opioid epidemic. But there's another less recognized prescription drug problem: benzodiazepines like Ativan, Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. While doctors are prescribing fewer painkillers, prescriptions for these anti-anxiety drugs are still going up."This article discusses the dangers of benzos and how they are often being overprescribed leading to abuse. Read the full article
The Connection Between Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness
Substance Misuse & Mental Health Disorders are Connected According to NIDA, "Many individuals who develop substance use disorders (SUD) are also diagnosed with mental disorders, and vice versa. Multiple national population surveys have found that about half of those who experience a mental ...
Addiction, Alcohol, Drugs, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Substance Abuse
Substance Misuse & Mental Health Disorders are ConnectedAccording to NIDA, "Many individuals who develop substance use disorders (SUD) are also diagnosed with mental disorders, and vice versa. Multiple national population surveys have found that about half of those who experience a mental illness during their lives will also experience a substance use disorder and vice versa. Although there are fewer studies on comorbidity among youth, research suggests that adolescents with substance use disorders also have high rates of co-occurring mental illness; over 60 percent of adolescents in community-based substance use disorder treatment programs also meet diagnostic criteria for another mental illness."This article explains the comorbidity between substance use disorders and mental illness. Read the Article
Blog Article
The Advantages of Virtual Care in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment
In an increasingly digital world, it's no surprise that healthcare services have also taken a technological turn. One of the most prominent shifts is the rise of virtual care, especially in mental health and addiction treatment. Virtual care platforms have revolutionized the way we approach these ...
In an increasingly digital world, it's no surprise that healthcare services have also taken a technological turn. One of the most prominent shifts is the rise of virtual care, especially in mental health and addiction treatment. Virtual care platforms have revolutionized the way we approach these issues, providing myriad benefits that address many traditional barriers to care. Exploring the Multifaceted Advantages of Virtual Care in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Breaking Down Barriers Virtual care eliminates many obstacles that patients often face when seeking traditional mental health and addiction treatment. A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) suggests that virtual care provides similar or even better outcomes compared to in-person therapies.One significant hurdle that virtual care overcomes is stigma. Many individuals hesitate to seek help due to fear of societal judgment. By offering greater discretion for patients, virtual care ensures that individuals can access the help they need privately and confidently.Another barrier that virtual care tackles is geographical distance. Not everyone lives within easy reach of a healthcare facility or specialist. Virtual care makes it possible for individuals living in remote areas to access high-quality mental health and addiction treatment services. Affordability and Accessibility Virtual care also addresses the issue of affordability. Traditional therapy and addiction treatments can be costly, deterring many from pursuing the help they need. However, online therapy platforms offer more affordable options, making treatment more accessible to a larger population.Furthermore, virtual care ensures constant accessibility. Many virtual care platforms provide 24/7 monitoring and mental healthcare, allowing patients to reach out whenever they require assistance. This instant access to necessary resources is invaluable for individuals dealing with mental health issues or addiction. Personalized and Consistent Care Virtual care is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It allows for personalized care, tailored to each patient's unique needs. This aspect is crucial in treating mental health conditions and addictions, as every individual's journey is different.Consistency is another advantage of virtual care. Regular check-ins and therapy sessions are essential for recovery. With virtual care, patients can maintain consistent contact with their healthcare providers, ensuring they stay on track with their treatment plan. Leveraging Virtual Care To fully benefit from virtual care, individuals should ensure they have a stable internet connection and a private space for their online sessions. It's also crucial to research and choose a reputable virtual care platform that aligns with one's specific needs.Several credible platforms offer virtual care services, such as Talkspace, BetterHelp, and Headspace. These platforms have qualified professionals who provide a range of services, from cognitive-behavioral therapy to mindfulness meditation. Conclusion Virtual care offers a promising solution to the challenges faced in mental health and addiction treatment. It breaks down traditional barriers, offers affordability and accessibility, and provides personalized and consistent care. As technology continues to advance, we can expect virtual care to become an even more integral part of our healthcare system. References: : https://www.marylandrecovery.c...: If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of mental health issues or addiction, Interact Lifeline is here to help. We are committed to providing easily accessible, effective, and affordable treatment options. Don't let geographical constraints or societal stigma deter you from seeking the help you deserve. Reach out to us for more information about our digital mental health and addiction treatment services. Your path to recovery can start today. Connect with us at Interact Lifeline, and let's take the first step towards healing together. Get in Touch Get Started with InterAct LifeLine InterAct connects individuals to treatment, supportcommunities & families to improve recovery. Get in Touch
Learn the Fentanyl Facts
Powerful, Potent, Deadly From the national organization that organized May 9, 2023 Fentanyl Awareness Day, "Illicitly manufactured fentanyl and its dangers, while well-documented by health professionals and law enforcement, are largely unknown to the general population and even more so to ...
