Bridging the Gap: A Turning Point in Addiction Treatment
From InterAct LifeLine

Infographic Overview: Pioneering Changes in Addiction Treatment
This powerful infographic encapsulates the harsh reality of treatment accessibility for millions grappling with substance use disorders globally. It highlights the alarming statistics indicating the dire need for more accessible treatment options. Despite many people suffering from these disorders, only a fraction receive necessary treatment. Those in addiction treatment can also struggle with relapse, with high rates for those suffering from substance use disorders and opioid addiction.
However, web-based treatments have been shown to be as effective as in-person therapy. These virtual care solutions offer higher abstinence rates, significant reductions in relapse, increased treatment adherence, and high patient satisfaction.
InterAct LifeLine's virtual care program is a game-changer in the landscape of addiction treatment and for those on the path to recovery, making it an essential tool for understanding the current challenges and prospective solutions in substance abuse treatment.
Get Started with InterAct LifeLine
InterAct offers virtual care solutions to treatment programs for extended care after in-patient treatment, family support programs and intensive outpatient services.