Family Support Guide » Adding Members

Adding Members

Add participants in your program to the site as members.


Members can be added to a site through the registration process, added manually by a site administrator, or added from an external source through an API integration.

Key Features

Member CRM

The custom CRM holds data on members and can be easily adjusted by adding or changing fields.

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Add & Manage Members

Add new members individually, upload them in bulk, or use the member application for members to be added automatically.

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Member Types

Establish member types to allow for differing levels of access and customizable dashboards for your participants.

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How To Create A New Member

Add a member and select their member type to determine their experience.

Add Members

Find Members

Select "Members" from the navigation bar, then "Add & Manage" and click to "Add New".

Enter Information

Enter the individual's name and email along with any other fields to keep data on that individual.

Select Member Type

Select the member type of the individual.

Set Member Status

Set the member status to 'Accepted' to allow them access right away, or 'Pending' to save their data to grant them access at a later date.

Send Welcome Email

Send a welcome email to allow the individual to set their password and enter the portal.

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