Powerful, Potent, Deadly From the national organization that organized May 9, 2023 Fentanyl Awareness Day, "Illicitly manufactured fentanyl and its dangers, while well-documented by health professionals and law enforcement, are largely unknown to the general population and even more so to its most vulnerable population: youth and young adults. According to the CDC, fentanyl is involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 than any other cause of death, including heart disease, cancer, and all other accidents. Among teenagers, overdose deaths linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl tripled in the past two years, yet 73% have never heard of fake prescription pills being made with fentanyl." Learn the Facts It's Killing Young People Fentanyl is involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 than any other cause of death, including heart disease, cancer, and all other accidents. Young People Are Not Informed Among teenagers, overdose deaths linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl tripled in the past two years, yet 73% have never heard of fake prescription pills being made with fentanyl." Fentanyl Is a Powerful & Deadly Synthetic Opioid Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. It isa major contributor to fatal and nonfatal overdoses in the U.S.(CDC) Overdose Deaths are Skyrocketing 250 Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Each DayImagine a jumbo jet crashing each day killing everyone on board.  Now you see the number of people that die daily because they made a mistake and were poisoned by fentanyl. Know the Facts It is important for people to know about the risks of fentanyl because it is a highly potent synthetic opioid that is extremely dangerous. Fentanyl is estimated to be 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and even a small amount can cause an overdose or death. Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, and can be difficult to detect. It is also sometimes sold as counterfeit pills or mixed into other drugs without the user's knowledge. Due to the potency of fentanyl and its prevalence in the illicit drug market, it has become a leading cause of drug overdose deaths in many countries, including the United States and Canada. Education and awareness about the risks of fentanyl are crucial in preventing overdose deaths and reducing the harm associated with drug use. LifeLine Connect Building technology to use data from wearables to detect overdose, alert others and send help to prevent fentanyl overdose deaths. Learn More
The Business of Fentanyl
Powerful, Potent, Profitable This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the Opioid Crisis, but over the last ...
Powerful, Potent, Profitable This April, over 3,000 people gathered in Atlanta from across the country, as they have done for the past 12 years, to focus on how to mitigate the impact that illegal drugs have had on our society. We've all heard about the Opioid Crisis, but over the last few years, fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been the game changer that has been an inflection point to make the Opioid Crisis more deadly than it's ever been. Many of the sessions were focused on harm reduction strategies like the distribution of Narcan, the drug to reverse overdose, prevention strategies to raise people's awareness of the risks, or legal strategies to toughen the penalties for distributing the drug. One of the more enlightening sessions came from the DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency, who took us through an explanation of the "business of fentanyl". Fentanyl is Lucrative for the Drug Cartels What is fentanyl? For those of you who may not be familiar with the drug, it's a synthetic opioid and about 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times more powerful that morphine. It's added to counterfeit Adderall or Xanax , laced into heroin, added to cocaine and even to put gummies. And if added in the wrong quantities, which it often is, then a very small amount of the drug almost always leads to a fatal overdose.  According to the DEA, 6 of 10 counterfeit pills they confiscate contain a lethal dose of fentanyl. Why do the cartels love it? Drug cartels don't get out of bed in the morning unless they can make a profit. And fentanyl is highly profitable. Let's think about what it takes to produce other drugs and how this is different for fentanyl. If you want to produce heroin, cocaine, or marijuana, you must start by growing a plant. That takes land, farming, harvesting and processing and you could lose your crop to weather, to your fields being destroyed or to a lack of local labor. Now contrast that with how fentanyl is produced. There are no plants involved, no growing seasons and no risk that drug enforcement will find and destroy your fields. It's synthetic, made in a lab or even in your kitchen and the ingredients are dirt cheap. The cartels get fentanyl from China, then use the powder to mix into other street drugs like heroin, cocaine or counterfeit pills.Deep Dive with PBS News Hour So why juice up other drugs with fentanyl? Fentanyl is much more potent that heroin, by about 50 times, and it's