Understanding Opioid Settlement Spending Plans Across States: Key Components and Approaches
Article by the National Academy for State Health Policy, December 8, 2022

Unlocking the Key Components of the Opioid Settlement Agreements
Article by by Sam Mermin, Rebekah Falkner, Katie Greene
"To understand common challenges and promising practices for state leaders in opioid settlement planning and spending, NASHP is engaging key state leaders across the country to understand the structure and status of their current opioid settlement planning activities. NASHP is also analyzing governing materials and entities such as state legislation, opioid settlement agreements and spending plans, advisory committees, and other entities charged with disbursing state funding, as referenced in NASHP's tracker. With many states still establishing processes and administrative structures to guide settlement spending, understanding key responsibilities outlined in settlement agreements and how different states have approached planning can help support states in promoting greater transparency, coordination, and efficacy of opioid settlement spending."