A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs
Article from KFF by Heather Saunders, Madeline Guth, and Gina Eckart
In the face of rising mental health issues and substance use disorders, the healthcare industry is exploring new strategies to optimize the provision of behavioral health services. The article delves into the efforts of state Medicaid programs in reducing administrative burdens, incentivizing provider participation, and expanding the workforce to improve access to vital behavioral health services. It highlights the strategies employed by states, including prompt payment policies and financial incentives for integrated care, all of which are designed to improve patient outcomes.
The article underscores the importance of strategic planning and robust financial management, facilitated by ContinuumCloud's HCM platform, patient engagement platform, and EHR software.
In my opinion, the article reveals the significant strides being made in healthcare, particularly in the domain of behavioral health. It underscores the importance of system-level changes to ensure that healthcare providers and organizations are well-equipped to meet the burgeoning demand for behavioral health services. The proactive approach adopted by Medicaid is commendable; however, it's worth noting that the effectiveness of these strategies hinges on rigorous, continuous evaluation and necessary adjustments based on the findings.
Here are our key takeaways from the article:
- States are implementing strategies to reduce provider administrative burdens, which may result in higher rates of Medicaid acceptance.
- Centralized or standardized credentialing has been recognized as a popular strategy to streamline administrative processes.
- Prompt payment policies and financial incentives are being employed to encourage provider participation in integrated physical and behavioral healthcare.
- Less than one-fifth of responding states have currently integrated physical and behavioral healthcare, indicating room for growth in this area.
- Efforts are ongoing to strengthen the workforce through initiatives like student loan repayment programs, outreach, and clinical supervision.
- Massachusetts and Washington are spearheading workforce growth efforts through innovative initiatives such as campaigning for behavioral health careers and offering student loan repayments.
- While the majority of states have prompt payment policies, fewer states offer financial incentives for integrated care.
- The Consolidated Appropriations Act passed by Congress aims to increase the number of psychiatry residency positions and reduce barriers to treatment.
- Provisions in the Act emphasize additional training for prescribers of controlled substances, highlighting the importance of continual learning in healthcare.
- The Act also includes provisions to improve the accuracy and usability of Medicaid provider directories, directly addressing one of the major challenges in mental health care access.

A Look at Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs
From KFF by Heather Saunders, Madeline Guth, and Gina Eckart
"The pandemic has exacerbated mental health and substance use issues and 90% of Americans believe the nation is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Despite increases in need, data show that treatment rates across all payers are low. Documented workforce challenges contribute to barriers in access to care and nearly half of the US population - 47% or 158 million people - living in a mental health workforce shortage area. Behavioral health conditions (i.e. mental health and substance use disorders) are most prevalent in Medicaid enrollees, with data from 2020 showing that approximately 39% of Medicaid enrollees were living with a mental health or substance use disorder. Workforce challenges are widespread and go beyond Medicaid, but shortages may be exacerbated in Medicaid. On average, only 36% of psychiatrists accept new Medicaid patients - lower compared to other payers and compared to rates for physicians overall (71%). Even when providers accept Medicaid, they may only take a few patients or may not be presently taking new Medicaid patients. There is attention at the federal level to address workforce shortages-and states are also taking action to address these issues for Medicaid enrollees and more broadly. The Consolidated Appropriations Act passed in December 2022 authorized additional provisions to address workforce shortages, including new psychiatry residency positions, removal of additional requirements for providers who want to prescribe certain medications for opioid use disorder (OUD), requirements for improved Medicaid provider directories, and new funds that can be used toward workforce initiatives for peer support providers."
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