much more addictive. Add fentanyl to another drug and the person gets a new kind of high and a more powerful addiction to the substance. Cartels need their customers to keep coming back for more and a much more addictive substance ensures they will keep buying. Why is fentanyl easier to smuggle? You've seen video and news reports when drug enforcement confiscate heroin that they've seized at the border, transported by sea, or trucked in. Those big bales take up a lot of space and the cartel had to go to significant effort to conceal them. Fentanyl, as a stand-alone substance, before it is ever mixed into another drug comes in much smaller quantities because of its potency. That means it's easier to transport, easier to hide and easier to get into the country. The DEA shared that there is already enough fentanyl in the United States to kill every man, woman and child 5 times over. How do you stop the fentanyl money machine? Just like any business, cartels depend on repeat customers who are motivated to use a fentanyl laced product, get hooked on its powerful addictive qualities, and keep coming back for more. If demand is cut because people become aware of the elevated and deadly overdose risk, we just might reduce the number of repeat customers, reduce profit and send the cartels back to their more traditional, but less deadly drug trade. Make it less lucrative for the cartels If fentanyl took off because it was a lucrative business decision for the cartels, we need to find ways to make it less lucrative by cutting the supply from China, making it harder to transport to the customer, and decreasing the number of repeat buyers of contaminated products. If those things happen, there will be a pivot to something else by the cartels with the hope that their next business venture doesn't keep killing the customers that drive their profits. LifeLine Connect Building technology to use data from wearables to detect overdose, alert others and send help to prevent fentanyl overdose deaths. Learn More
Lessons from the Tragic Tale of Paul Murdaugh
I took a break today at lunch and turned on the Netflix 3-part series, The Murdaugh Murders, a Southern Scandal. You'd have to be living under a rock not to be inundated with the sensational trial of Alex Murdaugh, a prominent South Carolina attorney, now on trial for the murder of his wife Maggie ...
I took a break today at lunch and turned on the Netflix 3-part series, The Murdaugh Murders, a Southern Scandal. You'd have to be living under a rock not to be inundated with the sensational trial of Alex Murdaugh, a prominent South Carolina attorney, now on trial for the murder of his wife Maggie and son Paul.But if all you takeaway from this sensationalized story is a "who dun it" crime, then you are missing a tragic tale of what happens when you have a family history of underage drinking, substance misuse and addiction that decimated this family and tragically affected the people around them.I encourage you to watch the series, but pay particular attention to how it all started with Paul Murdaugh in Episode 1 and what can be learned from their family tragedy that applies to millions of other families. Image from Paul Murdaugh started drinking at a very young age In the Netflix documentary, episode 1chronicles how Paul drank daily and to excess.  According to Morgan Doughty, Paul's ex-girlfriend, Paul drank alcohol almost every day as a teenager, often becoming grossly intoxicated.  In the documentary, Morgan details the Murdaugh family holidays, get togethers and vacations where underage drinking was an accepted part of their family dynamics. So was Paul on the way to becoming an alcoholic and an addict?  The statistics on that are quite frightening.  The adolescent brain continues to form until about the age of 26 and for many adolescents, excessive abuse of alcohol or substances has the potential to "rewire" the brain to pursue those substances in the face of increasingly negative consequences.  From everything I see, Paul was likely in the throws of addiction before he even left high school. Evidence Photo They all knew and turned a blind eye. The Murdaugh family made it easier for Paul and his friends to get alcohol and engage in some heavy partying in high school.  Morgan Doughty said his parents handed over their credit card for Paul to buy alcohol and alternatively would even give Paul alcohol to party with his friends  Paul's older brother and parents knew he was using his brother's ID to buy liquor and beer.And Paul wasn't just drinking, he was blitzed.  There are videos showing him bombed on boat trips, at parties, and at his house in plain view of his parents who often joined in the festivities with him.   Evidence Photo Paul's reckless behavior, fueled by alcohol, lead to tragedy One tragic night, 3 teenage couples got together for a ride in Paul's boat to an oyster roast.  Heavy drinking began early and accelerated as the teenagers attended the party and ended up at a bar.  