Family Support Guide » Site Options
Site Options
Portal features can be easily changed and customized in Site Options.

Portals come with all features set up, but a portal administrator can change them at any point ensuring that the technology remains user-friendly and relevant. This not only enhances the administrator's control over the portal but also maximizes its effectiveness in meeting the diverse and dynamic needs of the families it serves.
Key Features

Turnkey Setup
Portals come complete with all features set up so you can use the portal right away.

No Technical Skills
Anyone can change the features in site options with no technical skills or special training needed.

Easy Instructions
Each feature has easy to understand instructions with an online knowledgebase available.
Site Options

Access Control
Display some elements of your portal to the public to promote the family support program and keep the program available to families that login.

Customize Appearance
Add your logo, custom fonts and button colors, and update the site footer with social media and other links.

Schedule an announcement to appear across every page of the portal with optional hyperlinks.

Post Options
Create custom data tags for content, event, and session posts to make it easier for individuals to search.

Personal Calendars
Set up different event and meeting types to appear on personal calendars.

Turn on a directory for participants to find each other and customize the data that is displayed.

Embed Code
Add embed code to the footer or header for advanced analytics or embedding other applications.

Promotional Points
Turn on promotional points for scavenger hunts or other gamification activities to reward participation.

Change the terms used to describe elements on the site such as "member" or "post".

Translation is turned on for individuals to view text in the language they prefer.

Social Sharing
Turn on social sharing so that content can be shared on social media outlets.

Set a default header & footer for all emails.