New Study: Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage Will Negatively Impact Society
Article in The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
The mental health field is facing a serious lack of staff, and this issue is expected to worsen by 2025. The shortage is causing a lot of stress, with almost all mental health workers feeling burnt out. The industry suggests solutions like more online health services, training programs, and forgiving student loans to ease the burden. This shortage is a serious issue that needs immediate and creative solutions to ensure people can access mental health and addiction services.
Here at InterAct LifeLine, we understand how important it is to address this staff shortage to maintain societal well-being. The strong dedication of mental health workers is praiseworthy but won't last unless we fix the system-wide problems. It's crucial that everyone involved in the industry, from those making policies to those providing care, work together to put these solutions into action.
Here are our key takeaways from the article:
- There is a projected shortfall of about 31,000 mental health practitioners by 2025.
- The prevalence of burnout, with 93% of workers affected and 62% suffering from moderate to severe levels.
- The negative impact of administrative tasks on client care and worker well-being.
- Growing concerns about societal impacts due to impaired access to care.
- Potential solutions such as more telehealth services, apprenticeship programs, and student loan forgiveness.
- The critical need for improved recruitment and retention strategies in the field.
- The importance of promoting self-care among current behavioral health workers.
- The value of bipartisan policymaker engagement to tackle workforce challenges.
- The essential role of the behavioral health workforce in navigating health crises.

New Study: Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage Will Negatively Impact Society
From The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
"New survey data from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, conducted by The Harris Poll, finds that the vast majority (83%) of the nation's behavioral health workforce believes that without public policy changes, provider organizations won't be able to meet the demand for mental health or substance use treatment and care. The survey, conducted among 750 behavioral health workers and more than 2,000 U.S. adults, also warns of a potential exodus of behavioral health workers due to burnout."
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