Before they even left the oyster roast, everyone was concerned that Paul, the driver of the boat, was blitzed, but they got in the boat anyway to go home. The boat crashed into a bridge near Parris Island, sending  passengers flying overboard and killing Mallory Beach, the girlfriend of one of Paul's best friends.Paul allegedly used a credit card belonging to his mother, and an ID belonging to his brother Buster to purchase alcohol from a convenience store earlier that day. Substance misuse and addiction seems to run in the Murdaugh family According to reports on CNN, Alex Murdaugh's best friend testified that Murdaugh told him that he had been addicted to opioids for 20 years, potentially driving him to steal money from his law firm to feed his expensive daily habit.  If Alex's admitted addiction to opioids pans out to be true, it certainly made it more likely that Paul might follow in his footsteps.Addiction runs in families.  The American Addiction Centers Resource (AACR) states that first-degree relatives of someone with a history of addiction are between 4 to 8 times more likely to develop problems with addiction themselves when compared to those who do not have a family member with an addiction.  Couple a genetic predisposition to addiction along with underage drinking and you have a deadly combination that stacked the deck against Paul. A broken community system failed Paul and contributed to the tragedy The officers did not offer Paul Murdaugh a field sobriety test when they responded to the deadly boat crash, even though he was visibly drunk.  Although Paul was charged with two counts of boating under the influence, his family helped him easily bond out and while awaiting trial the state did not restrict him from drinking alcohol or driving a boat.  Paul's blood alcohol tests came back showing he was 3 times over the legal limit, yet even after the accident, it appears nobody suggested that he get help. The Net Out South Carolina Attorney General's OfficeWe are not here to debate whether Alex killed Paul and his mother Maggie.  Our job is to look at what lead up to Paul's alcohol abuse and the tragic death of his friend Mallory Beach.  Paul drank heavily as a kid, did so at home and with the blessing of his parents, had his drinking funded by his parents' credit card, and was observed many times by his family and friends being grossly intoxicated.For any parent that thinks its cool to party with their teenagers or their friends, let this be a lesson.  You never know which kid will become addicted, what they will do when they are blitzed out of their mind, and the unintended consequences and tragedies that may result.  Paul Murdaugh, if given the help he needed for his compulsive drinking, might still be alive today and his friend Mallory might be attending college instead of being a statistic.
Understanding PTSD and Substance Use
From the infographic: 27% of Veterans in VA care diagnosed with PTSD also have substance use disorder(SUD)
Addiction, Alcohol, Drugs, Mental Health, Ptsd, Substance Abuse, veterans
From the infographic: 27% of Veterans in VA care diagnosed with PTSD also have substance use disorder(SUD)
Basic Life Skills Your Student Needs Before Going to College
According to College Parents of America, "College is a time where young adults go off into the "real world" and begin to become adults. There are many skills that we assume these young adults have, but they may not know how to apply them in their own environment. These skills may seem obvious to ...
adolescent, adulthood, adulting, College, life, parent, Skills
According to College Parents of America, "College is a time where young adults go off into the "real world" and begin to become adults. There are many skills that we assume these young adults have, but they may not know how to apply them in their own environment. These skills may seem obvious to us, but in order to set our students up for success, we need to make sure they are prepared."This article lists a number of important life skills every young adult should have before going to college. Read the full article
Addiction Recovery: 7 Reasons Why Mindfulness is Such an Effective Treatment
The Center for Mindful Psychotherapy describes mindfulness as "a state of being in the present moment. We release the regrets of the past and we take a break from our fears about the future. Life unfolds in the here and now and mindfulness helps us accept and understand this."Mindfulness has become ...
Addiction, meditation, Mindfulness, practice, Recovery, Strategy
The Center for Mindful Psychotherapy describes mindfulness as "a state of being in the present moment. We release the regrets of the past and we take a break from our fears about the future. Life unfolds in the here and now and mindfulness helps us accept and understand this."Mindfulness has become a go to treatment for all kinds of addiction including addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, food, internet, and more. This article gives 7 reasons why mindfulness is an effective treatment for addiction recovery. Read the full article
How Opioid Addiction Occurs
According to The Mayo Clinic, "Anyone who takes opioids is at risk of developing addiction. Your personal history and the length of time you use opioids play a role, but it's impossible to predict who's vulnerable to eventual dependence on and abuse of these drugs. Legal or illegal, stolen and ...
Addiction, Drugs, epidemic, Fentanyl, Heroin, opioid, Overdose, Science
According to The Mayo Clinic, "Anyone who takes opioids is at risk of developing addiction. Your personal history and the length of time you use opioids play a role, but it's impossible to predict who's vulnerable to eventual dependence on and abuse of these drugs. Legal or illegal, stolen and shared, these drugs are responsible for the majority of overdose deaths in the U.S. today."This article discusses how even short-term pain relief can lead to life threatening problems.Read the full article
Mental Health: Keeping Your Emotional Health
According to, "Emotional health is an important part of your life. It allows you to realize your full potential. You can work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. It helps you work with other people and contribute to society. It also affects your physical ...
Emotion, emotional health, Health, Mental Health, self care
According to, "Emotional health is an important part of your life. It allows you to realize your full potential. You can work productively and cope with the stresses of everyday life. It helps you work with other people and contribute to society. It also affects your physical health. Research shows a link between an upbeat mental state and physical signs of good health. These include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and a healthier weight."This article discusses the importance of maintaining good emotional health. Read the full article
Shame: The Core of Addiction and Codependency
According to Darlene Lancer, "Shame is so painful to the psyche that most people will do anything to avoid it, even though it's a natural emotion that everyone has. It's a physiologic response of the autonomic nervous system. You might blush, have a rapid heartbeat, break into a sweat, freeze, hang ...
Addiction, Alcohol, codependency, Drugs, Recovery, Shame
According to Darlene Lancer, "Shame is so painful to the psyche that most people will do anything to avoid it, even though it's a natural emotion that everyone has. It's a physiologic response of the autonomic nervous system. You might blush, have a rapid heartbeat, break into a sweat, freeze, hang your head, slump your shoulders, avoid eye contact, withdraw, even get dizzy or nauseous."This article discusses how shame can lead to addiction and is the core feeling that leads to many other codependents' symptoms.Read the full article
Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Recovering Family Members and Friends
According to Peter Gaumond, "This time each year can be stressful for anyone, but the holidays present a special challenge for people recovering from an addiction. Those in long-term recovery typically are adept at navigating the minefield of temptation at holiday social gatherings. But many of ...
Christmas, Family, holidays, Recovery, Thanksgiving
According to Peter Gaumond,"This time each year can be stressful for anyone, but the holidays present a special challenge for people recovering from an addiction. Those in long-term recovery typically are adept at navigating the minefield of temptation at holiday social gatherings. But many of those in their first year of recovery, their friends, and family members wonder how best to celebrate the holidays safely, comfortably, and joyously."Read this article to learn how to help those in recovery get through the holidays.Read the full article
Why are the Holidays so Stressful to People in Addiction Recovery?
According to Elizabeth Brico, "Holidays are notoriously stressful for everyone, and especially so for people newly in addiction recovery (or even people who have been in recovery or remission for a long time). Many people relapse during the holidays-so it's crucial that you provide extra support ...
Addiction, holidays, insights, Recovery, Stress
According to Elizabeth Brico,"Holidays are notoriously stressful for everyone, and especially so for people newly in addiction recovery (or even people who have been in recovery or remission for a long time). Many people relapse during the holidays-so it's crucial that you provide extra support to your loved one during this time."Read this article to learn about why holidays can be so stressful for people in addiction recovery, so that you can better understand and help a loved on in recovery.Read the full article
Recognizing Alcoholism as a Disease
In his article Buddy T says, "One of the difficulties in recognizing alcoholism as a disease is it just plain doesn't seem like one. It doesn't look, sound, smell and it certainly doesn't act like a disease. To make matters worse, generally, it denies it exists and resists treatment." This ...
Addiction, Alcohol, Alcoholism, Disease
In his article Buddy T says,"One of the difficulties in recognizing alcoholism as a disease is it just plain doesn't seem like one. It doesn't look, sound, smell and it certainly doesn't act like a disease. To make matters worse, generally, it denies it exists and resists treatment."This article discusses the neurobiology of alcoholism. Read the full article
Opioid Misuse in Rural America
Opioid Misuse Hits Rural America Hard "As of March 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that drug overdose death rates continue to rise in both rural and urban areas. In five states, California, Connecticut, North Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia, the rate of drug-overdose ...
Opioid Misuse Hits Rural America Hard"As of March 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that drug overdose death rates continue to rise in both rural and urban areas. In five states, California, Connecticut, North Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia, the rate of drug-overdose deaths in rural counties were higher than those in urban counties. In addition, a December 2017 survey by the National Farmers Union and the American Farm Bureau Federation found that as many as 74 percent of farmers have been directly impacted by the opioid crisis."Read the Article